Third Grade

March 2024

Upcoming Events

  • Thursday March 7, 2024: Virtual Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences 11:20AM dismissal
  • Friday March 29, 2024 and Monday April 1, 2024: Schools are closed for observance of Easter


Students will be completing “Into Reading” Module 7, titled Make a Difference.  Students will be exploring the essential question, “How can one person make a meaningful connection in their local or global community?”  Some texts that will be read include Farmer Will Allen and The Growing Table,” which is a biography.  Some skills and strategies that will be covered include author’s purpose, making predictions and point of view.


After finishing up the expository essay unit, students will be writing an opinion essay about ways students can improve their school.  Students will learn how to write a clear opinion statement related to the task and support it with facts.  Students will also learn how to grab the reader’s attention at the beginning of their essay.


Students will be continuing our fractions unit, by finishing Envisions Topic 12 and completing topic 13.  Students will explore equal parts of a whole and equal parts of a group. In addition, students will be able to locate fractions on a number line and find equivalent fractions.  Students will also compare and order fractions. Please continue to practice multiplication tables at home.

Social Studies

Our next Passport to Social Studies unit will be Nigeria.  In the this shorter unit, students will learn about the geography, holidays, and religions practiced in Nigeria.  Students will learn about a typical day in a Nigerian’s life as well as other cultural contributions.


Students will be concluding the Inheritance and Traits unit in the Amplify Science program, by completing Chapter 3.  Students will take the role of a “wildlife biol­­­­ogist” and will explore the characteristics and traits of a pack of wolves in a national park. A review of Life Cycles from grade 2 will be a part of this unit.