Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review and Approve Minutes from the Last SLT Meeting
The team read through and approved the minutes from the September meeting.
Review SLT Charter Created at September Meeting
One SLT member read the SLT Charter aloud to ensure all team members felt that it captured everyone’s ideas that were shared during the September meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
- Review and Revise CEP action plans for Priority #1- All students learn to read well, Priority #2- All students are physically & emotionally safe, Priority #3- All students have a high-quality academic experience
The team spent a good amount of time reviewing each CEP goal and engaged in discussion around the action plan steps on what we can do to ensure we meet the goal by June.
Priority #1- All students learn to read well
Ideas discussed include: reaching out to the community such as the Public Library to see how we can form a relationship, reading incentives (Feb. plan), add progress monitoring of students who are receiving a Tier 2 intervention to track progress and make revisions as necessary. It may help to have older students help support in lower grade classes especially our self-contained classes and have students read together.
Priority #2- All students are physically & emotionally safe
Ideas discussed to be added to the action plan: Bulldog Bucks initiative, Virtual Respect for All assembly, Mindfulness activities each week- Motivational Monday with positive affirmations, Tune in Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday where students practice their breathing, Thankful Thursday, and Feel Good Friday where students spend 2 minutes exercising in the morning. Utilizing the RULER Anchor tools school-wide- Mood Meter Check-Ins during the day. Maybe start a box for students to be able to leave the teacher a message if they need to tell them something in private.
Priority #3- All students have a high-quality academic experience (Math Goal) Some additional ideas discussed to work towards meeting our goal include having students in grades 4 & 5 practice using the online tools that will be part of the NYS Math test and having students begin taking the end of chapter envisions assessments online.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No news was reported by the UFT Chapter Leader
PTA News and Updates
The PTA Pumpkin Patch will be on Friday, October 25, 2024 in the gym. October 31, 2024 will be the Character Day Parade fundraiser which will include a banner contest and prizes will be awarded to classes and students for raising the most money. Enrichment programs are starting for Chess, Bricks for Kids and an online Spanish class. Right now there are about 16 kids registered in each class, which is good.
Winter Concert on December 20, 2024 for Chorus performance.
Principal Report
Diagnostic Screeners- Acadience & iReady- What’s next?
Ms. LaPorte spoke about how now that all students have been screened using the Acadience & iReady diagnostics teachers are carefully analyzing the data to identify trends across their grade to make instructional decisions to Tier 1, and are identifying students who may need additional supports (students performing at a level 1/red or level 2/yellow). Once identified, teachers administer a secondary screener to validate the data and to also drill down to the specific area the child needs support in. For example, what particular part of Heggerty- onset, rime, substitution, segmenting, etc. Students identified will receive small group instruction using a targeted intervention program during the WIN period which is a minimum of 3 days a week. Students will be progress monitored throughout the cycle and performance on the next screener MOY will determine if they remain in the Tier 2 intervention or go back to Tier 1.
Student devices, emails, and passwords
If any student still needs a DOE device we ask families to please complete the google form. We have been giving them out if anyone does not have access at home. All students should know their DOE username and password.
Student Council
Students in grades 3-5 who are interested in running for Vice President (3-5) or President (5th grade) will be preparing their speech for their class election. Winners from class elections will then move on to the school-wide election where candidates will be live-streamed into classrooms and will give their speech. Students in grades 3-5 will then vote in November.
In-Person Coffee & Conversation
Our first in-person Coffee & Conversation meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 8:25 AM. Families will get to visit classrooms from 9:00-9:35 AM.
HIV/AIDS Lessons
All students in grades K-5 will receive HIV lessons the week of November 18, 2024. The letter that will be sent home to families was shared with the SLT members. The letter included the overview of the lessons from the curriculum “Growing Up and Staying Safe”.
No questions or concerns were raised.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The team went around the table and introduced themselves as new parent members joined the SLT this year.
Creation of SLT Charter
Team members worked individually and then as a group to list 5 feelings of how they would like to feel during School Leadership Team meetings, list what they can or other members of the team can do to help everyone feel this way while working and learning together during meetings, and what we can all do if we notice someone is not following the charter.
These ideas were all shared and will be compiled into a School Leadership Team Charter to be read at the beginning of each SLT meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Discussion of CR A-655 & the SLT requirements
The team briefly reviewed pages of CR A-655 alongside the SLT Bylaws to ensure there was alignment. Parts connected to visitors/role of the general public were discussed as well as consensus decision making and core member attendance. Another important section discussed was focused on discussions and conversations and making it clear that discussions should not name specific students, teachers, and/or parents. The remuneration information was also shared with team members and each member was given the form to track their attendance which would need to be submitted at the last SLT meeting in June.
Review our School Leadership Team Bylaws
The Bylaws were looked at simultaneously as the team was reviewing the Chancellor’s Regulation for SLTs. All information in the Bylaws matches the guidelines in the regulation.
Identify SLT Roles & Responsibilities
- Mrs. LaPorte and Mrs. Russo will be the joint chairpersons
- Secretary: Mrs. Russo
Review Tentative SLT Meeting Dates
The team reviewed the tentative dates for all SLT meetings and were asked to put these dates on their calendars.
- October 17, 2024
- November 21, 2024
- December 19, 2024
- January 16, 2025
- February 13, 2025
- March 20, 2025
- April 24, 2025
- May 15, 2025
- June 12, 2025
Analyzing the June 2024 end of year screener data & NYS Testing Data- ELA & Math
The team reviewed the end of year screener data for ELA- Acadience and iReady as well as for Math- iReady and made the following noticings.
- Kindergarten- 75% of K students ended the year at proficiency (Levels 3 & 4) (decrease of 3% from the beginning of the year however different assessments are administered)
- Grade 1- 77% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 4% from BOY)
- Grade 2-83% of students ended the year at proficiency (decrease of 7% from BOY- different assessments administered)
- Grade 3- 74% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 13% from BOY)
- Grade 4- 73% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 11%)
- Grade 5- 67% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 13%)
- Strengths in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and High-Frequency Words were noted in grades 3-5. Vocabulary proficiency was at 72% and students performed better on literature than in informational text.
- Overall ELA proficiency in June 2024 was 75%.
- Students with disabilities and English Language Learners are still performing far lower than non-SWD and non-ELLs.
- Students were also tracked from 2022-2023 to 2023-2024 school year and some subgroups students remained the same, while other subgroups increased or decreased. One example noted was Grade 4 females increased proficiency from 59% in the 2022-2023 school-year to 66% when they were in grade 5. Decrease in proficiency was found from grade 3 to grade 4 the following year which tracks the same students.
- NYS ELA Test scores were shared with SLT members.
- Grade 3- 73%, Grade 4- 75%, and Grade 5- 69% with an overall ELA proficiency of 72%. This rating represents a decrease of about 8% from the year prior. The interesting thing that was also noted was the end of year June data screener scores were almost a mirror image of the NYS ELA scores. Teachers will really need to hone in on and target students who are not on grade level as this data replicates how students perform on the NYS exams.
Math- iReady
- Kindergarten- 56% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 38% from BOY)
- Grade 1- 48% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 29% from BOY)
- Grade 2- 61% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 35% from BOY)
- Grade 3- 79% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 47% from BOY)
- Grade 4- 82% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 21% from BOY)
- Grade 5- 78% of students ended the year at proficiency (increase of 21% from BOY)
- Overall math proficiency for K-5 was 79%
- Students with disabilities and English Language Learners are still performing far lower than non-SWD and non-ELLs.
- The NYS Math Test Data was shared with SLT members.
- Grade 3- 75% proficiency
- Grade 4- 81% proficiency
- Grade 5- 79% proficiency
- Overall proficiency- 78% which is a decrease of 7% from the year prior.
- Once again, the proficiency of students in June is a good indicator of how students perform on the NYS math exam. Teachers will need to really focus their intervention work on students not on grade level according to the screeners.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
Nothing new was reported.
PTA News and Updates
- Spirit Wear Pop-Up- this was a BIG HIT and the PTA did very well!
- Enrichment open house- start classes mid-October 2024- lower grades K-2- Bricks for kids, Chorus for the upper grades, Soccer for upper grades 4 & 5. Thinking about offering a debate in-school residency for students in grades 4 & 5.
- Book Fair will take place week of September 23, 2024.
- Clothing Drive Donation on Saturday, September 28th.
- Membership Drive is an ongoing drive.
Principal Report
- Reflecting on the start of the school-year- 8 Days of Love Plan: Ms. LaPorte shared how this plan really supports our students with a smooth transition back to school.
- Back to school night went really well. It was great having so many families back in the school building.
- Families shared that it was a smooth start to the year. A concern was raised at grade 1 entrance door which is shared with pre-K. Ms. LaPorte indicated that it should get better as time goes by as PreK students are more comfortable. We will ask PreK families to wait a little further back since their arrival time is not until 8:15 AM. This should also get better once early drop-off begins.
- Year 2 of NYC Reads, and Illustrative Math: Teachers are more comfortable teaching the Into Reading curriculum as we begin year 2 of implementation. Students are also demonstrating strong knowledge of the protocols and structure of the program. Kindergarten has fully adopted the Illustrative Math Curriculum this year while grades 1-5 will work on unpacking and learning the number routines aligned to the program for full implementation next school-year.
- Diagnostic Screeners- Acadience & iReady: Students are taking the ELA and Math screeners. The data is used to drive instruction and form targeted intervention/small groups. This data is not used for report cards.
- Student Devices: A google form was shared with families if their child is in need of a DOE device. Ms. Sui is working on this as she also has to first confirm that the child was not already issued a device in the system.
- Early Drop-Off: We are hoping to begin early drop-off towards the end of September/early October. Drop-off time would be 7:55 AM at the main entrance.
Question: Can grade 5 students be monitors?
Answer: Yes, if teachers would like morning monitors we can include that once early drop-off begins
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review and approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The team reviewed and approved the minutes from the April SLT meeting.
Review SLT Charter
One team member read the Charter aloud to the group as a reminder of how we all want to feel during our time together.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Math Curriculum/Implementation Plan
Information was shared about continuing with enVisionmath for one more year for students in grades 1-5 however Kindergarten will be fully piloting the Illustrative Mathematics program this upcoming school-year. This decision wqs made in collaboration with teachers as our NYS math data is very strong at about 85% proficiency and teachers would like to spend the next school-year getting stronger with the HMH Into Reading curriculum while also unpacking and learning the new math curriculum. As a school and in alignment to the District 26 Mathematics Plan we will be learning and embedding the math number routines which are part of the Illustrative Math curriculum as well as strengthening our understanding and knowledge of a tier 2 math intervention program- Building Fact Fluency to support students who are not performing at benchmark level. Teachers are also willing and excited about implementing parts of the new math program including some tasks into their classrooms this upcoming year.
Review of NYS ELA & Math Data from NYSED
The team spent some time reviewing the NYS ELA & Math Data from NYSED and making the following noticings.
NYS ELA- Our school outperformed the District (NYCPS) and NY State in all grades. Grade 3 had 77% proficiency while the district had 70% and NY state had 45%; Grade 4 had 83% proficiency while the district had 76% and NY State had 49%; Grade 5 had 81% proficiency while the district had 73% and NY State had 45%. Our % of level 3 is lower but this is because our % of students achieving level 4 increased which is a good thing. Overall, our school has an 81% proficiency rating for students in grades 3-5 compared to 75% at the district level (NYCPS) and 48% at the State level. Students With Disabilities (SWD)- 36% proficiency.
NYS Math- Our school outperformed the District (NYCPS) and NY State in all grades. Grade 3 had 87% proficiency while the district had 81% and NY state had 54%; Grade 4 had 82% proficiency while the district had 80% and NY State had 54%; Grade 5 had 86% proficiency while the district had 79% and NY State had 50%. Our % of level 3 is lower in all grades except grade 4 which matched the District at 41% but this is because our % of students achieving level 4 increased which is a good thing. Grade 3 had 60% of students performing at level 4. Overall, our school has an 85% proficiency rating for students in grades 3-5 compared to 80% at the district level (NYCPS) and 52% at the State level. SWD- 25% proficiency
It was noted that there is still a lot of work to do to close the gap in proficiency for our sub-groups.
Begin Planning for the 2024-2025 CEP
After reviewing the NYS ELA and Math Data the team began to plan for CEP goals and develop an action plan.
Some action plan steps included:
- Identifying the level one and two students and using the data to drive instruction.
- Using the EOY I-ready and Acadience data to plan small groups of targeted intervention to begin right away in September.
- Set aside time for teachers to have conversations with each other about the students who are performing at level 1 or 2 to share best practices of what has been tried and/or worked.
- Analyzing the NYS testing data and identifying supports for level 1 & level 2 students.
- Providing additional supports for level 1 & 2 students
- Parent Workshop to help families understand the iReady and Acadience data reports.
- To support writing- have students use a journal for free writing.
- Connecting with the Children’s Library and other organizations for reading incentives.
- Identifying the level one and two students and using the data to drive instruction.
- Using the EOY I-ready data to plan small groups of targeted intervention to begin right away in September.
- Utilize Building Fact Fluency as a Tier 2 intervention program for students performing below benchmark.
- Embed Illustrative math tasks and number routines into daily math lessons.
- Plan and teach lessons aligned to the Mathematics Shifts
- Facilitate Math Parent Workshops
- Analyze previous math exams to identify the vocabulary words that students should know- profit, withdraw, etc.
- Share the link for digital math tools aligned to the CBT testing program.
- Provide families with a list of math vocabulary words to support the discussions at home.
Developing the Student of the Month/Citizen of the Month Criteria
The team started to brainstorm the criteria for the Student of the Month/Citizen of the Month. Some criteria discussed were demonstrating effort on schoolwork, being a good citizen/living the virtues, demonstrating responsibility, and following the class charter. Students could be nominated by their peers but would then be selected by the teacher. Possibly have students in grades 3-5 nominate and say why they believe that student should be the student/citizen of the month.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No news was reported on behalf of the UFT
PTA News and Updates
Teacher appreciation week went well. Each day teachers received a special item with a little saying. Tried to keep the items on the healthy side. The plant sale also went well. Students shopped for their flowers. Next year will try to order more $1.00 plants as these sold out quickly. Stem Kits will be given out to grade K-5 classes for students to do together in small groups. PreK classes will get butterfly kits. Summer reads for the students- all students will receive a book for the summer for the next grade level. (For example, Grade 1 will receive a grade 2 level book, grade 2 students will receive a grade 3 level book, etc.) 5th Grade graduates will receive a gift from the PTA. PreK and K will have an assembly- Bubble Pop with the Long Island Children’s Museum, and grade 1 will be going on a trip to the Queens Farm. The Carnival will be on June 13th with a rain date on June 20th. The PTA Election meeting is next week.
Principal Report
Summer Rising Program at P.S. 115Q
There will be over 400 students in the program. 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM is the academic portion and then 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM the CBO takes over.
Talent Show Update
We have a good number of students from different grade levels with a variety of talents they want to showcase. Ms. LaPorte met with 5th graders to take note of what they are interested in doing.
End of Year Events
June is a very busy month. We have orientations for incoming Pre-K and Kindergarten families, Pre-K moving up ceremony will be on June 11, 2024, and Kindergarten will have a family day event on June 12, 2024 where students will have different activities to do with their family. Students will receive certificates as part of this celebration. 5th Grade Award Ceremony and Dance/Luncheon will be on Friday, June 14, 2024 and the Grade 5 Graduation will be on Friday, June 21, 2024.
PreK Registration
Begins soon. Families will receive their offers and will then be contacted by our school secretary to schedule an appointment to come in and register.
The following concerns were raised: There is still no soap in the boy’s bathroom or paper towels in the girls bathroom on the 3rd floor – Ms. LaPorte will speak with the custodial team regarding this.
The gym is very hot- any way we can get AC in there? Or fans in the corners? We will work together with the PTA and our Councilmember Linda Lee to see if this can be supported.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review and Approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The team reviewed and approved the minutes from the March meeting.
Review SLT Charter
One team member read the charter aloud to remind everyone of the expectations during the meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Curriculum Programs for the 2024-2025 School-Year including Math Curriculum and Implementation Plan
For the 2024-2025 school-year we will continue to use the following programs: PreK- Creative Curriculum; K-5- ELA- Into Reading; Social Studies- Passport to Social Studies with Civics 4 All; Science- Amplify Science; Math- Grades 1-5 enVisionmath 2.0; Kindergarten will begin and adopt IM- Illustrative Math.
By 2025-2026 all District 26 schools will adopt Illustrative Math however for the 2024-2025 school-year elementary schools had the option. Being that our students have been doing well on the NYS Math exams (85% of students in grades 3-5 were proficient in 22-23), the consensus from the staff was to continue with enVisionmath and unpack and learn the Illustrative Math program during the next school year to be ready for full implementation in 2025-2026. During the 2024-2025 school year we would work to strengthen protocols for strong math discourse and continue our work with number routines making sure we embed the routines from the new program as well. Teachers will also be embedding some of the tasks from the new program and working on the new Shifts in Mathematics. Another focus will also be on strengthening our knowledge around the Tier 2 math program Building Fact Fluency so that we can continue to support small groups of students in math based on their screener assessment data. Our District has recommended a roll out plan for schools that are not opting in this year which includes what was mentioned above. While grades 1-5 will continue with enVisionmath 2.0, Kindergarten will adopt the new Illustrative Math Curriculum for the 2024-2025 school-year. Currently Kindergarten does not follow the enVisionmath program and engages students in math routines as well as center-based activities. The new program includes math center activities and we believe starting in Kindergarten is a great way to begin piloting the program in our school.
Begin Planning for the 2024-2025 CEP- Review the School Summary and identify if any revisions need to be made for the 2024-2025 school year
During our review, the following ideas were shared regarding some revisions to the school summary highlighted in yellow which is the first part of the CEP:
Revise K-3 for the Fundations Program instead of K-2 now that grade 3 is fully implementing the Fundations program.
Continue to utilize enVisionmath to build students’ critical thinking skills and embed number routines to strengthen math discourse using structured protocols, while also embedding in math tasks from the Illustrative Math program as we begin to prepare to transition to the new program in the 2025 school-year.
To continue our work around the Supportive Learning Environment we will continue with our Bulldog Bucks initiative which rewards classes for demonstrating appropriate behavior and following the school-wide expectations so that everyone can engage in a safe learning environment. At the end of each month the top class in PreK-2 and the top class in grades 3-5 will vote on a class reward from a menu of options. The 2nd place winner from PreK-5 will have a reward from different options.
Two other events we would like to add are Career Day and the Talent Show.
Developing the Student of the Month/Citizen of the Month Criteria
It was decided to hold this agenda item for the next meeting since there were a few team members who were unable to attend the meeting.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
UFT Chapter Leader was unable to attend the meeting.
PTA News and Updates
The PTA Carnival will be held on June 13, 2024 with a rain date of June 20, 2024.
The PTA Mother’s Day Plant Sale will be on Friday, May 10, 2024 during lunch periods.
The PTA will be ordering books for summer reading for all students in grades Prek-5. PreK and grade 1 will get either ELA or Math workbooks to practice during the summer.
STEM kits will be given out in June for students to complete in groups.
Principal Report
School Budget
All money has been scheduled and spent.
