School Leadership Team Bylaws Adopted April 2016
I. Introduction
The School Leadership Team can be comprised of the principal, teachers, parents and other community-based organization members. Traditionally, the primary purpose is to formulate the school’s Comprehensive Education Program (also known as the CEP) and support programs with a school budget. With the collaboration of parents, teachers and administration, the Team addresses school-related issues and uses its available resources to resolve them.
II. Mission Statement
The mission of the School Leadership Team is to facilitate, encourage and nurture the educational, emotional and social well-being of P.S.115’s students. Through a collaborative process the SLT will be proactive in generating ideas that support student growth and development.
Initiatives will include:
- Developing and implementing programs that enhance and support academic achievement.
- Developing an array of activities for students that develop self-esteem, creativity and foster positive peer relationships.
- Recognition and celebration of achievement.
- Developing, monitoring and evaluating the Comprehensive Education Plan for the school.
III. Implementation of the Bylaws
The bylaws will take effect 2/14/2016. The bylaws can be amended by a consensus agreement at two consecutive meetings of the team. Amendments to the bylaws can be made at any time. Formal review of the bylaws will take place every four (4) years. The next review of the bylaws is tentatively scheduled for April 2020.
IV. Team Membership
- Number of Team Members: The School Leadership Team (hereafter noted as the SLT) will consist of between ten (10) to twelve (12) members and two (2) alternates for each constituency.
- Team Membership: The Team members will consist of the principal, the United Federation of Teachers (hereafter noted as the UFT) representative, the Parent Teacher Association (hereafter noted as the PTA) president, parents, and faculty as elected by their constituencies and may also include school-based community organization members. There will be an equal number of staff and parent members on the Team. Parent representatives must have a child attending the school and may not be employed by the school. Members of school-based community organizations that are on the Team are not eligible to participate in consensus decision making. Members who are unable to attend a meeting must request an alternate or designee in their place. The Principal, PTA chairperson, and UFT representative are the only members who select designees. Alternates are called upon by all other SLT members.
- Selection of Members: The Principal, PTA president, and UFT chapter leaders are team members based on their positions. The UFT chapter leader is elected by members of the UFT chapter. Likewise, the PTA president is elected by the members of the PTA. The parent constituency of the PTA, in accordance with the organization’s bylaws, will elect parents; teachers will be elected by the UFT chapter, in agreement with the chapter membership. Officers (co-chairs, treasurer, recording secretary, and hospitality secretary) will be selected by the Team from nominations and/or volunteers as warranted. Selection will be made through consensus decision making after discussion by the Team.
- Term of Office: The principal, UFT chapter leader and PTA president serve on the Team as long as they hold their respective positions. The term of office for all other Team members and alternates is a term of three (3) years. Members may be re-elected to the Team after their term of three (3) years has been served. Officers will hold positions for one (1) year; they can be re-elected or elected to new positions the following year.
- Expectations of Team Members: SLT members are expected to work cooperatively to provide the best educational environment for each student and to promote an exchange of ideas between the administration, faculty and PTA. Team members are encouraged to make decisions in regards to the best interest of the children and the school. All members also are encouraged to actively participate in Team discussions. The role of the Team Chair includes moving the agenda items in a timely fashion.
- Role of Designee: Designees are required only of the core members and do not replace core members if they leave the team. Designees and alternates will receive all minutes, agendas, reminder of meetings and notices before each meeting as necessary. It is expected that each designee will thus keep abreast of SLT proceedings in case of possible at a subsequent meeting.
- Attendance and Removal of Team Members: Attendance will be taken at every meeting and published in subsequent minutes. The Team will have a minimum of 10 meetings. If any team member misses three (3) meetings during the year that member will no longer be considered a part of the team and his/her constituency will then fill the vacancy created with the exception of the core members who are mandated to serve on the team. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If a member’s actions consistently interfere with the ability of the team to function (avoiding issues, creating an impasse, not allowing the team to reach consensus) the member will be subject to counseling from one or all core members. If after counseling, the behavior continues, the member will be removed after discussion and counseling from the rest of the team. The process for removal will begin with a motion for removal during an SLT meeting. The team should be presented with all pertinent facts and information for discussion. A vote will be taken by the respective constituency, using a silent ballot, at the following meeting. Resignations from the SLT should be submitted in writing to the Chairperson(s) for record keeping purposes.
- Filling of Vacancies: In the event of vacancy, due to loss of team membership, the appropriate constituency group will select a new member as soon as possible from their respective alternate pool. The position will be filled in the order of original voting by that constituency. Designees do not replace core members who leave the team. The selection of parent members will be done in accordance with the PTA bylaws; the selection of staff members will be done in agreement with the UFT chapter. If there are not enough alternates for the number of open seats, an election must take place within 30 days of vacancy.