NYS Exams- ELA, Math, Science (Science Investigations)
The NYS ELA exam administration went well for both the paper administration as well as the computer-based exam. The NYS Math exams are in May and then the NYS Science for grade 5 is on May 15, 2024. Mrs. Russo is working on getting all the science investigations done if any student was absent and/or new to our school.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Is the week of May 6, 2024
In-Person Coffee & Conversation
The last Coffee & Conversation meeting for this school-year will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 8:25 AM in the auditorium and then classroom visits will be from 9:00-9:40 AM.
Summer Rising
Summer Rising offers were sent out yesterday. Parents must accept their seats for their students by the deadline.
Talent Show Update
As of today, there are more upper grade students who have signed up for the talent show. Ms. LaPorte will send the form again. Once we have more participants, we will work out the logistics.
Career Day Feedback
This went very well and was a lot of fun. Next year it would be nice for students to dress for success or what they want to be when they grow up on this day.
Gifted & Talented (G & T) Application
If any student is currently in the G & T program they do not need to reapply for the following year. The only reason families would reapply is to be considered for a citywide G & T placement.
Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, May 9, 2024
These conferences will be by teacher invite only. Teachers will be reaching out to families to discuss their child’s academic success or other areas including areas of growth and progress made. Families can meet with teachers for a variety of reasons.
A concern was raised regarding the charging station that was installed on 81st Avenue. A team member indicated that she believed it was taken down. Ms. LaPorte will follow up on this and reach out to Councilmember Linda Lee.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order.
Review and Approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The team read through the meeting minutes from February and approved them.
Review SLT Charter
One team member read the Charter aloud to remind everyone of the expectations in order to have a productive meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Work on modifying action plan steps for March to June based on MOY progress monitoring information gathered.
Analyzing our MOY Screener Data for specific subgroups and identifying trends/effectiveness of our interventions as we follow cohorts of students.
The team reviewed the most recent MOY data for ELA and Math and made the following noticings listed below.
- Although Kindergarten’s proficiency rate went down from 78% proficiency to 69% proficiency it is important to note that different assessments are administered in MOY than were administered in BOY. In BOY only one assessment is administered while in MOY additional assessments are added on.
- While grade 1 only showed a 1% increase from BOY to MOY overall, the percent of students performing above grade level increased significantly and 88% of students who performed at or above grade level in BOY maintained at or above proficiency in MOY. 45% of students who were performing on a level 2 in BOY made progress to MOY.
- 2nd grade has great data. 90% of grade 2 students were proficient at the beginning of the year and stayed at 90% proficiency in the middle of the year. The percent of students performing at a level 2 decreased and so the yellow gap closed from BOY to MOY. Having a reading interventionist has also helped with the 2nd grade students who are receiving a tier 3 intervention.
- It was also noted that grade 2 students are the first cohort to have received instruction in Fundations and Heggerty since Kindergarten. This is strong evidence that these foundational programs are meeting the needs of our students.
- To strengthen our work around monitoring the impact of curriculum and teaching and learning, we are following student cohorts throughout the years- current grade 2, current grade 1, and current grade k.
- In the lower grades we did not see a huge summer slide as the percent of proficiency where students started in October was a little bit lower that where they ended in June in the previous grade.
- Grades 3- 5 had an overall proficiency of 73% which was an increase of 15% from BOY to MOY.
- 3rd grade increased in proficiency by 16%, 4th grade by 13%, and 5th grade by 12%.
- 4th grade went up 13% and we are seeing increases in the areas where students have struggled in the past.
- Overall it was noted that students in grades 3-5 do very well with phonological awareness, phonics, and high-frequency words which indicates that strong foundational skills are being taught in the lower grades. Some students need additional support ion phonics and are receiving this support through a tier 2 intervention.
- When looking at grades 3-5 and comparing the trends over. The years it was noticed that all the students each year start pretty much the same way but the current 3rd graders started the year off lower than previous grade 3 students from 2022-2023/2021-2022.
- In looking at the different subgroups it was noted that males and females perform very similarly as well as all ethnic groups with the lowest being white students followed by Hispanic students. The two subgroups we need to support to close the gap are students with disabilities and our English language learners. Although it was noted that SWD’s increased almost 20% from BOY to MOY.
- Ms. LaPorte shared that parents are happy that they don’t have the levels for reading books as they feel that their children are more open to reading more because they are not locked into a certain level and can read books based on their interest.
- Teachers shared how they are starting to see the transfer in the classroom in all the content areas especially with the vocabulary words from the HMH program
- 18% increase throughout the whole entire school
- ELL 0% BOY. Would like to look more into that.
- Action plans are in place to help close the gaps.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No news was reported from the UFT Chapter Leader
PTA News and Updates
- Square one artwork needs to be mailed out.
- General PTA meeting will be held next week.
- The Krispy Creme Donuts sale went well. PTA will do the Krispy Creme Donuts sale again next year.
- Assemblies- The PTA is looking to book some assemblies for each of the grades or possibly have a few grades go to the Queens Farm.
- Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the gym the week of April 15 – 19, 2024. This one is a Buy One Get One Free sale.
- The PTA is looking into some book options for Black History Month and Women’s History Month.
- Planning for an end of the year carnival in June.
Principal Report
School Budget- All the money needs to be spent by tomorrow. The school received arts funding which is used to purchase supplemental supplies for the arts programs including music, drama, and art. Pre-K gets its own funding to be used for classroom supplies/material.
Multicultural Day event went very well. It was even better than expected and families really went above and beyond. Next year we should think about scheduling it away from any holidays that require fasting and advertise a little earlier. We may also need to order additional folding tables and will ask groups of families in advance how many tables they would need for their food and displays.
Civics Week- students enjoyed the activities that were planned for Civics for All week which aligned to the theme of using the power of their voice to make a difference in the world. Students listened to a great story titled, Rise Up and Write It and had an opportunity to listen to some soapbox speeches. Students in kindergarten had a visit from Council member Linda Lee and students in grades 3-5 participated in a special assembly with Assemblyman Braunstein.
Career Day
We are very excited for our first Career Day event on Tuesday March 26, 2024. We have about 30 people who expressed interest. We will start together in the auditorium for some breakfast and everyone will receive their schedule.
Safer Access Door
The safer access door initiative has been completed and all staff will be trained on Monday, March 25, 2024. This was also mentioned during the Safety Town Hall meeting and will be mentioned at Coffee & Conversation and the next PTA meeting. Once everyone is trained the system will be activated and all doors including the main entrance will be locked and anyone who needs to enter the building will need to be buzzed in.
NYS Exams
Students in grades 3-5 will take the NYS ELA test next month. Grades 3 & 4 will take the assessment on paper on Thursday, April 11, 2024 and Friday, April 12, 2024 and grade 5 will take the exam on the computer on Monday, April 15, 2024 and Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
Math exams will be on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 and Wednesday, May 8, 2024 for grades 3 & 4 and on Thursday, May 10, 2024 and Friday, May 11, 2024 for grade 5 on the computer.
Grade 5 will take the NYS Science test on the computer on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
ENL students will be administered the NYSESLAT exam beginning in April with the speaking component.
Talent Show
Will be by grade level towards the end of May. Students can showcase any talents that they have but will have to only pick one act. We will send out an interest survey first and then meet with students who are interested to go over the guidelines including a time limit.
Student of the Month/Citizen of the Month
We would like to have the School Leadership Team develop the criteria for Student of the Month/Citizen of the Month for next school year. We will work on this at our next meeting.
A concern was raised regarding the pole that was installed on 81st avenue as a charging station. Ms. LaPorte did not know anything about this prior to the installation.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order.
Review and Approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The team read the minutes from the January meeting and approved the meeting minutes.
Review SLT Charter
An SLT member read the SLT Charter aloud as a reminder to all team members how each person wants to feel during the meeting to ensure a productive session.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Analyzing our MOY Screener Data and Progress Monitoring our Targets in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math, College and Career Readiness
The team reviewed the MOY ELA and Math Data to identify some noticings and trends across grades and the school. Some of the noticings included the following:
- Kindergarten proficiency dropped 9% from 78% proficient in BOY to 69% proficiency. A discussion was held around how in the BOY students are only assessed with First Sound Fluency however in MOY they are assessed in new components such as Phoneme Segmentation Fluency and Nonsense Word Fluency.
- Grade 1- Students increased 1% in proficiency from 72% in BOY to 73% in MOY. Although there was only a 1% increase overall in proficiency, more students achieved above benchmark scores going from 52% of students to 61% of students performing above benchmark in the MOY assessment.
- Grade 2 had the most impressive scores with 90% of grade 2 students scoring at or above benchmark in BOY and 90% scoring at or above benchmark in MOY reducing the number of students performing below or far below benchmark. It was noted that this is the group of students who have received Fundations and Heggerty since they were in Kindergarten indicating that these curriculum programs are strong and meeting the needs of our students, setting up strong foundational skills.
- When looking at grade 3 for the iReady screener results it was noted that students made 16% progress moving from 61% proficiency to 77% proficiency with strengths in phonological awareness and growth in all sub components such as phonics, high frequency words, vocabulary, and comprehension of both literature and informational text. This is where HMH supports the teaching of a mix of fiction and informational text throughout the modules.
- When looking at grade 4 for the iReady screener results it was noted that students made 13% progress moving from 62% proficiency to 75% proficiency with strengths in phonological awareness and growth in all sub components such as phonics, high frequency words, vocabulary, and comprehension of both literature and informational text. The gap is much closer in grade 4 for phonics than grade 3 with 93% of grade 4 students performing at or above benchmark in phonics. High frequency words is at 99% proficiency.
- When looking at grade 5 for the iReady screener results it was noted that students made 12% progress moving from 54% proficiency to 66% proficiency with strengths in phonological awareness (100%) and growth in all sub components such as phonics, high frequency words, vocabulary, and comprehension of both literature and informational text.
- While we continue to make progress, it is also important to note that the number of students performing far below grade level is decreasing indicating that we are working towards closing the gap in the sub component areas through our targeted tier 2 interventions. The data also is similar to how we performed last school year for MOY even with embedding a new curriculum this year.
- Kindergarten- 35% of K students performed at or above proficiency on the MOY screener which is an increase of 16% from 19% in the BOY. Biggest strength is in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking.
- Grade 1- 38% of grade 1 students performed at or above proficiency on the MOY screener which is an increase of 18% from 20% in the BOY. Biggest strength is in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking with 62% of students performing at or above benchmark in this domain.
- Grade 2- 48% of grade 2 students performed at or above proficiency on the MOY screener which is an increase of 21% from 27% in the BOY. Biggest strength is in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking at 60% proficiency with geometry close behind with 54% proficiency.
- Grade 3- 54% of grade 3 students performed at or above proficiency on the MOY screener which is an increase of 22% from 32% in the BOY. Biggest strength is in Algebra and Algebraic Thinking with 78% of students performing at or above benchmark.
- Grade 4- 70% of grade 4 students performed at or above proficiency on the MOY screener which is an increase of 9% from 61% in the BOY. Biggest strength is in Number and Operations (87%) with Algebra and Algebraic Thinking close behind at 81%.
- Grade 5-67% of grade 5 students performed at or above proficiency on the MOY screener which is an increase of 10% from 57% in the BOY. Biggest strength is in Number and Operations at 76%.
- A discussion was held around how the domain strength for each grade seems to be the unit of study the students are engaged in at the time of the screener assessment.
- Overall, as a school the proficiency for MOY is 56% which is an increase of 17% from BOY to MOY. Greatest strength when looking at school-wide data is Algebra and Algebraic Thinking followed by Number and Operations, Measurement and Data and lastly Geometry.
- The data is pretty much aligned to how we were performing last school year for the MOY assessment in math as well. A brief discussion was held around building math fluency and sharing this information and possible resources with families during a Coffee & Conversation event.
College and Career Readiness
The team looked over the College and Career Readiness responses to the google form survey we had created to identify some noticings and trends across grades and to see how much knowledge our students had regarding college and careers and the pathways to get there.
The following was noted:
- To date about 15% of grade 2 students completed the survey, 23% of grade 3 students, 40% of grade 4 students, and 23% of grade 5 students completed the survey.
- 86% of students responded that they know what careers/jobs are.
- After 14% of the students who did not know what careers/jobs were read the definition for careers/jobs 87% then responded that they knew what they were.
- 83.5% of students responded that they learned about different careers/jobs at home with their family members, 62.7% learned about careers/jobs at school, and 50.5% learned about careers/jobs from reading books. Other responses included watching movies, tv shows, and on the internet.
- When asked what careers/jobs students were interested in, 41.2% of students selected The Arts- Musician, Artist, Actor, 36.6% selected doctor/nurse, 35.2% selected scientist, and 33.1% selected a teacher. Students also selected many other options and had an opportunity to add their own which the team found interesting- pilot, judge, zookeeper, oral surgeon, astronaut, fashion designer, politician, architect, child therapist, and lawyer.
- Some students had very thorough responses for the question “What are some things you can do now to prepare for the career of your choice?” Responses included: studying, learning how to deal with animals, read more books, learn more about math, play more piano, play soccer now, build lots of legos, practice cooking, and play basketball for 15-30 minutes each day.
- Overall, the team was impressed with how students responded on the survey.
Next Steps
Work on modifying action plan steps for March to June based on MOY progress monitoring information gathered.
Due to the time the team decided to table this for the next meeting so we can have more input from team members.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No news was reported by the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
- March 11, 2024 is Spring Picture Day. We will also try to have grade 5 take their group photo with their senior t-shirts and have cap and gown retakes this day.
- Planning for Queens Farm Assemblies for each grade
- Square 1 Art- Mr. Erber is helping to support this fundraiser. Would like to have these items for Mother’s Day so will need to place the order in April. Ms. LaPorte will send out permission slips.
- Spirit wear sale is ongoing
Principal Report
Pivot to Remote Instruction
Ms. LaPorte asked for feedback on the pivot to remote instruction. The parents had positive feedback to share regarding the instruction that took place on this day and appreciated having the schedule ahead of time.
Civics Week
Civics week will be held the week of March 11, 2024. The Civics lead teachers have planned different activities for the week aligned to civics education and supporting students in understanding ways their voice matters and how they can make a difference. We are waiting to hear back from Councilmember Linda Lee and Assemblyman Ed Braunstein to engage with students in an assembly during that week.
Career Day Google Form
We are ready to share a google form with families asking for interest in participating and presenting during our Career Day event which will be held the end of March.
Safer Access Door Initiative
The safer access door project is under way which will allow the front door to be locked during the day after morning entry.
A concern was raised about the boy’s bathroom on the 3rd floor not having any soap. Ms. LaPorte will speak with the custodial team regarding this.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review and Approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The minutes from the December SLT meeting were reviewed and approved by the team.
Review SLT Charter
A team member read the SLT Charter aloud to remind everyone of how all team members want to feel during the meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Review surveys for Priority #4: Students feeling that they have received information and learned about different career paths (students in grades 2-5 completed a survey) and Priority #5: Families responding favorably that school staff regularly communicate with them about how they can help their child learn.
The team reviewed the draft survey for priority #4 aligned to the CEP goal for College and Career Readiness. A few ideas were shared by the team to ensure the survey questions captured the information we needed and were looking for. Some of the changes made included the following: We do not need student’s first and last name or class and should just ask for their grade level so we can see if some grade levels respond in a certain way. The team discussed adding an additional part if students responded “No I do not know what careers/jobs are” and provide them with a definition to then try and answer the question again. Options of where students have learned about or discussed different careers or jobs were added such as home/family, school, tv, internet, books, movies, and other as well as options for different careers/jobs they may be interested in such as teacher, medical/healthcare, veterinarian, firefighter, police officer, professional athlete, military, engineer, chef, astronaut, trades- carpenter, electrician, plumber, musician, artist, other. Finally, the team created an open-ended question at the end asking students to think about what they can do now to prepare for the career of their choice.
Priority #5 Survey: Family Communication: The team revised the draft of this survey by discussing the following ideas: Asking families which they find to be the most effective method of communication by the school, selecting the most helpful ways school staff communicate with families, asking if the communication families receive from the school help them support their child at home, and what we are doing well and where/how can we improve.
After the revisions are made the surveys will be shared with the SLT members for approval before being shared with students/families to complete.
Begin Planning Action Plan Steps for February to June
Priority 2: All students are physically and emotionally safe: The is goal established is that by June 2024, 87% of teachers and all staff will respond favorably (none of the time, rarely) to the statement “At this school students harass, bully, or intimidate other students which is an Increase of 20%, from 67 to 87, as measured by NYC School Survey Results.
The team reviewed the action plan ideas that were listed for August through January and began brainstorming new action plan steps for the remainder of the year to ensure we meet our June goal.
- Respect For All Week will take place in February. Spirit days for the week are aligned to different themes focused on respect such as Kindness, Love, Belonging, and Anti-Bullying. We will also include a few activities throughout the week and have classes do a door tour where they will get to see the door displays around the building that were designed around Respect.
- We are excited to bring back Multicultural Day! The food festival has been scheduled for Friday, February 16th. Ms. Russo and a few teachers have volunteered to support this event and have created a flyer and google form. This event will coincide with National No One Eats Alone day.
- We are excited to launch a Bulldog Bucks initiative in February to reward classes for good behavior around the school building, during lunch, and during recess. All staff members will have Bulldog Bucks to give out to classes. At the end of the month the top 3 classes who have the most Bulldog Bucks will get to select a reward from a menu board which includes an extra recess period, pizza party, ice cream party, movie day, no homework pass, etc.
- We would like to bring back Buddy Classes where upper grade students and lower grade students work on different activities together in the classroom- STEM projects, centers, math games, peer editing, reading together, etc.
- Students need to be educated on peer conflict and should engage in different scenarios and act them out with solutions. A recommendation was made to include this in the drama program.
Priority 4: All students graduate college and career ready: The is goal established is that by June 2024, all students will be educated on the different career pathways which will be an increase of 50%, from 50 to 100, as measured by a School Created Survey.
The team discussed planning for a Career Day event to support this goal. We will need to put a team together to help with this. We are thinking of having families express interest and then set a schedule where the visitors visit a few classrooms to give a presentation and then students can ask some questions. We will try to schedule the careers that students express interest in by grade level if we can.
CEP Signature Page
All SLT members signed the SLT signature page.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No news was reported by the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
- So far the PTA has received about $2,000 in donations for the I-Ready instructional online tool. The school is working on coming up with some money to help pay for it through the budget. It was recommended to advertise the iReady donation flyer more maybe through Class Dojo.
- Square One Art with Mr. Erber is another fundraiser the PTA will be sponsoring. Mr. Erber will support students in their initial designs during their art class and then the final designs will be on the Square One Art paper.
- Debate is getting ready to start for students in grades 4 and 5. For this year it will be an enrichment program. The PTA is looking to see how they can bring this to students next year during the school day.
- Enrichment programs will begin in February for the Spring session.
- Little Caesar’s fundraiser is taking place now.
- Next PTA meeting will be on January 24, 2024 at 9 AM.
Principal Report
School Budget-Title 3 Funding
- With the Title 3 funding the school purchased Pocket Talks which are devices with many different languages that translate. Teachers can use the pocket talks for students who don’t speak English as well as during parent meetings/workshops.
- ELA and Math funding will go to support the after-school academy programs for students in grades 3-5.
- SMART BONDS Money for Computer Based Testing- We will be getting more laptops to support this.
Promotion In Doubt (PID) Process
In January teachers begin to identify students who are currently not meeting grade level standards. We are just being extra cautious. This is not a final decision and does not mean the student is being held over. It is an open dialogue with families focused on where the student is struggling and an action plan is developed to help support the student in making progress by June. Check-in meetings are scheduled to monitor the progress.
Playground on 81st Avenue
The playground equipment by the kindergarten entry doors is outdated and rusted. We are trying to start some work in that area to clean up the space and make it useable to students. We currently have $20,000 remaining from the update in the auditorium. With this money we should be able to remove the equipment and the black squares that are hazardous as they are lifting and have large gaps in between each square. We want to put new playground equipment into the area that is the garden area because it is closed in. Ms. LaPorte asked the team if they were ok if we started by removing the equipment and started cleaning the area and then as we receive additional funding we can build in this space. The team was in full agreement.
College Awareness Day
Ms. LaPorte read aloud some responses that students had written on post-its on the chart papers that were hanging in the hallways. Some responses to the question “What can you do now to begin preparing for college and careers?” included: I can be a good student. Get higher grades. Practice being an opera singer. Start reading more vet books. Study more. Saving money. Save up money. Get into a good middle school and high school.
February- Black History Month, Lunar New Year, Respect for All Week
Throughout the month of February we are encouraging all teachers to engage students in different read alouds of books written and illustrated by black authors, and books learning about important Black Americans who have made a significant impact in our world. Morning announcements will include information about famous Black Americans who contributed to our nation, music will be shared by black musicians, and students will engage in projects learning about famous Black Americans. The book of the month for February is focused on Mae Jemison.
Lunar New Year- we are encouraging teachers to engage students in different activities focused on learning about Lunar New Year.
Respect for All Week- we have different spirit days aligned to the different themes of Respect and will include a few activities for students this week focused on kindness, respect, and standing up to bullying.
Toys in School
Toys are not allowed to be brought into school. If students bring in any toys they will be taken away. This was announced to all students.
Grade 5 Simulation Test
Students in grade 5 will take a simulation test on the computer to practice for the computer-based testing administration.
NY Islanders Assembly
Will take place on January 25, 2024 and will focus on teamwork.
No questions or concerns were raised at this time.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review and Approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The November meeting minutes were approved by the team.
Review SLT Charter
One team member read the SLT Charter aloud to remind all members how everyone would like to feel during the meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Discussion and Opportunity to Answer any Questions from the District 26 Annual SLT Training from December 5, 2023
Team members did not have any questions from the training and indicated that everything that was discussed during the training is what takes place during our SLT meetings.
Creating surveys for the following priorities of our CEP
Team members worked in small groups to jot down their ideas for the surveys for each of the two priorities below.
- Priority #4– Students feeling that they have received information and learned about different career paths. (Grades K-2 survey & Grades 3-5 survey) Ideas written on the chart included: Grades K-2: What are some jobs/careers that you know about? What are some jobs/careers that you learned? What jobs/careers do your family members have? What is a job/career you would like to do? Grades 3-5: What are some careers that you know about? What are some careers that you learned about? What type of learning is involved to be successful in this career? What is a career that interests you? After some discussions the team came up with the following: Maybe start by asking: 1. “Do you know what careers are?” 2. “Have you learned about or discussed different careers or jobs in school?” 3. “What careers are you interested in?” “Do you know what career path/education you need for that career choice? If yes, what do you need to do?”
- Priority #5– Families responding favorably that school staff regularly communicate with them about how they can help their child learn. Ideas written on the chart included: Asking families for their preferred mode of communication. Frequency of Communication (Scale of 1-10) Staff availability. Types of resources and follow-up on effectiveness of provided resource(s). Advance notice of projects and tests. Do you access class dojo? Do you receive the class newsletter? Do you attend coffee and conversation meetings in person? Virtually?
A discussion was then held about possibly informing families of all the different ways we communicate as some families may only think it is via a phone call. Some families indicated they are not receiving the monthly newsletters and parent members indicated they aren’t necessarily looking for the newsletters each month. They read it but don’t find it helpful to have conversations with their children. Parents liked the math strategies and workshops from last year. Some parents asked for them to be recorded so they could review them again. Google classroom can also be a parent resource. A question was raised by a parent member asking if the teachers talk about different careers in school. Response: Some grade levels definitely discuss careers more as it is aligned to their Social Studies curriculum when they learn about different community helpers. A brief discussion was also held about career day and having students indicate what types of jobs/careers they want to learn more about.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No News was reported from the UFT Chapter Leader
PTA News and Updates
- The PTA had a very successful Penguin Patch sale for the holidays.
- The Planetarium was such a success and the students enjoyed it.
- KiwiCo kits were delivered and students brought them home to do them during the break with their families. Some classes did them in school. The PTA indicated they would like to continue doing the Stem kits
- The PTA is trying to get debate back at our school for enrichment as an after-school class this year but thinking about it for the school next year.
- The PTA is looking to have a new chess vendor for the spring semester and continue with the Legos and drone class.
- The PTA is looking to have Alley Pond come to the school for workshops. Some of the topics were shared with the team and the team decided to have PreK, K, and grade 1 participate in the Animals Alive workshop where they get to see and pet a few different animals. For grades 3 & 4- possibly Native Americans workshop.
- The PTA would like to ask families for donations to help cover the funding for the iReady Instructional tool for students.
- Square One Art will be starting soon. We would like to ask Mr. Erber to help with this project again this year and maybe start earlier so that students have more time to complete their work.
- In February the PTA is trying to set up a sweetheart dance from 6-8 PM- similar to the Fall Festival with a DJ.
- We are looking to put together a Talent Show in May for students in all grades by grade level (All talents will be encouraged- art, dance drama, music, etc.). It would be for one period and parents of that grade would be invited.
Principal Report
- After-School ELA & Math Academy Programs: We are in the process of identifying staff to teach the program. The program will be one hour for ELA on Wednesdays and one hour for Math on Thursdays.
- Update on the Auditorium Project: January 2, 2024 is the last day of full work for the lighting project. January 3, 2024 will be a training day for any staff who would be using the lights.
- Arts Enrichment Opportunities: Ms. LaPorte will be meeting with the vendor Marquis Studios on January 3, 2024 to discuss and set up dates for the workshops the team decided upon. We are looking to have Paint Night in January with Mr. Erber as an after-school parent/student workshop. This would be for grade 4 and 5 students- first come first served.
- MOY ELA & Math Academic Screener Assessment: The MOY screeners will take place in January. The window opens on January 2, 2024 but we will give students a week to get back into the school routine and then start administering the screeners the following week. On Thursday, January 25, 2024 the 5th grade students will be taking a simulation test on the computer to practice for the NYS computer-based tests.
- College Awareness Day- January 12, 2024: A question was asked about how we should celebrate this day. Teachers will be encouraged to wear their college memorabilia or we can ask students to wear colors of the college they know or one they may want to go to. We could begin asking colleges for brochures and have students research different colleges and try to persuade people to want to go there. Maybe hang pennants of different colleges around the building. We would like to add charts in the hallways and ask students to jot down some ideas for what they think they can do now to prepare for college and careers.
No questions or concerns were raised.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review and Approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The October meeting minutes were approved.
Review SLT Charter
A team member read the SLT Charter aloud to remind everyone of how we would all like to feel during the meeting and to have a productive and focused meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
- Analyzing the BOY Screener Data in ELA and Math, Chronic Absenteeism Data, and A36 Infractions in the OORS system to progress monitor period 1 of our CEP goals: The team spent a good portion of the meeting analyzing the BOY data to determine if we were on track, not on track, or almost on track for meeting our June goals. ELA- Target goal: 82% of K-2 students performing at or above benchmark on Acadience; 74% of 3-5 students performing at or above benchmark on i-Ready. Data showed that 80% of K-2 students are proficient according to the Acadience BOY assessment which indicates we are almost on track. Students in grades 3-5 58% are proficient according to the iReady assessment which indicates we are not on track.
- What key strategies positively impacted the school’s ability to achieve the desired results? The Fundations and Heggerty programs are hugely impacting the performance of K-2 students with building a strong foundation of early literacy skills. The tier 2 interventions including a Double Dose of Fundations and Heggerty is also supporting the needs of our students.
- What challenges and barriers are negatively impacting the school’s ability to achieve the desired results?Students in the upper grades didn’t have the strong foundational skills with interventions in the younger grades. Math- Target goal: 73% of students performing at or above benchmark on the i-Ready diagnostic screener. Data showed that only 36% of students in grades K-5 have demonstrated proficiency on the i-Ready math screener assessment. Some discussions were held around how to ensure that our students demonstrate proficiency on the MOY assessment but also how to support the work so that next year in the BOY our proficiency rating is much higher.
- Kindergarten is looking at their math centers to embed different topics and make them more rigorous. It is important for us to expose students to concepts taught later in the year by incorporating problem of the day, number routines, math games, etc. A discussion was held around spiraling some math problems from previous topics into current unit math tests so that concepts are continuously being reinforced. Adding in more number routines to launch math lessons to strengthen number sense. A concern raised was that basic facts are still not known by students which is impacting their ability to work through rigorous math tasks and problems as they are spending a lot of time figuring out the computation/procedural aspect versus the conceptual understanding. It was also suggested to provide and support families with math strategies so they can help their children at home since the strategies students learn may be unfamiliar to families.
- Chronic Absenteeism Target goal for SWD is less than 10% chronic absenteeism. The current chronic absenteeism rate is 3% for SWD which indicates that we are on track for meeting this goal in June. The target goal for Hispanic students is less than 10% chronic absenteeism. The current chronic absenteeism rate is 3% for Hispanic students which indicates that we are on track for meeting this goal in June.
- A36 Infractions in the OORS system target goal: Less than 5% of A36 OORS infractions. The data showed that currently we have 12.5% of A36 infractions that have been reported in the OOR S system which indicates we are not on track for meeting our June goal.
- Creating surveys for Priority #4 and Priority #5: A discussion was held around some ideas for creating a survey. All students graduate College and Career Ready. The benchmark tool that we created is a proficient of students who feel like they have received information and planning for the future.
- It must be student-friendly.
- How do we want to get information from families for career day?
- Providing families with options for how to present or share information- can be virtual, they can share a book, provide different options.
- Asking the kids what they would love to learn about careers.
- School staff regularly reaching out about students’ progress
- What does parent communication look like/mean to you?
- How would you like the school/your child’s teacher to communicate with you?
- Provisioning all team members in iPlan Portal and walking through the portal: All SLT members will be provisioned in iPlan to be able to view and leave feedback on the CEP.
News and Updates Committee Reports
- UFT News and Updates: No News was reported by the UFT Chapter Leader.
- PTA News and Updates: November 29, 2023 is the next PTA Meeting in the morning at 9 AM; Fall Festival will be on Friday, November 17, 2023 from 6-8pm- there will be lots of raffles/gift certificates; December 4, 2023 will be picture retake day: A teacher made a comment regarding the quality of the class pictures and asked if class pictures could all be redone on the make-up day. PTA member indicated they would reach out to Lifetouch to set this up; December 7 – 8 2023: All students will participate in a special Planetarium Interactive Dome assembly in the gym. The dome can accommodate 90 students at a time.December 14 – 15, 2023 will be the Holiday Boutique/Gift sale. Students can shop for the holidays; Staff Appreciation events will take place the week of December 16, 2023; KiwiCo stem kits will be given to each student in PreK to grade 5 to do at home over the winter recess with their family.
Principal Report
- School Trips: Teachers are committed to booking trips throughout the school-year to provide different experiences and opportunities for students and will work to book trips during the year. Some suggestions of places that were discussed include: Young Chef’s Academy, Louis Armstrong House, Museum of the Moving Image, California Pizza Kitchen, Queensborough PAC shows, APEC, Bayside Historical Society.
- NYPD Marching Band Assembly: The NYPD Marching Band will be visiting P.S. 115 on December 13, 2023 for 2 assemblies for students, free of charge.
- Arts Enrichment Opportunities: The team looked at different options for art workshops provided by Marquis Studios to bring as an after-school enrichment program to students and families for all grade levels. Options included (1) 90-minute session for each grade up to 50 participants total which includes a student and adult or (2) 45-minute sessions with 50 participants total in each session. The team agreed that it would be better to hold (2) 45-minute sessions so that more students could participate. The following topics were selected: PreK- Creative Movement Dance; Kindergarten- Puppetry Theater; Grade 1- Mask Making; Grade 2- Paper Mosaic; Grade 3- Printmaking; Grade 4- Origami; Grade 5- Origami. Ms. LaPorte will set up a meeting with Marquis Studios to schedule dates for each workshop.
- KiwiCo STEM Kits: Teachers and parent members selected appropriate STEM kits for each grade level band. Kits will be given to each student to complete at home during the winter recess.
No questions or concerns were raised at this time.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 2:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review and Approve minutes from last SLT meeting
The team had read through the September meeting minutes and the minutes were approved.
Review SLT Charter
A team member read through the SLT Charter that was created by the ideas shared during the September meeting by all team members. The team approved the Charter. This Charter will be read at the start of each SLT meeting to remind everyone of the goal and how team members want to feel in order to have a productive meeting.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
- Review our School Summary: The team read through the School Summary and were asked to identify if anything needed to be revised and/or added.The PTA After-School Enrichment Chess program was cancelled for the Fall session as there were not enough students who signed up for it. This was removed from the summary. We will be bringing back Multicultural Day this year. In January we are looking to hold the food event and in the spring we will plan for the Dance Performance outdoors. Grade 3 needed to be added to the Project Soapbox participation section.
- Analyze the 2023 NYS ELA, NYS Math, and NYSESLAT data results to identify noticings and trends: 80.8% of Students in grades 3-5 were proficient in ELA. These results are similar to where we were the year before. We have been working very hard with the new Into Reading program and we currently have a literacy coach who is supporting the teachers with the implementation of the program along with teaching practices aligned to the Science of Reading. Each teacher will receive 10 sessions with a literacy coach who is trained in the science of reading. HMH Into Reading includes explicit instruction which is teacher-directed. Teaching the program includes naming things for kids instead of asking them what they think they are. Teachers are engaging in backwards planning where they are looking at the end of module assessments and identifying the skills and concepts students need to know by the end of the unit. For the first module, the grades were not as high as we would expect since it is a new program and there were many factors which includes the online administration of the assessment for all grades K-5. This online administration will also help support our fifth grade students as the 5th Grade NYS tests in ELA, Math, and Science will all be online this school-year and next year we will be adding grade 4 for the NYS online assessments in ELA and Math. In analyzing the teacher reflection survey, teachers are identifying the vocabulary instruction as a huge strength as teachers are seeing improvement in vocabulary and in the use of the words in different content areas as well. Math- We had a proficiency rating of 86% in the 2020-2021 school-year and then in school-year 2021-2022 we had a 79% proficiency rating. This past school year 2022-2023 we increased by 6.7% and have an 85.5% proficiency in math. This is a great accomplishment! We are aiming for 90% for this school-year. NYSESLAT- ENL progress went up 2.7% with 25 students testing at the commanding level which indicates that they have tested out of ENL services. 38 students moved up one or two levels, 13 students remained at the same level, and 2 students went down in proficiency level.
- Gallery walk: Review CEP action plans for Priority #1- All students learn to read well, Priority #2- All students are physically & emotionally safe, Priority #3- All students have a high-quality academic experience, Priority #4- All students graduate college and career ready and have a strong plan and pathway to economic security, and Section 5- Chronic Absenteeism. The team will use the data analysis work to make revisions to the CEP action plan if necessary. The team engaged in a gallery walk where they had the opportunity to read through the action plan items that had been created to support each of the CEP goals as indicated in the priorities above. They were able to add additional action plan steps and/or revise some of the steps that were already included to help ensure that we meet our June goal. The team then came back together to engage in a discussion around the priorities. Priority #4- All students graduate college and career ready and have a strong plan and pathway to economic security. The team discussed educating students on different career pathways and possibly creating a survey for families to see who may be interested in participating in a career day where they can share information about their career with students. We also discussed what students need to do now to get ready for college or a career and having them plan this out. NYC Kids Rise is a program that supports students in planning for their future. This is an opportunity that is available for all kindergarten students and new grade 1 & 2 students. Our current grade 2 students were enrolled when they were in kindergarten unless they opted out. The DOE is also supporting a financial literacy program for grades K and 1. More information will be shared after the first session. Section 5- Chronic Absenteeism- The Attendance team meets every 2 weeks to discuss student absences and if students and/or families need follow-up to ensure attendance improvement. Vacations count as absences if families go away. Chronic Absenteeism is when students have already missed the maximum number of days absent for the school-year which, is 18 days. The team has really been looking carefully at students who are close to this number and has started doing outreach calls to families. While attendance alone does not count for promotion, we know that when students are absent frequently their grades are negatively impacted since they are missing lots of instruction time. A question was asked around the Middle School admissions process and attendance. Ms. LaPorte spoke about how the grade 5 admissions process is for this school-year where attendance is not factored in but it could change for the next school-year. For this school-year the 4th grade final report card grades in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies are used for decisions. Middle schools have a Screened Program which is what has been traditionally known as the Gifted & Talented Program. Students going into 6th grade (whether they are currently sitting in a G&T class or not) are not guaranteed a seat in the Screened Program and all students interested must indicate that on their application. A parent member suggested that we have some alumni from different Middle Schools come to talk to the 4th or 5th graders about how to get into middle school. Ms. LaPorte will look into this. Ideas suggested on the charts for the CEP action plan will be added in iPlan Portal.
News and Updates Committee Reports
- UFT News and Updates: No new was reported by the UFT Chapter Leader.
- PTA News and Updates: The PTA has a busy month of October. Fun Run- The Fun Run went ok. Less money was raised this year than last year and the company takes 20%. Next year they are thinking of doing a costume walk instead. Pumpkin Patch will be in the gym tomorrow due to the weather that is expected. Clothing Drive will be held on Saturday- Heavier items are wanted since money received is by the weight. The next general membership meeting will be on Wednesday, October 25th at 6 PM. The Scholastic Book Fair will be starting on October 30, 2023. November Cheese Cake Sale will be delivered on November 21, 2023. The PTA is having a Fall Festival in the Gym on Friday, November 17, 2023 from 6-8 PM- it will be $5 per person to enter- There will be a DJ (All Star DJ), carnival games, and food for purchase. KiwiCo STEM Kits- will be sent home right before the December holidays for students and families to work on during the break.
Principal Report
- Priorities for the 2023-2024 School Year- NYC Reads: Ms. LaPorte went through the Literacy Shifts document aligned to NYC Reads including the data that was collected around the demographics about proficient readers across NYC. On page 3 of the document we discussed how the Science of Reading is not an ideology or philosophy but is scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing focused on five components that are fundamental to reading: phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. It involves direct and explicit teaching. The goal of science-based reading instruction is for students to be able to read any book of their interest. It is important that we give the students opportunities to read books on their interest levels. We are moving away from an alphabetic A to Z leveled library and are also not going to level by Lexile levels either since students who have background knowledge of a topic may be able to read books on a higher lexile level. Classroom libraries will be organized by topics, genres, series, authors, etc. Ms. LaPorte also reviewed the shifts from the Common Literacy Practices –> to these Science of Reading- Informed Practices (From the literacy program) Page 4 of the Literacy Shift document.