- Alternates: Are not core members and have limited participation privileges, but can receive copies of minutes, attend meetings, and serve at the subcommittee level jointly with a SLT member as warranted. Alternates must be available to attend meetings for their respective constituency. Alternates may request permission to address the SLT by submitting a written request of the chairperson(s) two weeks before the next scheduled meeting. Alternates for each of the respective parent/teacher constituency will be used to replace members who resign from the team. No new elections are necessary as long as an alternate is available to fill the seat.
- Role of the General Public: General public can write down questions, concerns, and feedback from the SLT meeting. A person can submit questions at the end of the meeting. SLT committee will then decide based on relevance what will be discussed at the following SLT meeting.
- Photographs and Recording: People who use cameras to take pictures must remain in the back of the room. If recording equipment is used, it must be silent so as not to disrupt the meeting.
V. Team Operations
- Consensus Decision Making: All decision made by the Team will be made by consensus. At least two thirds (2/3) of each constituency must be present in order for consensus decision making to take place. Consensus is defined as reading an agreement acceptable to all or most team members. This may include compromise.
- Team Meetings: The Team Chairperson(s) generate the next meeting’s agenda and should be apprised by members of the Team by the Thursday before the next meeting of any new proposed agenda items. The Team members are given a copy of the next meeting’s agenda the week before the meeting. Parent members will receive the agenda via email. Ten (10) Team meetings are scheduled for Thursdays at 3 PM on dates mutually agreed upon by the committee. If conflicts within the school schedule arise, meetings will be rescheduled as needed. Additional meetings will be called on an as-needed basis.
- Team Officers: The Team will have co-chair leaders who will be nominated and selected based on a majority vote of the committee, with one appointee from each constituency group; however, two appointees from each constituency may be elected to serve as co-chair leaders if a staff/parent member is not available to share the responsibility. The team will also have a recording secretary to handle attendance, minutes, etc.
- Quorum: Two-thirds (2/3) of each constituency must be present in order for consensus decision making to take place. The principal, UFT chapter leader and PTA president must be present for a consensus decision to be made. If any of the above listed members are unable to attend, they must appoint a designee in order for a decision to be made.
- Subcommittees: The SLT may have subcommittees: Finance, By-Laws, School-related Materials, CEP Development, and Safety. Additional subcommittees will be formed on an as-needed basis. Subcommittee membership will be voluntary and include other personnel who are of expertise relates to the issue of the subcommittee. The number of members on any given subcommittee may not exceed the number of members on the SLT. One SLT member must serve on each Subcommittee. The subcommittee chair must report back regularly at SLT meetings. All recommendations of the subcommittees are subject to approval of the SLT.
VI. Responsibilities
- Core Responsibilities: The core responsibilities of the SLT are the development and implementation of the CEP and the performance driven budget that supports it. The Team should focus on educational issues that are central to the performance and interests of all children in the school community.
- Responsibilities: The Team will deal with other topics, which relate to its core responsibilities, and are appropriate for discussion and decision-making, as is warranted. The team will review the facilities plan as needs arise. The Team will also be consulted regarding the purchasing of equipment and supplies for the building by facility funding that is not part of the custodial budget.
- Evaluation: The SLT will review pupil achievement data in doing the needs assessment and in evaluation of the implementation of the CEP. The SLT will evaluate its effectiveness each year as part of any district/region-wide review.
- Limitations: The evaluation and/or rating of staff members or problems involving individual staff, students, or parents are not to be addressed at SLT meetings. The team may not make any decision in any areas over which it has no authority. In addition, the Team may not make any decision which would: violate confidentiality, violate a collective bargaining agreement, violate any city, state or federal law or regulation or violate DOE or district/region policy, entail a commitment to any expenditure for which funds are not available, or affect other schools or organizations which are not a party to the agreement.
VII. Communication
- Within the School Community: The SLT will keep the school community apprised of its activities in a number of ways. These include: regular reports to the faculty at monthly faculty conferences, regular reports to the PTA members at the monthly PTA meetings, and the meeting agenda published and distributed approximately one week prior to the meeting.
- Attendance and Participation of non-members: On a consultant basis, individuals who are not members of the Team may be invited to share their expertise with the Team on a specific item related to the agenda. Non members (i.e. the Parent Coordinator, After-School Director(s), Custodian(s)) are welcome to attend meetings as observers and are not permitted to participate. Non-members are welcome to attend meetings as observers but are not permitted to participate. Parents or staff members who would like to address the team can do so, in writing, at the invitation of an SLT member.
- With the District/Region and School Board: The SLT will provide its by-laws, CEP, it’s performance driven budget, it’s staffing plan, advance notice of time, place and agenda for meetings including attendance and a record of all consensus agreements reached by the Team. In addition, any other information needed by the district/region to support the Team, will be supplied in a timely manner.
VIII. Conflict and Impasse Resolution
When faced with an issue over which the Team can come to no agreement, the Team will take the following steps to resolve conflicts. The discussion will be tabled until the next Team meeting. At this time, someone with expertise in the specific area, including a representative on the district/region SLT, will be brought in to address the Team. If the impasse still exists, a facilitator will be brought in to work with the Team.