- Into Reading Curriculum/ Independent Reading Book Selections: Students will be taught how to use the 5 -finger rule to identify if a book is just right. They are encouraged to read the first 2 pages and any time they get to a word they don’t know they are to put one finger up. If they get to 5 words, they don’t know on the first page the book is too hard. If not, they continue to the page 2 check where they stop and ask themselves if they can explain what happened so far and if what they have read makes sense to them. If they can, they are to go on, if not they are to stop- the book is too hard. Finally, they move on to the 5-page check where at the end of the fifth page they stop and ask themselves if the book is making them think and/or make connections. If not, the book is too easy, if it does then they have found their just-right book.
- Diagnostic Screeners- Acadience & iReady- What’s next? The administration window closes next Friday. Once the data is collected, teachers will analyze it at their class and grade level and use it to form targeted small groups based on student needs. All teachers have a WIN period scheduled for one period throughout their day to incorporate tier 2 interventions and their literacy centers. The iReady personalized lessons seem to be working. This year we have a Reading Interventionist who will be assessing and then meeting with a small group of students for a tier 3 intervention using the Wilson Program. Tier 3 is more intensive and therefore she will be meeting with identified students who need additional support 5 days a week which also includes progress monitoring each week. Screener data letters will be sent home and we will be holding a workshop for families on how to read the data in the letter in November.
- Student devices, emails, and passwords: Students in the lower grades are having trouble accessing their DOE email accounts and passwords. It is very important that they know their password and username since they have to take the end of module unit assessment online.
- Student Council: The Student Council process has started. Students who are interested in running will participate in a class election first. The winners from the classes will then be recorded reading their speeches and students in grades 3-5 will vote the week of Election Day. The Student Council President will have to go to the meetings for the district throughout the year. Their first task will be to create a way for the entire school community to be a part of creating the criteria for a Citizen of the Month. They will have to create a survey for what makes a good citizen and gather the information to consolidate the responses and look for the most common ideas shared.
- HIV/AIDS Lessons: The DOE has created a new curriculum titled, “Growing Up and Staying Safe”. There is no opt-out option for grades K-5 as there has been in the past. Families will receive the notification letter along with the lesson overviews by grade level. Lessons will be taught the week of November 13, 2023. The team looked over the grade level overviews. District 26 SLT Meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. All SLT members are to participate and register for either the 4pm session or 7pm session. Ms. LaPorte will share the information in an email.
No questions or concerns were raised.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, September 21, 20232:40 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Each member of the School Leadership Team (SLT) introduced themselves.
Creation of SLT Charter
Since there are new members on the SLT for the 2023-2024 school-year, the team worked to create a new charter for how we all want to feel during our meetings. Each member began by jotting down five feelings for how they want to feel as a participant during SLT meetings. Then working in pairs and then in a group the team narrowed down the top 5 feelings that everyone agreed with. Next a list was created for what other members can do to help everyone feel this way during each meeting, and finally the team listed ideas on what team members can do if someone is not following the charter. These ideas will be used to create a charter which will be read at the beginning of each SLT meeting beginning in October.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
- Discussion of CR A-655 & the SLT requirements: Prior to the meeting the team had read through Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 and the SLT requirements. A brief discussion was held around the regulations and particular sections were discussed in more detail such as the SLT’s responsibility in developing the school’s comprehensive educational plan (CEP) and monitoring our progress towards achieving our goals, following a consensus-based decision-making process for all decisions that need to be made, required number of members which includes an equal number of parents and staff, remuneration and record keeping, and the role of observers during each meeting. No additional questions were raised around the regulations.
- Review our School Leadership Team Bylaws: The team reviewed the operating guidelines list in the CR A-655 and made sure that our current SLT Bylaws included all items listed. One team member noticed that under ‘Team Meetings’ we needed to revise the meetings to be in-person instead of virtually and we needed to revise the time to 2:40 PM.
- Identify SLT Roles & Responsibilities: The team nominated Ms. LaPorte as the chairperson and Ms. Russo as the co-chair. Ms. Russo also offered to be the secretary for this first meeting.
- Review Tentative SLT Meeting Dates: The team went over the tentative dates scheduled for the future SLT meetings and the team was in agreement. Future dates: October 19, 2023, November 16, 2023; December 21, 2023; January 18, 2024; February 15, 2024; March 21, 2024; April 18, 2024; May 16, 2024; June 20, 2024.
- Analyzing the June 2023 end of year screener data- ELA: In small groups the team analyzed the June end of year screener data in ELA and math and made several noticings. Students in grades K-2 ended the year strong in ELA with 82% proficiency in kindergarten, 84% proficiency in grade 1, and 81% proficiency in grade 2. K-2 had an overall proficiency rate of 82.3% which is an increase from the 2022 school year where 75% of K-2 students demonstrated proficiency at the end of the year. Each grade showed growth from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. In grades 3-5 the average proficiency rate was 75% (same as the 2022 school-year) with grade 3 students ending the year with 91% proficiency, grade 4 at 67% proficiency, and grade 5 at 68% proficiency. Some wonderings were made around the drop in grades 4 & 5, which during the Covid years were students in grades K & 1 where important foundational skills are taught. Some of the sub-groups that were noted to need additional support in order to close the achievement gap are Students with Disabilities (SWDs), English Language Learners, and Hispanic students. Students who were considered chronically absent for the 2022-2023 school-year also had lower proficiency ratings as compared to students who attend school more regularly. Some school-wide next steps/implications for teaching include finding out the source of the dip in grade 4 & 5 proficiency rate, utilizing the WIN period to support students who ended the year below grade level, and strengthening core1 instruction through the use of the new Into Reading curriculum. It was noted that vocabulary is still an area that students struggle with however teachers shared that students are starting to make connections with the vocabulary from Into Reading into different content areas such as science. The team is hopeful that the vocabulary instruction in the new reading program will support students and give them more exposure to words which in turn will help aid in comprehension of text.
- 2023-2024 CEP Goals: The team looked over the draft CEP goals that were set in June. Once the new NYS testing data results are shared, some of the goals as far as percentages may need to be revised. We will work on these goals and the action plan at the October SLT meeting.
- Grading Policy: The team reviewed the Grading Policy for the 2023-2024 school-year including the philosophy of grading, the grading scale- 1, 2, 2+, 3, 3+, 4 and the grade equivalence, and looked through each of the grade’s components and how grades will be determined. According to the grading policy, newly admitted students will receive grades if they attended school for a minimum of 75% of the marking period. If not, they will receive a grade of NL. If there is insufficient information to determine whether the student has met the standards they can also receive an NL. If anyone has questions about grades they are to talk to the teacher first and then the teachers can speak with administration if there are still concerns about the grade. The grade level equivalence is mostly aligned to the other schools in our district and the grading policy follows the NYCDOE academic policy guidelines. The iReady and Acadiance screener data are not used for report card grades. Copies of the grading policy will be shared with families in October.
- Celebration Policy: After reviewing the draft of the Celebration Policy the team took a vote to approve it for the 2023-2024 school year. The Celebration Policy was fully approved by all SLT members and will now be finalized and shared with the community.
News and Updates Committee Reports
- UFT News and Updates: There was no news reported by the UFT Chapter Leader.
- PTA News and Updates: The PTA President shared the PTA news and updates with the team. October is a busy month- enrichment after-school programs will begin. This year the PTA is offering in-person enrichment for Chess and Drone Robotics. Spanish Language and Chinese Language will be virtual after-school programs. October 2, 2023 will be the launch of the Fun Run fundraiser and October 12, 2023 will be the Fun Run event outside during recess time. Teachers are asked to show students the videos each day to get students motivated but they do not have to create accounts or enter any personal information. On Friday, October 20, 2023 the PTA is having the Pumpkin Patch in the small courtyard. Pumpkins will need to be ordered ahead of time. October 30, 2023 to November 3, 2023 will be the Scholastic book fair. The Fall Clothing Drive will take place on Saturday October 21, 2023. Spirit wear sale will begin. October 18 – 19, 2023 will be Lifetouch Picture Days.
Principal Report
- Reflecting on the start of the school-year: Kids were excited to be back in school. They seemed to adjust well and demonstrated that they are comfortable being in the school building.
- 8 Days of Love Plan: To support our students, we continued with the 8 Days of Love Plan to launch the new school year to help students with building relationships with their classmates and learning about one another and their backgrounds as well as work on team building activities to foster a culture of respect and cooperation. We have found this structure to be very successful in easing students back into school but also creating a warm and nurturing learning environment where students feel welcomed, valued, and respected. This year the team selected different books and activities that engaged students in learning about their name, about their classmates, and creating positive affirmations.
- Priorities for the 2023-2024 School Year- NYC Reads: NYC reads is our main priority this year as we work to ensure that every student is a proficient reader by 3rd grade. This is the Chancellor’s initiative as there are low reading proficiency scores across NYC as well as across the country. All of the work we engage in this year will focus on NYC Reads. Teachers and students will use the new ELA curriculum Into Reading to support and strengthen our work in reading and writing with direct instruction aligned to the Science of Reading. There will be workshops for families around NYC Reads as well as around the new curriculum throughout the year.
- Into Reading Curriculum: Information regarding the new Into Reading program was shared with the team. Writing components- Students in grades 2-5 have a grammar component as part of their lessons. Fundations and Heggerty are the programs we are using to teach students in grades K-2 the foundational skills instead of following the foundational skills lessons in Into Reading. Each module has an end of unit assessment that students will take on the computer. This end of module assessment measures the entire unit that students engaged in throughout the 3-4 weeks. The program also includes weekly and selection quizzes that each grade will determine what and how to administer based on the purpose of each assessment. These assessments include multiple-choice questions as well as some short responses. Right now teachers are trying and figuring out what works for the grade. Some students might not master the skills assessed however skills and concepts do spiral in the modules so as the year goes on, they will revisit the skills often. As mentioned during back-to-school night, we are no longer using an alphabetic leveling system and are moving towards a numerical Lexile leveling system. We will not be administering running records anymore. We want to encourage kids to select books by interest and topic. We will hold parent meetings about the new Lexile levels and how to help their children select books to read independently. A question was raised by a parent who was concerned about the rigor of the work and an example was shared in grade 1 where homework included learning to write the alphabet. Response from Ms. LaPorte: Teachers are following the program with integrity. This program is backed by the science of reading and has opportunities for enrichment. The questions and tasks are rigorous and aligned to the standards. There are also literary centers to provide opportunities for independent reading and responding to questions and inquiry-based projects. The level of discussions can also be raised as students discuss the text and provide evidence.
- Diagnostic Screeners- Acadience & iReady: All students in grades K-2 will be screened in ELA using Acadience and all students in grades 3-5 will be screened using iReady. All students in grades K-5 will be screened in Math using iReady. Today 5th Grade took the iReady math assessment. Teachers will use the results of the screeners to provide targeted small group intervention work.
- Student Devices: We continue to give out devices we have in our stock however we do not have enough for all students at the moment. If any student needs a DOE device, families are to complete the google form that was shared via email. We will continue to provide the DOE with a list of devices needed.
- Early Drop-Off: Early drop off will begin on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. The main entrance door will be the only door open at 7:55 AM. Students will go to the cafeteria and sit by grade level until 8:08 AM when they will be sent to their classrooms.
- Arrival & Dismissal Traffic: Arrival and dismissal times continue to create lots of traffic and unsafe conditions around the school building, especially in the front of the school. Cars continue to double park and block driveways of our neighbors. Ms. LaPorte mentioned this safety concern to the 105 Precinct Captain during a weekly check-in meeting. They offered to speak to families about traffic regulations and safety at the next PTA meeting. Ms. LaPorte will try to coordinate this for the October PTA meeting. We hope that with the start of early drop-off the traffic congestion will be reduced. Students will be dismissed beginning around 2:25 PM each day. By 2:30 PM any students that haven’t been picked up will be brought back in and families can pick them up at the main entrance.
- Safer Door Access Project: Our school is scheduled for a survey for the safer door access project on September 23, 2023 which will allow schools to lock the main entrance during the school day. More information will be shared at a later date.
No additional questions were raised.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:13 PM.
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
The February meeting minutes were read by the team however approval will need to be held at the next meeting in April due to not having quorum.
Review SLT Charter
The charter was read aloud to the Team by one of the members.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Utilizing the information gathered from our MOY progress monitoring data analysis to work on modifying the action plan steps for March to June.
- During the February meeting, the team spent a lot of time analyzing the MOY (Middle of Year) assessment data.
- The focus for the March meeting was to use the progress monitoring MOY data to review and assess our action plans to monitor the progress we are making or not making towards our CEP goals. Action plan steps were to be analyzed to see if they positively or negatively impacted our progress thus far.
- The team broke up into groups to analyze and discuss the action plan steps for each of our CEP goals (ELA, Math, Supportive Environment, and Chronic Absenteeism).
- ELA- The key strategies that positively impacted the school’s ability to achieve the desired results are the Fundations and Heggerty programs that work well together, the Home-School Unit letters for Fundations that are shared with families, having Fundations as a Tier 2 resource, center-based activities in Kindergarten, and the structured intervention period (WIN) where students receive targeted interventions to meet their individual needs. For ELLs the Fundations program has been so helpful in providing phonics instruction for all students, having the ENL teacher push in to support ELA skills, and the vocabulary work.
- The challenges and barriers that negatively impacted the school’s ability to achieve the desired results for SWDs are possibly that some foundational skills are missing, students are reading below grade level and it is difficult to find appropriate texts for their age and interest that is on their reading level.
- Math- The key strategies that positively impacted the school’s ability to achieve the desired results are the access to the iReady diagnostic to identify areas of weakness and give students a personal path of activities aligned to their needs.
- The challenges and barriers that negatively impacted the school’s ability to achieve the desired results are possibly the time constraints in being able to meet with all students who need small group instruction.
- Some discussions were held in terms of what adjustments can be made to the CEP action plan: building math fluency through games (possibly board games). Board games and center games will also help to build cooperative skills, teamwork, and teachers can spiral content/skills since it was expressed that students are not always demonstrating retention of previously taught concepts. Another point made was around strengthening math problem solving skills by modeling different strategies such as having students act out the problems, drawing pictures to solve, or thinking aloud. Some questions also arose regarding the time needed to cover all of the math content, which is a struggle if math game day is weekly. An idea was shared around incorporating more math read-alouds possibly as part of our book of the month program to bring in more math discourse and in helping to teach the content. Math vocabulary is also an area we think needs to be strengthened and reinforced in daily lessons.
- Family Engagement- Some ideas shared were to possibly add some family math or literacy activities or challenges in either the monthly newsletters created by each grade or the PTA email. We should also think about hosting family literacy or math nights in the future to engage students in different fun learning activities.
- The K-2 afterschool program has begun. The afterschool program engages students in center-based activities focused on ELA and Math skills.
- The Fundations and Heggerty programs have really supported students in grades K-2. These programs have been rolled out and each day we are working to teach the program with fidelity. There are resources in Fundations for Tier 2 activities which includes a double dose of skills for certain students in small groups. Students in grades 3-5 who need additional support in phonics are pulled in small groups and teachers are using the Phonics for Reading program.
- The exposure we are giving to students through the word of the week is also very helpful as it is building our students’ vocabulary knowledge. Even if students in the lower grades are just listening to the announcements and hear the word each day this is exposing them to additional words since they are constantly learning new vocabulary words throughout the day.
- Upper grade students are using the iReady online tool for independent work and teachers are assigning this for homework as well.
- Chronic Absenteeism
- The challenges and barriers that negatively impacted the school’s ability to achieve the desired results are possibly the language barrier- are messages reaching the parents/guardians?
- The school’s attendance team continues to monitor our Chronic Absenteeism goal. The team does outreach to the families to find root causes and offer support. Letters will begin to go home (probably next school year) if students’ attendance rates drop below 90%. Outreach to families about attendance before holidays and breaks should also be sent home so families are reminded of the attendance policy.
- Adjustments that can be made to the CEP action plan: having a translator explain to the parent/guardian the attendance policy and importance of attending school, having the attendance officer make a home visit with a translator, reminding families to inform teachers/the school when their child is absent- this can be a ClassDojo message, phone call to the main office/attendance teacher, written absence letter, email, etc.
Leaders’ Tool 5.1- Inventory of Assessment Types and Timing
Ms. LaPorte shared how the Instructional leadership team is beginning to work on analyzing the types of assessments we use, their purpose, and how long these assessments take to administer to really tighten up our assessment practices. Some of these assessments overlap and we want to make sure we are not over-assessing our students if we can get the same information from other assessments we are already administering. For example, the time it takes to complete the TC running record assessments (number of minutes per student times number of students in the class times the number of assessment benchmarks each year) was shared with the team to show how this one assessment takes away from instructional time. The Instructional Leadership Team will continue to complete this tool to help us identify the assessments for the 2023-2024 school-year.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
The UFT is currently in negotiations for a new contract with the DOE.
PTA News and Updates
The PTA will set up a spirit wear pop-up table during the Coffee and Conversation parent meeting on Friday March 24, 2023.
There will be a donut fundraiser in school next Friday. Anyone can purchase Dunkin Donuts during lunch time similar to how snack sales are run.
The PTA is having the annual Walk-a-Thon to raise additional funds on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 which is National Walking Day. This will take place outside during recess time.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held the last week of April.
We will have a carnival on June 1, 2023.
Principal Report
A question was asked about the date of the Grade 5 Graduation; Friday, June 16, 2023 is the 5th grade graduation ceremony.
Report Cards
Report Cards are available for families to view in their NYC Schools Accounts today (March 23, 2023). All report cards will be digital and copies will not be sent home. Ms. LaPorte shared that we are thinking of sending a paper copy home to families only for the final report card in June. Anyone having trouble accessing their child’s report card in their NYC schools account can contact Mr. Burke at Questions about grades should be discussed with your child’s teacher.
In-Person Coffee & Conversation
We are excited to bring back our in-person Coffee & Conversation on Friday, March 24, 2023 in the auditorium beginning at 8:45 AM. Families of students in grades 3-5 will be able to visit their child’s classroom on this day from 9:20 AM to about 9:50 AM. In May, we will have another In-person coffee and conversation and families of students in grades PreK-2 will be able to visit classrooms. Next school year we are hoping to bring this back for the whole school every other month.
Storytelling Assemblies
LuAnn Adams the storyteller came to the school for a special assembly for students in grades PreK-2. It was a live storytelling assembly with the theme of spring and celebrating Earth Day. The students and teachers had a great time and really enjoyed this performance. Students in grades 3-5 will participate in this special assembly next week on March 29th with slightly different topics. On Friday, May 26, 2023, the Zuzu African Acrobats will put on a special performance for the school during two assemblies.
Device Inventory
Ms. LaPorte shared that the NYC DOE device inventory that was scheduled for the following week on March 28, 2023 and March 29, 2023 has been cancelled and put on pause. We do not have another date scheduled.
2022-23 State Accountability Designation
The Local Support and Improvement (LSI) designation that our school received as part of the State Accountability Designation is the best accountability status that schools can currently receive. The designation, ”Good Standing” has been changed to LSI to recognize that all schools, even higher performing schools, are in a continuous improvement mode and can benefit from local support from their districts to meet students’ differentiated needs.
NYC School Survey
The NYC School Survey is still open and all families and staff members are encouraged to complete the survey sharing their feedback about the school. We use this information to help us with improvement efforts.
School Budget
Galaxy is closed but we can continue to make purchases until Wednesday, April 5, 2023. There is still some additional money for the arts. Ms. LaPorte is thinking of getting a canvas for each student so Mr. Erber can do a “Paint Day” with the students similar to how we did Paint Night. The team liked the idea and agreed.
No questions or concerns were raised.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:13 PM by Ms. Russo.
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
The January SLT meeting minutes were read and approved by the Team.
Review SLT Charter
The SLT Charter was read by an SLT member to remind the team how everyone wants to feel during our time together to ensure a productive meeting.
Connecting Activity: Self-Care Bingo
The importance of self-care was briefly discussed and followed the last meeting about creating some New Year’s Resolutions. Team members were asked to independently complete the Self-Care Bingo board. If we don’t care for ourselves, we can’t care for the people we care about. February recess is a good time to make sure we all do things to take care of ourselves.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Analyzing our MOY Screener Data and Progress Monitoring our Targets in ELA, Math, Supportive Environment, Chronic Absenteeism Goals
All students have completed the screeners in ELA and Math; we are at 100% completion. At the last meeting we had begun to analyze the data as most of the students had completed the screeners at that time. For this meeting the team analyzed the updated data results by the sub-groups to identify the progress being made towards our MOY goal which in turn will help us determine progress towards our June goal, and assess the need to revise or enhance the action plan.
Team members did a gallery walk around the room to analyze the different data sets for ELA and Math for different sub-groups that were placed on chart paper. Team members worked in pairs and jotted down any noticings/trends they had regarding the data.
Discussion Notes After the Gallery Walk:
Our ELA MOY progress monitoring goal for all students was: 77% of K-2 students performing at or above benchmark on Acadience; 76% of 3-5 students performing at or above benchmark on iReady.
- K students- 72%; grade 1- 79%; grade 2- 82% which combined indicates that about 78% of students in grades K-2 are performing at or above benchmark which is slightly exceeding our MOY progress monitoring goal.
- 72% of students in grades 3-5 performed at or above benchmark on the MOY assessment indicating that we were very close to meeting our MOY progress monitoring goal for all students.
- Continue with ongoing small group interventions for students who are performing in the “red” and “yellow”
- Are the ELL students getting modified assessments to accommodate the screener assessments?
- Students will be prepped and supported prior to the assessment by giving the students information on the subjects in a broad sense since they can’t have help on the actual exam.
- ELA content area is performing higher than the goal. (exceeding our MOY Benchmark goal)
- ELL– we are on target with students in grades K-2 as our progress monitoring goal was 36% and 36% of our ELL students performed at or above benchmark. We do however have more work to do with students in grades 3-5 as only 23% of students are performing at or above benchmark which is lower than our goal of 27% at this time.
- SWD– we are close to meeting the 51% progress monitoring goal for MOY as we are currently at 49% in grades K-2, and we surpassed the progress monitoring MOY goal for grades 3-5 which was set for 30% and 38% of SWD are performing at or above benchmark.
Our Math MOY progress monitoring goal for all students was: 76% of students performing at or above benchmark.
- According to the MOY iReady Math data, 54% of all students are performing at or above benchmark at this time. A lot of the students are performing one level below, so we are close to the goal. Compared to a year ago, students performed similarly at this time of year. If this pattern continues, we can possibly get to the 76% goal for the end of the school year.
- The goal of 76% can be reached or exceeded with a focus on areas such as Geometry and Measurement. Students also learn these topics later in the year but teachers are trying to incorporate them now through number routines, games, problem of the day structures.
- SWD– our MOY progress monitoring goal was 38% of SWD performing at or above benchmark however according to the MOY iReady data only 23% were performing at or below benchmark. A noticing was that there are a lot of SWD that are one level below at this time.
- ELL- our MOY progress monitoring goal was 30% of ENL students performing at or above benchmark however according to the MOY iReady data only 17% of English Language Learners are performing at or above benchmark at this time. On noticing was that there are a lot of ENL students who are one level below. Math scores may be impacted by the ability of ELLs to understand the wording of questions. Thoughts were shared around helping English Language Learners with understanding how problems are written and providing additional assistance/practice.
Chronic Absenteeism – The sub-groups with the highest absenteeism rates are SWD and Hispanic Students which is how the goals were created. At the 100th day of school mark, students who have already been out 20 days are considered at risk. The district sends out a monitoring report to keep track of the subgroups. At this time 25% of SWD are considered chronically absent which is higher than our MOY progress monitoring goal of 15% indicating we still have more work to do. 40% of Hispanic students are considered chronically absent which is also higher than our MOY progress monitoring goal of 15%.
- Are there certain times of the year when this is higher? Yes, around breaks, there are higher rates. We also look at patterns to see if students are absent more on certain days.
- How are the family interactions going?
- Regarding remote learning- Teachers are only posting work in Google Classroom for students who test positive for COVID and are not expected to post for regular absences or if students go on extended vacations. Teachers are compensated for posting assignments for COVID cases for remote learning.
Work on modifying action plan steps for March to June based on MOY progress monitoring information gathered
Spiraling the information/concepts in math so that students see the information they learned from the beginning of the year repeatedly. Repetition will allow the students to retain and improve. This is also how iReady is designed with multiple concepts in one assessment.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
UTF is in the process of contract negotiations – teachers will be wearing specific colors on certain days or passing out flyers.
PTA News and Updates
The Taekwondo assembly held for Lunar New Year was well received. The students had a great time and were so engaged in physical activity. Some of our own students who go to the Taekwondo school were called up to the stage to perform for the audience. Students will receive a certificate for two free classes.
Candy gram was also a very successful event. The students enjoyed receiving a special treat from their friends and/or the PTA. The sweet gesture was also appreciated by the staff members as well.
Little Caesars fundraiser was successful- families were able to pick up their pizzas and enjoy at home.
Upcoming events:
Picture Day- All students will take Spring pictures on Monday, March 13, 2023.
Scholastic Book Fair will take place in April.
Square One Art continues– parents will have to give permission for the school to share their child’s first and last name, class, and artwork with Square One Art. We can hold onto the artwork in school and permission slips can be gathered for submission to Square One Art. We would need to collect permission slips by March 17, 2023. Once we receive permission slips we can send the artwork to the company.
The contract for the Carnival is in progress with NY Party Works. The Carnival has been scheduled for June 1, 2023.
Principal Report
Respect for All Week February 13 – 17, 2023
Different activities were planned for this special week:
Monday was Anti-Bullying/Cyberbullying- “P.S. 115Q Stands Together Against Bullying”. Students created a pledge together to create a safe, bully-free environment and signed it showing their commitment.
Tuesday was “Love yourself and others”. Classes read the book I am Enough as a read-aloud. Students wrote a list of all the things they loved about themselves.
Wednesday was the 100th day of school– staff members dressed up as a 100-year-old person. Families were able to enjoy this as well as teachers went out to dismiss their class at dismissal time. 100 hearts were collected which included student responses to ways they can be kind. This will be created into a bulletin board display- “100 ways to be kind”
Thursday- Respect for diversity/kindness around the world– students were encouraged to wear or bring in something from their culture to share with their class.
Friday- Tomorrow is Pajama Day and National No One Eats Alone Day – Students will sit with new friends during lunchtime.
Vaccine Mandate & Visitor Policy/Volunteers in DOE Buildings
As per the Mayor’s announcement, as of February 10, 2023 NYC DOE staff and other individuals in DOE schools and buildings including visitors and family members will no longer be required to show proof of vaccination.
In-Person Coffee & Conversation
In-person coffee and conversation will be resumed. SLT shared thoughts on the re-introduction of Coffee & Conversation including the engagement of the parents visiting classrooms. It was agreed upon by SLT members to separate Pre-k to grade 2 and grades 3-5 as we bring back this in-person event. All families are invited to the auditorium for breakfast and conversation and then families of students in grades 3-5 will be invited into classrooms. We will start with upper grades first due to NYS testing coming up. In May families of students in PreK to grade 2 will be invited to visit their child’s classroom. Parents will know ahead of time the grade level and transition back. SLT team agrees.
Due to the vaccine mandate lift Graduation will now be held in person in the auditorium, with all grade 5 classes together. Two tickets will be provided per family due to space limitations in the auditorium as students also need to have a seat during the ceremony. Graduation has been scheduled for Friday, June 16, 2023. There will be a Grade 5 parent meeting on Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 6 pm to share additional grade 5 updates and information. Friday, June 23, 2023 will be the Award Ceremony and Dance for 5th grade. Families will also be invited to the Award ceremony.
Pre-K and Kindergarten: We will be having more of a celebration event for kindergarten students instead of a formal moving up ceremony and Pre-K will continue to have their stepping-up ceremony. This will also take place in the auditorium with all 3 PreK classes together.
Civics for All Week- March 6 – 10, 2023
Civics for All Week is March 6 – March 10, 2023. The S.S/Civics Team is working on a list of activities to be planned for that week for students to engage in. Assemblyman Ed Braunstein will visit the school on Monday, March 6, 2023 to launch Civics for All Week. Students in grades 3-5 will participate in a special assembly where they will learn about his role and the importance of using their voice to make a change. Students will also have the opportunity to ask questions. Special Read-alouds will also be used to support Civics for All week discussions in classrooms.
K-2 After-School Program for Extra Support
We are beginning a K-2 after-school program to give students additional support in ELA and Math instruction. This program will be held after school on Wednesdays for 12 weeks and will be from 2:50-4:05 PM.
We have booked a special assembly for students in grades Prek to 5 utilizing the ARPA enrichment funds: ZuZu African Acrobats assembly has been scheduled for Friday, May 26, 2023.
Additional assembly ideas were shared including The Brain Show and an Alley Pond Assembly.
School Budget
- Additional ipads and laptops were purchased in preparation for 5th Grade computer-based testing coming next school year (2023-2024).
- New books have been ordered for the school library for students. Ms. Bikofsky had placed the order based on student book recommendations.
- Arts funding will be used to supplement our Music and Art programs.
- ELA and Math test support funding is used to support the after-school program as well as ELA and Math practice books for all students.
A question was raised about Parent Teacher Conferences being held virtually or in-person? Response: PTC meetings will continue virtually for the remainder of the school year. March 9, 2023 is Parent Teacher Conferences which is right before the end of marking period 2. Report cards will be available in NYCSA on Thursday, March 23, 2023.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:14 PM
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
Unfinished Business: Minutes were approved from Nov. 2022 meeting since quorum was not present during the December meeting.
Review of December 2022 minutes: the minutes were approved by the team.
Review SLT Charter
A team member read the charter aloud to remind everyone of how all members want to feel during the meeting to ensure work productivity and respect for all voices and opinions.
Connecting Activity
The team members shared out some New Year’s Resolutions and self-care.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Analyzing our Math MOY Screener Data to begin our Action Planning for February to June, Number Routines, Unpacking the four domains
- February begins the second half of the school year. It is a time for schools to reflect on our progress towards meeting our goals and identify steps for our action plan in the CEP.
- Last month we analyzed our progress monitoring data. We were close to reaching our ELA progress monitoring goal however, we are a little behind in reaching our math goal.
- We are currently working on having all students complete the MOY iready screener and Acadience screeners. Many students have completed the math so the team began analyzing this data.
- The team reviewed and discussed some overall trends in the school’s math data. Some noticings were that for the most part, the overall percentages pf proficiency increased by grade level. For example, the overall proficiency for Kindergarten was 38%, grade 1- 36%, grade 2- 40%, grade 3- 63%, grade 4- 65%, and grade 5- 74%. This may be due to the students in the upper grades having a solid foundation and more exposure to the variety of math concepts as well as more familiarity with using the technology.
- Measurement and Geometry domain overall was the weaker of the domains in almost all grades except in kindergarten. Discussions were held about how we can incorporate these concepts throughout the year and not wait until the unit is taught which happens to be towards the end of the year. (S.T.E.M., centers, math tasks, number routines). There was also significant growth in algebraic thinking in first grade.
- A question was asked about the NYS exams and when students would have to take them on the computer. Computer based testing is scheduled for next school year for the fifth-grade students only. A parent shared how these screeners being taken online should help support our students with being comfortable taking the assessment on the computer.
- Discussion was held around the following: How can we spark a love of math for those students who don’t necessarily love the subject? – We are discussing incorporating math games and center activities to make math fun for students. There are also some tasks that create no stress situations such as “Which one doesn’t belong?” and open middle word problems since there are many correct responses. These tasks also have real world applications for students and include opportunities for discussions.
- Questions: Could the school have access to prodigy over the summer? Is prodigy on the approved DOE vender list? It was not listed.
- The team reviewed the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards for grades K-5 to unpack the specific domains and understand what specifically students need to know at each grade level. These are all available to families on the NYSED website.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
Mr. Ciprut, UFT Chapter Leader was unable to join this meeting
PTA News and Updates
In January we have the following:
- Lunar New Year Assembly will be held in February which will be a Tae Kwon Do presentation and will include anti-bullying and self-defense as well as information about Lunar New Year
- Picture Retake Day on January 23rd which is also cap and gown photos for grade 5 students
- Little Caesar’s Fundraiser ends next week. Delivery/pick up date will be shared shortly
- Possible Candy Gram Fundraiser- the PTA is currently working out the logistics to give students the candy grams to give to their friends
- Enrichment After School Ideas are in the works- a virtual open house is scheduled for families to hear about the different programs
- Square One Art will begin at the end of Jan. and students will work with Mr. Erber on completing this
- Next PTA meeting will be on Wednesday, Jan. 25th at 9:30 AM
- Scholastic Book Fair will be a BOGO- date in April TBA
- Mother’s Day shop will be a plant sale like last year
- Currently working on trying to schedule a carnival
Principal Report
Soapbox NYC- we were very excited to send a P.S. 115Q representative to the Soapbox NYC event which took place at the New York Historical Society and included students across NYC. One of our 4th grade students delivered her speech at this event. This event was also live-streamed as some classes had students watch the speeches being delivered. Our Civics team is looking into integrating this work across all grades.
ELA & Math Test Prep After-School Program– the ELA program will begin on Tuesday, January 31st and will run until April 4th. The math program will begin on February 2nd and run until April 20th. All students in grades 3-5 will engage in units of study focused on test prep strategies and support.
Lunar New Year– Students will engage in different activities focused on Lunar New Year. We continue to encourage families to share information about their culture, traditions, holidays, etc. so that we can all learn and celebrate together. Our book of the month for January is A New Year’s Reunion.
Parent Workshops– we will be facilitating a virtual parent workshop on Thursday, January 26th at 6 PM on “Understanding the NYS ELA & Math Exams”, and a virtual parent workshop on Monday, January 30th at 6 PM on “Understanding the NYSESLAT” with Ms. Keller. This is the assessment that English Language Learners take in the spring.
Black History Month– Students will be engaging in different projects and lessons centered around learning about important African Americans who have made significant contributions to our nation’s history including scientists, authors, artists, musicians, activists, engineers, etc. Mr. Ciprut will spotlight an artist each week and music will be played over the loudspeaker in the morning. We will also play music over the loudspeaker in the morning.
Respect for All Week February 13-17, 2023: Activities will be planned for this special week which also includes the 100th day of school. We will try to book the Harlem Magic Masters for an Assembly as they do presentations on anti-bullying and respect. Possible Idea: respect for all door theme and a door tour.
In-Person Coffee & Conversation– We are thinking of how to bring back in-person coffee & conversation while managing the amount of people in the building; possible idea is to have one month for PreK- K families to visit classrooms, the following month grade 1-2 families, etc.
School Budget– Our budget remains healthy. We are looking to use funds for enrichment activities as well as purchasing some other devices such as a robot mouse for classrooms for coding; dash robots, drones, etc. to support computer science. We would also like to use some funds to renew some of the software: Raz-Kids, Brainpop, etc.
Stop, Drop, and Go- Procedures for stop, drop, and go were explained in the event of inclement weather. Only the main entrance and back doors on 262nd street will be open. Families will be notified through Class Dojo.
Questions & Concerns
No additional questions were raised at this time.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 3:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:10 PM
Review Minutes from Last SLT Meeting
The team reviewed the minutes from the November meeting. The minutes are pending approval as we did not have quorum for this meeting. The minutes will be reread at the January meeting for approval.
Review SLT Charter
A team member read the Charter aloud to remind the team of how we all want to feel during our time together.
Connecting Activity
The team engaged in a fun Paper Plate Snowman activity.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Review Action Plan for Supportive Environment & Chronic Absenteeism Goals
To identify a Supportive Environment goal, we use the NYC school survey to gather data. This goal includes our focus on preventing bullying in the school.
The team reviewed our action plan steps in iPlan for our supportive environment goal which included our 9 Days of Love plan, creating class charters, student check-ins with the teacher and using the mood meter, creating brave spaces and opportunities for students to be able to share their thoughts, feelings, concerns, and opinions on a variety of topics which is happening through the soapbox speeches in grades 4 & 5.
We will hold a virtue of the month assembly during an indoor recess period to celebrate and recognize those students who demonstrated the virtue of the month. Students will receive certificates. We are hoping this can take place before the holiday break.
In February, we will bring back the buddy classes to create a supportive environment across grade levels. We will also look into the different books of the month for the remainder of the year to ensure the books are inclusive of many cultures and topics.
Ms. Tang and Ms. Ria facilitated virtual workshops for all students in grades K-5 on the Citywide Behavioral Expectations as well as Respect for All guidelines.
All schools must select a goal to decrease chronic absenteeism. The team reviewed and discussed some action steps to clarify and adjust such as indicating outreach will be made to families of students who are absent 2 consecutive days if the parent has not already communicated with the teacher. Ms. Naiya Wilson is our attendance point person. Absences do get coded differently if students were out sick with a note from the parent or doctor. If there are patterns in absences or lateness; the team will reach out to families to uncover possible root causes and develop a plan together.
We have a robo-call system in place for the school community. This has been helpful for the school and families. The attendance team meets bi-monthly to review attendance data, patterns, and trends. Individual student attendance is monitored along with progress and increases or decreases in attendance. Family outreach is made. A future action plan step is to recognize students who have at least a 10% improvement in attendance every three months.
Progress monitoring our goals for ELA & Math
The team reviewed the overall proficiency percentages for ELA for the BOY for Acadience and iReady and compared this information to our progress monitoring benchmarks to assess if we are on track to meeting our June goals. Based on the data, we are currently meeting our goal for ELA for students in K-2 which was ‘75% of K-2 students performing at or above benchmark on Acadience’ and we scored at 75% proficiency exactly. We are close to meeting our benchmark target in our K-2 ELA goal for our SWD population and exceeded our target goal for English Language Learners. Our progress monitoring goal for SWD- ‘49% of students performing at or above benchmark on Acadience’ and we are currently at 42% proficiency. Our progress monitoring goal for ELLs- ‘34% of students performing at or above benchmark on Acadience’ and we are currently at 41% proficiency which indicates we are meeting and even exceeding our progress monitoring target goal for our ELL population in ELA. For students in grades 3-5, our progress monitoring target goal for ELA was ‘74% of grade 3-5 students performing at or above benchmark on iReady’ however our proficiency was 63% which indicates we are approaching our target goal. For SWD our target goal was ‘28% of grade 3-5 students performing at or above benchmark on iReady’ and we scored at 38% proficiency, which was close. Our progress monitoring goal for ELLs- ‘25% of grade 3-5 students performing at or above benchmark on iReady’ and we are currently at 38%, which is meeting and even exceeding our target goal. The data aligns for students in both subgroups in K-2 and grades 3-5.
Right now, we are not meeting our math benchmark target goal for all students which is ‘73% of all students performing at or above benchmark’ as our data shows only 39% of our students proficient. Our SWD subgroup is currently meeting and exceeding our benchmark goal as 42% of SWD are performing at or above benchmark and our target was 36%. Our English Language Learners are also close as 25% of ELLs are at or above benchmark where our goal was 28%. During our last meeting we had discussed that the math assessment tests all math concepts including some topics that have not been taught yet and will be taught in the future. We also looked at the data from a year ago and students performed similarly at the beginning of last school year and finished the year with a proficiency of 72% school-wide.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No news was reported on behalf of the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
The Mad Science assembly took place on December 14, 2022. The kids had a good time.
Kiwi-Co Stem kits were purchased for every student. Hoping to have students engage with the activity the week before the holiday break
Holiday Gift Shop will be on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 during the school day. Two classes at a time will be scheduled to shop since it takes students some time.
The PTA is gifting winter wonderland crafts to each student for an in-class activity for next week.
The PTA will also be having a Winter Wonderland Celebration with a photo booth set up in the gym after school hours on Thursday, December 22, 2022 from 3-5 PM. There will also be hot chocolate and cookies all free of charge. A parent member asked about how students could participate if they attend the Common-point after-school program. Ms. LaPorte asked if the event could be extended to 5:45 PM to accommodate students and their families who get picked up from after-school between 5:15 and 5:45 PM. PTA member Ms. Park stated that it should not be a problem and she would reach out to the vendor and the team.
Little Caesar Pizza Fundraiser, Square One art fundraiser with Mr. Erber, and Valentine’s Day Candy Gram fundraisers will all begin in January.
A teacher shared A BIG THANK YOU from the staff to the PTA for funding a lot of Donors’ Choose Projects. We are so grateful.
Principal Report
ELA & Math Test Prep After-School Program
Teachers in grades 3-5 are beginning to identify students who will benefit from an after-school test prep program for ELA and/or Math. These sessions will begin the end of January/early February and run for about 9 weeks. Each session will be for an hour from 2:50-3:50 PM.
In-Person Coffee & Conversation
Our next virtual Coffee and Conversation meeting will be held on Monday, December 19, 2022 at 9:15 am. We were excited to hold our first in-person Coffee and Conversation meeting on Monday, November 30, 2022. We had about 40 families in attendance. We held a whole group meeting in the auditorium first and then split up into 3 smaller groups to take a tour of the school building and take a peek inside the classrooms. Many families have not seen the school building as their children may have started attending our school after the pandemic started.
School Budget- Enrichment Options
Ms. LaPorte reviewed the different lines in the school’s budget. We looked over the different allocations allocated for school programs, curriculum, materials, and other funding sources. All schools received funding for enrichment programs. Last school year we booked the dance residency and Bricks for Kids. Kindergarten was brainstorming an in-house program of Bakers and Shakers. Some other ideas discussed by the team include storytelling performances, puppet making, and assemblies that all students can enjoy. The in-class residencies are great but they are very expensive. This year we have a lesser amount allocated for enrichment ($8,422). Assemblies and shows may be the best way to enrich and expose more students to the arts and other opportunities. Ideas such as Jazz at Lincoln Center, Acrobats, a Lunar New Year Assembly, Anti-bullying assembly were mentioned. Ms. LaPorte will begin to look into some of these ideas to book assemblies.
Virtual Parent Math Workshops
Ms. Ruggiero has been facilitating these workshops from 5th grade all the way down to first grade. Kindergarten workshop will be held next week. We were unable to record the sessions but the slides will be shared with families in a shared folder. Each workshop was about an hour in time and parent feedback we received was positive with families asking for additional workshops to continue. Ms. Ruggiero also meets virtually with small groups of students in grades 3-5 for tier 2 math interventions.
Spirit Week
We are excited for Spirit week next week. We thank the Kindergarten team who helped set up the spirit week schedule.
MOY Acadience and iReady screeners and data chats
The MOY (Middle of Year) screeners in Acadience and iReady will take place beginning in January. The MOY will measure student growth and progress from the BOY to now. The data will be analyzed to determine student strengths and students who may need additional support in the form of a tier 2 intervention. In the upper grades (3-5), teachers will also help guide students to self-reflect and self-assess and engage in data chats to identify areas of strength and set a goal with an action plan.
- One visitor left a post-it on the “Parking Lot” that included the following:
- Is there an option for families to come in and sit in a class for a period like once a month or one in two months?
- Math presentation was awesome! Is there a way that it could be done before the kids are taught in the class so we could support them at home? 7.
Meeting Adjourned
Remaining SLT Meeting Dates:
- Thursday January 19, 2023
- Thursday February 16, 2023
- Thursday March 16, 2023
- Thursday April 20, 2023
- Thursday May 18, 2023
- Thursday June 15, 2023
Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 3:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Review Minutes from Last SLT Meeting
The team read through the meeting minutes from October and minutes were approved by the team. Ms. LaPorte indicated that she wanted to add in the information from the post-it notes that were written from the data analysis.
The school policy of no goody bags for class celebrations was discussed. SLT is looking for a school wide dojo reminder to be sent to families.
Review SLT Charter
The team read through the charter that compiled the ideas from October’s meeting and everyone agreed on the new charter.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Reviewing the Action Plan for ELA and Math
- As part of the CEP, all schools are asked to select goals in ELA and Math that are aligned to the NYS ELA & Math Tests. An action plan is created for both ELA and Math goals in order for students to make progress. This action plan was drafted back in June with School Leadership Team members when the goals were drafted.
- Team members partnered up as teacher/parent partnerships to look over and discuss the action plan in detail. Teams shared the action plan steps and clarifying questions were asked.
- This action plan goes from the beginning of the year through January. At the end of January, we will analyze our MOY data to note any progress or growth and plan for February to June’s action plan steps to ensure we are on track in meeting our goals by June. The goals are set but the action plans are fluid and flexible.
- Action Plans for ELA & Math are included at the end of the notes.
- One of the Chancellor’s Priorities aligns with a strong foundational program in phonics.
- Fundations and Heggerty are phonics and phonemic awareness programs that are scripted and involve direct teaching where the teacher explicitly models for students. These programs are meant to be done with fidelity in order to be successful. Fundations has several activities that are part of each day. Students engage in lessons focused on letters and sounds and letter formation. Fundations has a handwriting component where students learn how to physically write each letter using the sky line, plane line, grass line, and worm line. There are family letters that align with each Fundations unit that classes have shared with their families either through google classroom, classdojo, or printouts. Heggerty is a phonemic awareness program and is auditory where students are listening and engaging with onsets, rhymes, etc. and manipulating different sounds or parts of words.
Analyzing the BOY Screener Data in ELA and Math
- The team spent some time analyzing the BOY screener data in ELA and Math by school and grade level. This information helps us to see if our ELA core instruction is healthy based on the Acadience assessments (K-2) and iReady (3-5) and if our core instruction in math is healthy by analyzing the iReady screener results K-5. We are looking for about 80% proficiency in the school/ grade which would indicate that our core instruction is meeting the needs of our students. We follow the tiered systems where approximately 80% should be in the green (at or above grade level), 15% in yellow (approaching grade level), and 5% in the red (far below grade level).
- The data is broken down into reading composite, first sound fluency, nonsense words. Different grades are assessed in slightly different components in Acadience. The iReady assessment is adaptive.
Grades K-2 ELA
- The overall reading composite in Kindergarten was 78% proficiency based on the Acadience data. This includes all of the reading assessments administered. First sound fluency- 69%
- Overall reading composite in 1st grade was 61% proficiency; phoneme segmentation fluency- 46%, nonsense word fluency (CLS) 67%; Nonsense word fluency (WWR)- 63%
- Overall reading composite in 2nd Grade was 67% proficiency; Nonsense word fluency (CLS)- 64%; Nonsense word fluency (WWR)- 67%; Oral Reading Fluency- Words Correct- 81%; Oral Reading Fluency- Accuracy- 87%; Oral Reading Fluency- Retell- 81%
Grades 3-5 ELA
- 100% of our students in grades 3-5 are proficient in phonological awareness; 88% of students in grades 3-5 are proficient in phonics; 98% of students in grades 3-5 are proficient in high frequency words; 60% of students in grades 3-5 are proficient in vocabulary. *This is one factor as to why our action plan is implementing a word of the week and shared reading structure. 64% of students in grades 3-5 are proficient in comprehension overall; 67% are proficient in literature; 59% proficient in informational text. Grade 3: 72% proficiency overall; grade 4: 61% proficiency; grade 5: 57% proficiency.
- The team discussed some thoughts around using a variety of assessments to validate the need for student intervention. Teachers are able to plan specific targeted interventions for individual and small group instruction.
- iReady helps group the students based on their data but teachers then validate this data as well.
- For ELA, students in grades 3-5 in group 1 were administered a placement test and many tested out according to the assessment.
- The math data that was analyzed was school-wide from our iReady screener results. Overall, the school is 39% proficient in math. Number and operations- 43% proficiency; Algebra & Algebraic Thinking- 51% proficiency; Measurement & Data- 45%; Geometry- 37%. Teachers brought up that the math assessment goes over concepts that are not introduced until the middle of the year and these are beginning of the year assessments.
- The school purchased iReady lessons that students can access at home. Once students complete the screener iReady will generate lessons for the student to work on tailored to their instructional needs. The school purchased this for the year so students should also be able to utilize the iReady lessons over the summer.
- Some additional ideas discussed were to possibly come up with a summer math packet or a choice board of math activities. These can be optional tasks or a packet of resources on the school website for students who would like to work on additional math activities during the summer.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No updates were shared on behalf of the UFT
PTA News and Updates
The Pumpkin Patch was very successful. Staff mentioned had beautiful the yard was decorated for the event.
Cheesecake sale is going on and going well. Cheesecakes will be delivered Monday, November 21st.
The Scholastic book fair went well. Students enjoyed shopping.
Chess is a popular after-school program. However, the PTA is possibly looking to switch Chess vendors for the spring and asked for teacher feedback of they knew of any vendors.
Holiday gift boutique is coming up in December.
Picture Day will be on December 5, 2022 and December 6, 2022.
Principal Report
Diagnostic Screeners- What’s Next? Decision Tree Map
Ms. LaPorte discussed in detail how teachers use the decision tree maps to identify students who would benefit from small group intervention. The team looked at the decision tree maps for each grade level. These maps help to identify the type of intervention students would need.
- Fundations & Heggerty Programs- Each grade level team analyzed the Acadience data to group the students into four quadrants based on a set of criteria. These quadrants helped to identify students who would benefit from a small group intervention. Students who need additional support based on this analysis will receive a double dose of either Fundations, Heggerty, or both. The Fundations Program has resources provided for small group activities. Teachers also utilize the Florida Centers for Reading Research site that has several resources and games to support phonics, phonemic awareness, and other reading components. Overall, our core instruction is strong and the majority of our students do not need interventions.
- In-Person Coffee & Conversation- Based on feedback from families this event will be held in person on an alternating month schedule. For all who would like to join there is a DOE visitor policy that families must present photo I.D. and proof of at least one dose of the COVID vaccine upon entry. Our first in-person coffee and conversation will be held on Monday, Nov. 30th. Families will be able to go on a guided tour of the school building after the conversation as we have realized that many families are new or started around Covid time and have not seen the building at all.
- School Trips- The Chancellor’s Regulations for School Trips requires that a student who has a medical need must have a trip nurse to join the class on the trip. Trip nurse coverage is submitted however sometimes there is no trip nurse available that day. To avoid the cancellation of trips we prepare a backup plan where families can designate someone to join the class on the trip and provide medical attention in the event of an emergency.
- November COVID tests kits were sent out today (11/17). Every family will get an extra two tests for next week before the Thanksgiving break.
- KiwiCo kits were funded by the PTA. This year the PTA will be able to give one kit per student. These will be distributed soon and the school is looking to engage in the activity the week before the holiday break in December.
- The Student Council held their elections for grades 3-5. The results were announced today on 11/17. Mr. Asselta took the lead as the student council liaison and he is also joining the participatory budget meeting where he will support the student council members in assess what the school building needs/what students want and then use their budget to put together an order.
School Budget
Meeting Adjourned
Remaining meeting dates:
- Thursday December 15, 2022
- Thursday January 19, 2023
- Thursday February 16, 2023
- Thursday March 16, 2023
- Thursday April 20, 2023
- Thursday May 18, 2023
- Thursday June 15, 2023
Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 3:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order
Meeting was called to order at 3:10 PM.
Review Minutes from Last SLT Meeting
Meeting minutes from September were reviewed and approved by the team.
Creation of SLT Charter
The team worked on creating a Charter for how all members want to feel as a participant during SLT meetings. Individually everyone completed a chart that asked to list 5 feelings for how they want to feel during the meetings, compare their feelings with other team members and then create a list of the 5 feelings that everyone agrees on, think about what the team members can do to help everyone feel this way while working and learning together, and name what team members can do if they notice someone is not following the charter. These ideas/responses will all be put together to create an SLT Charter.
New members who were unable to join the September meeting introduced themselves to the team.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Review Amendments made to the School Leadership Team Bylaws for Approval
- During the last meeting the team reviewed the SLT bylaws and Chancellor’s Regulations in depth to ensure that the SLT Bylaws were in alignment and included all requirements. The team proposed to amend a few sections of the bylaws in September to include some additions. These revisions were reviewed during the meeting: Under Term of Office, proposed amendment: It is suggested, but not required that PTA’s stagger the terms of the non-mandatory parent members of the SLT. Under Attendance and Participation of Non-Members: Non-members can write down questions, concerns, and feedback from the SLT meeting and submit questions at the end of the meeting on the parking lot chart. The SLT committee will then decide based on relevance what will be discussed at the following SLT meeting.
Hybrid Meetings Discussion & Vote (Amend Bylaws)
- Ms. LaPorte reviewed the hybrid meetings requirements as they relate to School Leadership Teams. All SLT meetings must be held in person in the school building and quorum for SLT must be met in person which means that all core SLT members must join the SLT meetings in-person. The SLT members discussed the logistics and requirements for the hybrid model. The hybrid model states that core members must still meet in person but may attend virtually under “extraordinary circumstances”. The hybrid model must allow the public to view the meeting via video and where allowed, participate in real time on the same basis as in-person attendees. The hybrid model requires a strong and stable WiFi signal, a good microphone, multiple laptops/iPads, and expert assistance. Technology must also meet ADA accessibility requirements. Based on the information presented, the team felt that we did not have the equipment necessary to hold hybrid meetings and also felt that the team would be more productive in person instead of navigating both in-person and the virtual platform. The SLT unanimously voted to keep the meetings in-person. The SLT meeting minutes will be shared at PTA meetings, on the school website, and on the bulletin board at the main entrance. There are also opportunities for families to share their input and voice during PTA meetings and coffee and conversation with the principal.
- The team reviewed the proposed amendments to the bylaws. The SLT approved the new amendments.
Review Revisions Made to the School Summary of the 2022-2023 CEP
- The team reviewed the revisions made to the School Summary section of the CEP in iPlan portal.
- Civics for All aligns to and supplements the Passport to Social Studies curriculum. Civics for all is the umbrella for Project Soapbox, the Civics for all Participatory Budgeting, Civics Week, and the Civics for All Companion Guide. Civics for All encourages students to use their voice to bring about positive change they want to see in the world. It engages students in student-led take action projects to help bring about change. The fourth-grade teachers are working hard to prepare students for their Soapbox speeches where students are researching and have an opportunity to share their voice about topics they are passionate about. Ms. Bikofsky will be continuing the work in Civics for All with our grade 5 students.
- A parent member raised a concern around the possible topics that may be considered controversial as part of these Project Soapbox speeches. The grade 4 teacher shared that many of the lessons are set up to learn about how to debate, as well as how to listen and share ideas that we may not all agree with. Ms. LaPorte reiterated that this also comes from the classroom environments that we create around respectfully listening to one another’s ideas although we may not always agree.
- PTA After-School Activities: The PTA after-school enrichment programs that are offered this year are Minecraft, Chess, Coding, Robotics, Lego Science, Video Game Design, and Foreign Language- Chinese and Spanish.
- Multicultural Day- part was added to include that we plan to continue our Multi-Cultural Day tradition of having families share information about their culture with students and the school as we are still waiting on guidance on bringing in food from homes to share with the school community. Idea of possibly moving multicultural day to the winter month was also mentioned.
Analyzing the June 2022 End-of-Year Screener Data
- ELA & Math, NYS ELA Data, NYS Math Data- the SLT team worked on identifying noticings and trends to prepare for any revisions to our action plan.
- The team engaged in a gallery walk of the NYS ELA and Math testing data as well as the iReady End of Year Screener Data from June 2022 to make noticings and identify trends across the school and different sub groups- gender, ethnicity, Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, Economically Disadvantaged, etc.
Some of the trends/noticings were:
All Students:
- There was steady growth in ELA but math did not show that.
- ELA scores are impressive.
- Most grades increased proficiency each year.
- There was slight growth across the grades.
- Grade 3- 87.7% proficiency- Amazing!
- School-wide proficiency- 81.5%
Students with Disabilities (SWD):
- There was a decrease of about 5% in proficiency for SWD.
- General Education students demonstrated more growth than SWD.
- SWD scores decreased from 2019-2022 however general education students’ scores improved from 2019-2022.
- SWD’s showed a decline, especially in grade 4.
- Asian students- had highest proficiency in 2022 (86.8%)
- Hispanic students- had about 59.5% proficiency
- Black students- did the best in grade 5 in 2019.
Economic Status:
- Grae 5 improved from 2018-2022.
- Students who were economically disadvantaged was a lower proficiency in 2019 and higher in 2022.
- Males improved significantly from 2019-2022- 73.8% to 82.6%
- Females made slight decrease from 82.7% to 80.3%.
- Slight decreases in females in grades 3 & 4 from 2019-2022 but slight increase in grade 5- 71.2% to 72.3%.
- Important for us to know the total number of females and males.
- ELLS made nice growth- 9.1% to 37.5%
- There was a 28.4% increase in proficiency from 2019-2022
- ELLS tested out of NYSESLAT and scored proficient on 2022 NYS ELA.
NYS Math
All Students:
- Grade 3 students demonstrated growth in proficiency in math from 2019-2022 (86.4% to 88.6%)
- School-wide math proficiency went down overall however largest decrease was in grade 5 (86.6% to 72.3%)
- Math proficiency in grades 4 & 5 decreased from 2019-2022 while grade 3 increased in proficiency.
- Math proficiency was higher in 2019.
- Grade 3 showed steady increase- (81.8% to 86.4% to 88.6% from 2018-2022)
English Language Learners (ELL):
- There was a slight increase in ELL performance in Math. (36.4% to 37.5%)
- SWDs showed a decline in proficiency from 2019 to 2022.
- Grade 5 had significant decrease from 2019 to 2022.(63.6% to 12.5%)
- Grade 3 SWD increased in proficiency from 50% to 62.5%
- As a school we did better in meeting needs of SWDs in 2019.
- 2019 had highest proficiency across ethnicities.
- Due to pandemic scores went down.
- All ethnicity groups showed a decrease in proficiency.
Economic Status:
- There was a greater decrease in proficiency in economically disadvantaged students.
- Grade 3 students made gains regardless of economic disadvantage.
- Grade 4 decreased the most by about 13%.
- Females demonstrated decrease in proficiency from 2018-2022
- Both males and females showed a decline in proficiency from 2019-2022 however the decrease was higher in females than males.
iREADY Math:
- Students seemed to be moving in a positive direction overall. Maybe the “below grade levels” was impact of all-remote learning.
- Females- showed overall strong results. All grade levels showed an increase in female results. Grade 3 had a significant increase (51%). Wonder what contributes to the increase in grade 3 performance.
- Males- all grades showed an increase in growth among male students. Grades 1 & 3 had a high increase from baseline to most recent end of year.
- Chronic Absenteeism- Highest absenteeism rate occurred in fifth grade. Great to see that grade 3 students showed great gains even though the students were chronically absent. According to the iReady data, fifth grade had the highest absenteeism rate and struggled the most on the assessment.
- SWD- Great progress in Kindergarten and grade 1. There was no change in grade 2 but students also didn’t decrease. Grades 4 & 5 had a low increase.
- ELLs- Second grade ELLs decreased in proficiency. More ENL students in lower grades overall presumably because they test out as they get older.
Overall Noticings:
- All grades demonstrated an increase in proficiency in ELA.
- Decrease in proficiency from grade 3 to grade 4 (87.7% to 79%)
- Our SWD and ELL subgroups are not meeting proficiency levels. We need to close this gap.
- Foundational math skills need to be worked on and strengthened, especially in the current fourth grade. Math was very difficult to teach remotely as students need to access manipulatives and engage with the math as part of their learning which was difficult in the remote space. Current grade 4 students were in grade 1 during remote instruction which is critical grade to learn basic math skills. Will need to engage students in fluency drills to help close the gap in this area.
- Overall we increased ELA proficiency by 3% to 81% however we decreased 7% in math proficiency with 79%. Our data is in alignment with how we performed as a district as well.
- We have done a lot of work around ELA- word of the week and introducing Shared Reading.
- Effects of the pandemic are being seen in the results. We are seeing some learning gaps. Our work is to close those learning gaps as best we can while simultaneously teaching current grade-level material.
- Handwriting and fine motor skills need to be worked on as well due to many years of students mainly working on devices.
A conversation was held around how we can strengthen our work in math to increase proficiency. Some ideas shared included:
- Moving away from procedural learning to more conceptual understanding so students understand why they are doing what they are doing rather than memorizing a formula.
- Based on parent needs that were brought up regarding needing support in learning the different strategies in math, Ms. LaPorte shared that the school will set up virtual math parent workshops for each grade level. * A request was made to have them recorded so families can refer back to them at any time. Possibly also work on some type of family resource for grade levels maybe including pictures/charts in google classroom.
- Teachers shared that we teach many different strategies so that students can access the math from multiple entry points and students can choose which strategy they prefer to complete their work.
- Continuing to work on and build math vocabulary. These vocabulary words are important especially in word problems.
- We will be revisiting and incorporating math number routines to build math fluency and engage students in rich math tasks that promote critical thinking, multiple responses, and provide opportunities for discussion.
- We will also be revisiting and incorporating math centers/games.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
The UFT is supporting a new winter apparel donation drive to families in need. Items need to be brought in by November 16, 2022.
PTA News and Updates
- Pumpkin Patch will take place on Friday, October 28, 2022 during recess.
- A good amount of orders were placed.
- Scholastic book fair begins on Monday October 31, 2022 and will run for the week. Families can also order online.
- Next PTA meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 6:00 PM.
Principal Report
Priorities for the 2022-2023 School Year
- Diagnostic Screeners- What’s Next? Grade level teams will analyze the data to identify trends and noticings across the class/grade, to group students, make shifts in teaching, and to identify students who will need to receive tier 2 interventions after validating the data.
- DESSA Screener: The DESSA is a strengths-based Social Emotional Screener that asks questions about areas of social-emotional functioning including decision making, relationship building, confidence, and others. This screener will be completed by each child’s classroom teacher and is completed about the child not one on one with the child. Social-emotional learning, or SEL, includes developing relationship skills, self-awareness, responsible decision-making, and optimistic thinking. Families do have an option to opt their child out of this screener and would need to write a letter opting their child out of the screener.
- Arrival & Dismissal Traffic:We will continue to remind families to be mindful of the traffic regulations around the school. Early drop-off has alleviated some of the traffic congestion in the morning however we are still concerned with everyone’s safety and ask that families also respect our neighbors and not block their driveways or double park as this creates unsafe conditions. We have requested a 3-way stop sign on the corner as well as a crosswalk on the west side of 81st avenue.
- Celebrations: Diwali is on Monday, October 24, 2022. Students are welcome to dress in their traditional clothing on this day. Costumes on Oct. 31, 2022: Students and staff are welcomed to dress up as a favorite storybook character. No costume masks, weapons, or other accessories will be permitted. Students must be able to get in and out of their costume independently for restroom purposes.
- Goody Bag/Treat Bag Policy: We are asking that no goody bags/treat bags are brought in to be distributed to students/classes. This is due to many food allergies in the school community. We are also ensuring the safety of all as treat bags that have come in contain small items that could be dangerous.
- Birthday Policy: For families who would like to bring in a special treat it is recommended to send in one small pre-packaged treat and a juice. No treat/goody bags.
- HIV/AIDS Lessons: In November teachers will be teaching the mandated HIV/AIDS lessons. This is a 5-day curriculum and will be taught the week of November 14, 2022. Families can only opt out of the prevention lesson if they choose to by writing a letter to Ms. LaPorte indicating that their child should not be in the classroom during the “opt out” prevention lessons and they will teach their child about prevention at home.
- Basketball After-School: We are excited to bring back a basketball team for the fifth grade. The District is planning to organize around this to set up games. For this year we may hold in-house games only.
No questions were raised at this time.
Meeting Adjourned
Remaining meeting dates:
- Thursday November 17, 2022
- Thursday December 15, 2022
- Thursday January 19, 2023
- Thursday February 16, 2023
- Thursday March 16, 2023
- Thursday April 20, 2023
- Thursday May 18, 2023
- Thursday June 15, 2023
Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 3:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:11 PM.
The team engaged in an ice breaker activity to introduce themselves. Depending on the candy they chose from the basket they had to respond to a few questions about themselves.
Creation of SLT Charter
The creation of a charter was put on hold for the next meeting since a full core SLT team was not present.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
- Review CR A-655 & the SLT requirements
The team reviewed Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 to become familiar with the requirements of the School Leadership Team. The following was highlighted from CR A-655:
- The SLT is responsible for developing the CEP and making sure that it is aligned with the school’s budget.
- All voting must reach a consensus for decision-making.
- The SLT must meet at least once a month for 10 months on school or DOE premises and be held at a time convenient for parent members.
- All SLTs should have a minimum of 10 members with an equal number of staff members and parent members.
- SLT meetings are open meetings; meaning that visitors/guests are allowed to join as inactive participants. The team will set up a place for visitors to write questions or concerns (parking lot) that the SLT will review and address as needed.
- Training will be provided to SLTs on the development of CEPs- A question was raised around the annual SLT training date. This is usually held in October for SLT members but a date has not been shared as of yet.
- P.S. 115Q is not a Title 1 school.
- SLT members can receive the annual remuneration for completing 30 hours of service and attending the mandatory training session. Remuneration forms inside each team member’s folder were reviewed. Team members should keep record of the meetings they attend and subm
- it this form in June.
Review School Leadership Team Bylaws:
- The Bylaws that were revised in October 2021 were reviewed to make sure that they included all of the SLT requirements from CR A-655, especially the section titled Bylaws which outlined what all bylaws must address.
Some of the topics discussed for Bylaw clarification/revision:
- The participation of visitors is nonverbal. Visitors will observe the SLT meetings, however, visitors will have the opportunity to write questions, concerns, or feedback on post-its to be added to a parking lot.
- Another possible amendment discussed was the meeting being held in-person. This will need to be held off until we vote on the hybrid model option at the next SLT meeting.
- Possible Amendment to be added to the Bylaws: PA/PTAs are encouraged to stagger the terms of the non-mandatory parent members of the SLT. According to the Bylaws, both constituents- staff and parents will need to hold an election for a second staff and parent alternate member.
Identify SLT Roles & Responsibilities:
- There are two main roles on the SLT: Chairperson and Secretary.
- Chairperson schedules the meetings, makes sure team members have the information needed for planning, and focusing the team on educational issues important to the school.
- Secretary is responsible for sending SLT meeting notices and keeping the minutes of each SLT meeting.
- The team nominated Ms. LaPorte to be the Chairperson and Ms. Silvagni to be the Secretary. Both members agreed to take the positions.
Review Tentative SLT Meeting Dates:
- The team reviewed the tentative dates that are scheduled for the SLT meetings which are typically the third Thursday of each month.
Hybrid Meetings Discussion & Vote:
A brief discussion was held around the guidelines and logistics that would be needed for the hybrid meetings model which includes a strong and stable WiFi signal, good microphones, multiple laptops/ipads and expert assistance. In addition, the technology must meet ADA accessibility requirements. Core SLT members must meet in person pending any extenuating circumstances. Reminders that there are multiple opportunities for families to participate in school meetings throughout the year where they are able to provide feedback and share their voice such as PTA meetings and monthly Coffee and Conversation with the Principal.
2022-2023 CEP (Mission Statement & School Summary):
- The team read the mission statement and school summary from the CEP.
- Revisions to the school summary: Some PTA programs have changed or will change: Chess, robo-mind tech, legos, language tutors, etc. Some other events like Family Day and Multi-cultural day are pending updated protocols so we may want to revise this section. A question was raised about a debate program which we had in the past- American Debate League. Ms. LaPorte will reach out to the debate vendor- American Debate League to try to set up a possible debate residency for this school year. American Debate League typically sets up the topics for debate and students learn a lot about delivering speeches and debate speaking skills/techniques as part of the residency. Students also participated in tournaments on the weekends. Debate is also embedded into the social studies curriculum with Civics for All as students in grades 4 & 5 are participating in Project SoapBox where they will be researching and preparing speeches on a topic they are passionate about.
Analyzing the June 2022 end of year screener data- ELA & Math:
- This agenda item will be discussed at the next SLT meeting when a full team is present.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates:
- Smaller class size has been a big topic.
- This initiative has been passed. It will be rolled out over the next 5 years.
PTA News and Updates:
- Back to school meeting was very informative and there was a good turnout at the first PTA meeting which was held after Back-to-School meetings.
- PTA is currently doing a Fun Run booster-thon fundraiser. So far, the PTA has met their goal of $10,000. We would like to do something big with this money. Students really enjoyed the STEM kits that were purchased last year and maybe this year each student can receive their own STEM kit.
- In October there will be a pumpkin patch/parade, clothing drive, Scholastic book fair, and picture day.
- The PTA and Ms. LaPorte want to brainstorm a little Halloween after school event possibly for students in grades 3-5 as a drop-off event. This is pending certain protocols.
- After-school enrichment classes will begin on Oct. 12th. Some classes are in person (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and some are virtual (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays). Classes being offered are Chinese Language, Spanish Language, Video Game Design, Lego Science Robotics, and Chess. Virtual classes will start at 5 pm. The deadline to register is October 7th. Ms. LaPorte will send a ClassDojo reminder to families.
Principal Report:
- Reflecting on the start of the school-year: The school year started off strong with the 8 days of love plan. Students have acclimated well to the school rules and daily routines. School supply early drop-off was successful and very helpful. A big thank you to the custodians for helping to bring these supplies up to classrooms. The meet and greets before the first day of school were very helpful to the students and families. This helped establish connections and helped ease everyone’s worries on the first day as they knew who their classmates were and had a familiar face that they recognized since they met their teacher already.
- 8 Days of Love Plan: Different activities were planned by the school reopening committee which included activities for team and community building, SEL, and getting to know one another including student’s names and backgrounds/interests.
- Priorities for the 2022-2023 School Year: Our two school priorities for this school year include “Strengthening our Systems and Structures” and “Diagnostic Screeners- Acadience & iReady”. Beginning next week, students in grades K-2 will be assessed in ELA one on one with their teacher using Acadience and students in grades 3-5 will take the iReady screener online. Grade 5 took the assessment today. All students K-5 are assessed in Math using iReady online.
- Student Devices: The DOE will continue to provide student devices (ipad or chromebook) upon request. If any student needs a device, they will need to complete the google form. Letters with student DOE emails and temporary passwords are being sent home for new students- (PreK and Kindergarten) Families can go to their NYC schools account to reset their child’s DOE password.
- Early Drop-Off: Early drop off began the week of September 28, 2022. It was very successful. Early drop-off helped families who needed it. It also helped alleviate some of the morning traffic. We started off with about 30 students and have increased to about 50 students.
- Arrival & Dismissal Traffic/Safety: Safety: The main doors of the school building must remain unlocked. This is not something that can be controlled/decided on at the school level. The main doors are to remain unlocked in case emergency workers need to access the school building in the event of an emergency. The NYPD and Borough Safety Director have a copy of the school’s safety plan which was submitted for review. All families are encouraged to sign up for Notify NYC. This will update families and send out notifications in case of any emergencies. ClassDojo has been very helpful to the school and families. Arrival/Dismissal: There is still a problem with traffic during arrival and dismissal times. Many cars are blocking driveways and double parking which is creating unsafe conditions. We are unable to close off the street as the crossing guard’s priority is crossing pedestrians safely. There will be constant safety reminders on ClassDojo as well as during any parent meetings- Monthly Coffee & Conversation & PTA meetings.
- New announcement on the admissions process from the Chancellor which was just released today. Ms. LaPorte shared Chancellor Banks’ announcement memo on the admissions process for Middle Schools and High Schools including a family-friendly and transparent admissions process, opening the application window earlier with earlier offers, clearer admissions information, and expanding programs that meet community needs.
No additional questions were raised at this time.
Meeting Adjourned
SLT Meeting Dates for the 2022-2023 school year:
- Thursday September 29, 2022
- Thursday October 20, 2022
- Thursday November 17, 2022
- Thursday December 15, 2022
- Thursday January 19, 2022
- Thursday February 16, 2022
- Thursday March 16, 2022
- Thursday April 20, 2022
- Thursday May 18, 2022
- Thursday June 15, 2022
Meeting Times: 3:00 pm – 6: 00 pm
Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 6:00PM
Members in Attendance: Danielle LaPorte, Kristina Silvagni, Barbara Dean, Marc Ciprut, Jessica Russo, Balvinder Deonarine, Kimberly Xavier, Denise Bucaoto, Melissa-Ann Phillip
Meeting Called to Order
Review minutes from last SLT meeting:
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved by the team.
Review of SLT Charter:
Thank you to all members and observers for respecting and always following the charter.
New Business
CEP Work- Progress Reporting Tool, Reviewing Action Plan
The main work of the SLT is to work on our CEP. We always review our goals and action plan to assess where we are in making progress towards meeting our June goals.
In March, the SLT did a lot of work analyzing and reviewing data from our MOY assessments for acadience and iReady across the grades. We reviewed and discussed the data from different sub-groups such as SWD (Students with disabilities) and ELL (English Language Learner) populations.
Ms. LaPorte reviewed the data that was collected and input into iPlan Portal. Based on our analysis, we are meeting our benchmark goals in both ELA and Math.
Some adjustments that were made to our action plan for ELA was to build reading stamina and inter-visitations to create shared school-wide beliefs and practices around shared reading. Some adjustments to close the gap within our SWD and ELL learners included more individualized plans for those students for additional support. Some other adjustments included visual support, total physical response (TPR) activities (act it out), providing sentence stems (starters/prompts) and access to grade leveled texts.
Some adjustments made to our math CEP goals were activities to build fact fluency, supporting families with new math strategies, and teacher training in math intervention programs. Centers and math games can also be utilized to build discussion and fluency. Math vocabulary can become more of a focus to continue to build discussions and build vocabulary in different content areas. Games and mathematical practices can help strengthen those skills.
Centers are very present in Kindergarten learning. Games and activities help strengthen skills in various math topics. Center learning is a district-wide initiative and the goal is to bring centers to upper grades as well to support student engagement. In our school, centers and games are already present in the upper grades. Centers allow for concrete learning, discussions, and opportunities for students to engage with their learning.
We are currently not on track for our chronic absenteeism goal. We discussed that COVID procedures and protocols are likely causing attendance to drop. Families are encouraged to keep students home if they don’t feel well. We are trying to maintain the health and safety of our school community. During attendance meetings, student attendance concerns are addressed and outreach is made to identify the root causes for absences. In analyzing the data, there is a large number of students that are slightly below the 90% attendance mark. Outreach is made by the attendance coordinator to families who are well below the 90% mark.
We are on track and above our supportive environment goal for June. Upon reflection, we believe that starting our school year with the 9 days of love plan helped foster relationships in the classroom and build school community. The focus on SEL throughout the year across grades also supported the students to help build relationships in the school community. We learned about each child and their background through surveys and projects and used this knowledge to make connections. This helped build home school relationships and connections with students and families. This work is helpful to build a culturally responsive learning environment. We strive for everyone to feel loved, valued, and respected. Ms. LaPorte shared how some families have reached out to teachers and expressed interest in teaching the class about their culture, traditions, holiday celebrations, their career, etc. A suggestion would be to share that families can reach out to teachers to teach about their jobs, culture, etc. to the class. These outreaches and connections are welcomed.
2022-2023 CEP (School Summary)
A rough draft of new goals and action plan will be due in iPlan Portal at the end of June.
The beginning of the CEP includes a School Summary where school’s share information The team reviewed our current school summary and held a brief discussion on what we can add and what we should delete. Some adjustments that are going to be made are some PTA programs such as Robo-mindtech, Kiwico STEM kits, Bricks 4 kids, and the dance residencies. We will also include the shared reading work and virtual family connections. Some revisions will revolve around new protocols post COVID, and a review of the core curriculum.
Shared Reading Work
The Instructional Leadership/MTSS Team has been leading the work around strengthening vocabulary through core instruction. The team presented a slideshow to share this work focused on shared reading.
The Instructional Leadership/MTSS team visited all classrooms across the different grades to assess the fidelity of shared reading and to highlight and share best practices with the staff as well as create the expectations for what all shared reading experiences should contain to ensure consistency and coherency across the building. Our work on shared reading supports the 5 pillars of reading. Some best practices observed included:
- Visual use of vocabulary words
- Slide shows
- Acting out vocabulary words
- Constant accessibility to the words throughout the lesson
- Gathering student’s prior knowledge of a text and vocabulary
- Use of real world connections
- Engaging students in discussion (turn and talk/small groups)
- Students engaged in the same text that is on grade level
- Embedding other content areas into this work (science/social studies)
- Uninterrupted first read to listen for fluency, intonation, accuracy, etc.
The team also created a document for teachers to support the planning of shared reading centered around text selection, prior knowledge, visuals, structure/student engagement.
Ms. LaPorte thanked Ms. Russo and Ms. Dean for the presentation.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
There was no new news from the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
- We had a successful walk-a-thon that raised a lot of money towards end of the year carnival and teacher appreciation week. Ms. Megna’s class won the ice pop party.
- We are planning a teacher appreciation luncheon. (Thank you from the teachers).
- We will be having a Mother’s Day Plant Sale on May 5. This will take place during recess time.
- A big thank you to Mr. Erber for his help with Square One Art.
- The Scholastic book fair will be starting on May 23. This is the buy one, get one book free fair.
- Kiwico STEM kits were ordered for a second round for all classes PreK included.
- We are planning for an end of year carnival.
- PTA is looking to donate more books particularly for Asian American/Pacific Islander Month which is in May.
- PTA elections are coming up in May as well.
- We are looking for more family attendance at PTA meetings. An idea around some kind of incentive or raffle was shared as a possibility to increase attendance.
Principal Report
End of Year Screener Assessments
Final round of screener assessments EOY (End of Year) for Acadience, iReady and the DESSA (SEL) screener. These assessments will be scheduled for each grade to begin the second week of May. Families will receive data reports showing their child’s growth from the beginning of the year to the end.
Gifted & Talented Admissions
- The Mayor has released information regarding the G&T (gifted and talented) program for the 2022-2023 school year. The application is online for families to apply and will open on May 31st.
- Ms. LaPorte shared the DOE website link which contains information regarding G&T.
- Pre-K teachers will evaluate and nominate incoming Kindergarten students. If they are recommended, they will receive a letter and then the family will have to apply to the program if they are interested.
- New program launching for entry into grade 3. Children enter these programs in grade 3. Highest-performing grade 2 students (whose grades are in the top 10% at their school) are invited to apply.
- Interested families with children entering grades 1, 2, or 3 can apply this spring to enter G&T programs in fall 2022.
Virtual Hall of Science Workshops
- Virtual Hall of Science workshops are after-school programs.
- There are a lot of spots available since it is virtual.
- Please register just one student since siblings can participate on the same device.
HIV/AIDS Lessons
- Families will be informed of the lessons for each grade level and will receive the link to view the curriculum online.
- Families do have the option to opt out of one lesson only which is the prevention lesson. Information will be sent out to families as we get closer to the week when lessons will be taught. All other four lessons are mandated and required lessons for all students.
Grade 5 Information
- Senior dues are for yearbooks, luncheon, cap and gowns, graduation decorations.
- There will be a grade 5 snack sale to help raise money for 5th graduation and end of year activities. All students will be able to participate to purchase snack sale items during their lunch period.
- Outdoor graduation ceremony will be on Tuesday, June 14th in two groups.
- Gift for the 5th grade will be a commemorative t-shirt.
- There will be a yearbook signing event for the fifth grade where they will get to sign each other’s yearbook.
- There will be a student only award ceremony to honor and celebrate student’s achievements.
- Grade 5 will participate in Field Day at Cunningham Park on Wednesday, June 8th.
Kindergarten Moving Up
There will be an outdoor ceremony in the afternoon on Tuesday, June 14th. We will use the chairs in the outdoor area for families.
Summer Rising 2022
- The application for the Summer Rising Program opened on Monday, 4/25. After an hour, our school was at full capacity for the summer rising program.
- The first half of the day is run by the DOE and then the second half of the day is supported by the Common Point Queens CBO.
- If there are additional seats that open up, information will be shared with families.
- Mr. Burke can field any questions regarding the summer program.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Members in Attendance: Danielle LaPorte, Kristina Silvagni, Barbara Dean, Marc Ciprut, Jessica Russo, Samar Shamsi- Rehman, Balvinder Deonarine, Kimberly Xavier, Denise Bucaoto, Melissa-Ann Phillip
Meeting Called to Order
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
The team reviewed and approved the meeting minutes from last month’s meeting on February 10th, 2022. The team reflected on the video montage that was shared with families during the Coffee & Conversation Family meeting on March 17th. The montage included pictures and videos of different activities from Respect for All week, Spirit week, Black History Month, the 100th Day of School, and the STEM projects. The montage will also be shared during the next PTA meeting.
Review of SLT Charter
The SLT Charter was read aloud to remind the team members of how we all want to feel during our meeting time together.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
CEP Progress Measures and Targets- Analyzing data to determine if we are on track in meeting our MOY Progress Targets for CEP Goals in ELA, Math, Supportive Environment, and Chronic Absenteeism.
The team spent the majority of the meeting reviewing different data sets measured against the CEP progress monitoring goals for the MOY to help determine whether we are on track to meet the June goals. Some questions the team members were asked to think about were the following:
- What do we notice?
- Are we meeting our MOY Progress Target?
- Are there certain sub-groups that are not meeting the MOY Progress Target?
- What are some areas we need to focus on improving?
ELA MOY goals for all students
75% of K-2 students are performing at or above benchmark on Acadience. The team reviewed the MOY Acadience data and made the following noticings:
- Second grade retell score was only 38% which was concerning. Some components of the Acadience assessment were timed and if students only read a portion of the text that may have impacted their retell score.
- Kindergarten had the lowest overall proficiency score of 60% compared to 80% overall in grades 1 & 2.
- Some components of the Acadience assessment were new from the BOY to MOY.
- The total percent at or above benchmark was 74% indicating that we are on track to meet our ELA goal for K-2.
71% of 3-5 students are performing at or above benchmark on iReady. The team reviewed the MOY iReady data and made the following noticings:
- 72% of students in grades 3-5 performed at proficiency levels on the MOY iReady assessment indicating that we are also on track to meet this goal according to our MOY target.
ELA MOY goals for students with disabilities (SWD)
68% of K-2 students are performing at or above benchmark on Acadience.
- Right now based on the data of 57% of students with disabilities in K-2 performing at or above benchmark, we are approaching our ELA goal for SWD in K-2. (11% difference)
- 60% of students in kindergarten and grade 2 are at or above benchmark however 50% of grade 1 students are at or above proficiency where all grades have similar number of total students.
- Retell was at 20% for grade 2 students and phoneme segmentation fluency was at 20% for kindergarten.
- As the data was analyzed by teachers to identify students for small group targeted intervention as well as trends in their class and their grade, an action plan was created to support the areas in need of improvement. For example, grade 2 has embedded multiple opportunities for students to retell throughout the day as well as part of their reading log homework.
- Wondering: Does attendance play a factor in the data that is presented? As we know there was a spike in COVID cases across the city in January and many students may have been absent for a variety of reasons. This could be a contributing factor to a drop in % especially since students took the MOY assessment end of January/early February.
- The attendance team does meet every other week and we do analyze attendance and achievement as well as sub groups to identify any specific trends.
25% of 3-5 students are performing at or above benchmark on iReady.
- 33% of students in grades 3-5 performed at or above benchmark on the MOY iReady assessment indicating that we have met and even exceeded our MOY progress monitoring goal.
- Although we exceeded this goal at this time we still have more work to do to close the achievement gap within this subgroup. This is an area we will need to focus on when we work to develop the CEP action plan for the remainder of the school year.
- In looking closely at the data, 62% of grade 3 students have performed at or above benchmark however only 21% in grade 4 and only 11% in grade 5.
ELA MOY goals for English Language Learners (ELL)
44% of K-2 students are performing at or above benchmark on Acadience.
- Overall, 31% of K-2 students are currently performing at or above benchmark as measured on the MOY Acadience assessment indicating that we are approaching our MOY progress monitoring goal of 44%.
- Grade 2 students had 40% proficiency, Grade 1 had 29% proficiency, and Kindergarten had 21% proficiency. Grade 1 also had half the number of ELL students than grade 2 or kindergarten.
- Action steps need to be included for ELL students to support and close the achievement gap.
31% of 3-5 students performing at or above benchmark on iReady.
- Currently 22% of students in grades 3-5 are performing at or above benchmark as measured on the MOY iReady assessment which indicates that we are approaching the progress monitoring target goal. (9% difference)
- Grade 3 had 57% of students proficient while grade 4 had 0% proficient, and grade 5 had 0% proficient. It is also important to note the total number of ELL students in each grade which is 7 or less students.
- This data demonstrates the strong need to identify additional supports to ensure we are meeting the needs of our English Language Learners.
- Wondering: What supports are there for ELL students? –> Some supports include a 15 week after-school ELL program for extra support.
Math MOY goals for all students
50% of students are performing at or above benchmark.
- Currently 58% of students are proficient in math as measured by the MOY iReady assessment indicating that we are exceeding our progress monitoring goal at this time by 8%.
Math MOY goal for students with disabilities (SWD)
22% of students are performing at or above benchmark.
- In analyzing the data, 28% of students with disabilities achieved proficiency on the MOY iReady assessment indicating that we are currently exceeding our progress monitoring target goal at this time.
- Grade 5 had the lowest proficiency at 11% with grade 4 close behind at 14%.
- We need to include action steps specific for SWD to help close this achievement gap.
Math MOY goal for English Language Learners (ELL)
19% of students are performing at or above benchmark.
- Overall, 15% of English Language Learners are performing at proficiency in math at this time indicating that we are approaching our MOY progress monitoring target goal.
- Grade 3 had the highest proficiency at 29% however grades 1 & 5 had 0% proficiency.
- We must ensure supports are in place for ENL students in our CEP action plan to increase proficiency levels.
- Some staff members have been engaging in training for certain math intervention programs to continue to support our students in math during the WIN period.
Chronic Absenteeism goal for students with disabilities (SWD)
- Goal: less than 14% chronic absenteeism.
- Currently the data shows that we have 25% of chronic absent students indicating that we are not on track for meeting our progress monitoring target goal for SWDs. Chronic absenteeism includes students who have less than 90% attendance.
- Grade 2 has the highest percentage of chronically absent students at 40% and grade 5 close behind at 33%.
- Regarding the chronic absenteeism goal: We continue to provide outreach to families to create individual action plans to support families based on root causes we learn about.
- Teachers make positive outreach calls to families if students are absent.
Chronic Absenteeism goal for English Language Learners (ELL)
- Goal: less than 14% chronic absenteeism
- Currently the data shows that we have 23% of chronic absent students indicating that we are not on track for meeting our progress monitoring target goal for ELL students.
- Grade 5 has the highest percentage of chronically absent students at 40% and grades 3 & 4 are close behind at 29%.
Supportive Environment Goal for All Students
- 74% of students responding positively that they have an adult in the building who they trust.
- 557 out of 603 students (92%) of our students indicated on a survey that they had at least one adult in our school building who they trust and feel comfortable going to if they need help with something or have something exciting to share.
- This data indicates we are exceeding our MOY progress monitoring target goal in this area at this time.
Action Plan for February to June
Team members engaged in a Jamboard activity to add additional thoughts, ideas, and steps to the action plan based on the information we just gathered from the MOY progress monitoring assessment.
School Budget
The school budget was reviewed and the following information was shared:
- Our budget remains healthy.
- Students in grades K-5 are currently receiving dance instruction through Notes in Motion which is a dance residency that will be ongoing for 8 weeks.
- We have utilized the APRA enrichment funds to work with Bricks 4 Kids; each class in grades K-2 will receive 4 workshop/sessions and students in grades 3-5 will receive 3 workshop/sessions. This program supports STEM and social emotional learning.
- Each grade level team received funds ($2000) to order classroom materials that would enhance and support instruction in the classroom.
- The school also purchased additional intervention programs such as Spire, Heggerty, Do the Math, and Building Fact Fluency to be used to support Tier 2 intervention during the WIN periods.
- Some funds were allocated for teacher training for certain intervention programs (SPIRE, iReady) as well as new leveled books for classroom libraries.
- To support our grade 2 students, we also purchased the instructional tool for iready ELA. Students in grade 2 will take the ELA iReady assessment so that they could receive targeted lessons geared to the areas they need additional support in.
- New metal chairs were ordered for all grade 3-5 classrooms as the wooden chairs were breaking and becoming unsafe.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
No new updates were shared by the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
- Picture retake day will be held on April 4, 2022.
- P.S. 115’s Walk-a-Thon to celebrate National Walking Day will be held on Wednesday, April 6 as a PTA fundraiser (April 7 is the rain date).
- May will be the Scholastic Book Fair.
- PTA will begin preparing for elections for the next school year.
- Thank you to Mr. Burke and Mr. Erber for their support in Square One Art. Families will be able to place orders of their children’s work.
- From teachers- Thank you to the PTA for the KiwiCo STEM kits. The students had so much fun engaging in the projects!
Principal Report
- Women’s History Month- We want to thank all of the moms in our school community for sharing their knowledge, journey, expertise, and careers with our entire school community. The presentations were so engaging and wonderful! The moms were amazing as they engaged students in discussions and answered questions from our very interested students.
- Residencies- Discussed these residencies as part of Budget report
- NYS ELA, Math, Science Exams, NYSESLAT- Students in grades 3-5 will be taking the NYS ELA exam on Tuesday, March 29th and Wednesday, March 30th, the NYS Math exam on Tuesday, April 26th and Wednesday, April 27th, and grade 4 students will be taking the NYS Science performance exam the week of May 23rd and the written exam on Monday, June 6th. They are all well prepared. English Language Learners will be taking the Speaking component of the NYSESLAT between April 11th and May 20th and the Listening, Reading, and Writing component between May 9th and May 20th.
- Cluster Programs- We want to thank our cluster teachers for their flexibility and support throughout the school year. We have been able to transition most of our cluster classes back to their classroom spaces so students now go to the library, art room, music room, and computer room.
- Grade 5 Graduation- A brief discussion was held around Grade 5 Graduation and consensus was reached around trying to make the graduation as normal as possible for students. The ceremony will need to take place outdoors since indoors requires visitors to be vaccinated. Possibly one class at a time for each ceremony depending on number of guests/students, etc. We will meet with the grade 5 committee on planning some next steps. The committee would look into renting chairs. Caps and gowns were already purchased.
From the Chat:
- Question: Are you guys will put into consideration for the kindergarten kids because last year Covid and they missed lots of in classroom work? Response: Covid created many challenges across all the grades. These screener tools help indicate gaps in specific areas to help guide instruction.
- Question: Any information about 5th Grade Graduation please. Thank you 🙏
- Some parents asked questions regarding a language opportunity for students next year.
- Question/Comment: Not as ideal as in person but Varsity Tutors offer language classes. My daughter takes Spanish classes online. Response: Ms. LaPorte will look into this to see if we can maybe offer language classes to students.
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Members in Attendance: Danielle LaPorte, Jessica Russo, Barbara Dean, Kristina Silvagni, Samar Shamsi-Rehman, Melissa-Ann Phillip, Denise Bucaoto, Balvinder Deonarine, Kimberly Xavier
Meeting Called to Order
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
The team reviewed and approved the meeting minutes from last month’s meeting on January 20, 2022. One revision to the spelling of a team member’s last name needs to be made.
Review of SLT Charter
The SLT Charter was read aloud to remind the team members of how we all want to feel during our meeting time together.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Student Survey
A revised version of the K-1 student survey and grade 2-5 student survey was shared with the team for feedback. This survey will be administered during the week of February 14, 2022. The goal of this survey is to make sure students feel supported in our school, and assess whether all students have an adult in the school building who they trust and feel comfortable going to if they need support or to share positive news. This survey and CEP goal speaks to the NYC Schools survey results last year. Only 48% of families responded favorably on the 2021-2022 NYC School Survey that they were not concerned about the opportunities their child had to build relationships with adults at school, which indicates that 52% of families are concerned about the opportunities their child had to build relationships with adults at school.
Once students complete the survey, a copy of the student’s response along with a letter will be sent home explaining the purpose of the survey and to encourage families to continue the discussion at home. Sharing this information with families will provide them with helpful information about who their child feels comfortable going to if they need support at school.
Analyzing ELA & Math Progress Monitoring Data
The team spent the majority of the meeting time analyzing the Middle of Year (MOY) ELA and Math screener data by school and grade level and made noticings from the beginning of year (BOY) assessment results to the middle of year assessment results (MOY) in order to help plan the action steps for the remainder of the year to ensure we meet or exceed our June goal.
Students in grades K-2 were assessed in ELA using the Acadience assessment and students in grades 3-5 were assessed in ELA using iReady. The Acadience MOY assessment for K-2 had some additional assessments added for some grades or taken away for some grades from the BOY to the MOY. This is something to be mindful of when looking at the data as we may not necessarily have the same assessments from BOY to MOY. We can however look at the overall reading composite score for students which includes an average of all assessments administered.
When we analyze the data, we are identifying students who need additional intervention support as well as assessing whether our core instruction is healthy and strong. Overall our students demonstrated progress from the BOY to the MOY assessments in both ELA and Math. After some analysis of the SWD and MLL data for both reading and math assessments, it was noted that although students in these sub-groups made progress, there is still more work that needs to be done to close the achievement gap.
Some specific noticings shared out by the team while analyzing the data/graphs
Whole School Reading MOY
71% of students performing above or on grade level
Whole School Math MOY
- Percentage of students achieving above grade level increased from 21%-36%
- Percentage of students on grade level increased 20%-23%
- Percentage of students below level is going down also (from 48% to 35% one grade level below; from 11% to 6% two or more grade levels below)
- Significant growth in algebra and algebraic thinking
- A small group of students who are below level (get more targeted instruction)
Whole School SWD Reading MOY
- Exactly half of the students with disabilities are performing far below grade level and approximately 37% are performing on or above grade level.
Whole School SWD Math MOY
- Only 18% of SWD are performing on grade level in Math.
Whole School MLL Reading
- Almost 60% of MLL students are performing significantly below
- About 32% of MLLs are on or above grade level
Math MLL
- More than half of MLLs (64%) are approaching grade level and 21% are far below grade level.
- Only 15% are on grade level
- Data showed a decrease in the % of students who performed above grade level, a slight increase in % of students on grade level, but an increase in % of students performing well below benchmark. The addition of new assessments could have impacted the outcome of the above grade level data.
- 63% of students are at or above benchmark
Kindergarten Math
Geometry domain seems to be strong in kindergarten. Kindergarten students showed growth in all domains from BOY to MOY. 52% of students are proficient in Math.
First grade Reading
- 1st grade made big strides in Reading- 85% of students overall are above or on grade level
- % of students below or well below decreased significantly.
First grade Math
- 45% of students are proficient in Math according to the MOY data.
- Algebraic thinking- students made a significant amount of improvement
- Growth demonstrated in all domains
Second Grade Reading
- Percentage of students on grade level increased from 11% to 31% however percentage of students performing above grade level decreased from 74% to 48%. This could be due to the different assessments administered for the MOY. Overall, 79% of grade 2 students are performing on or above grade level in Reading. Students had to read and then retell but could only retell up to the part they had read during the time which impacted their score. Teachers will plan to strengthen fluency and retelling strategies.
Second Grade Math
- 54% of students are proficient in Math.
- Algebra and algebraic thinking is a common strength with grades 1 and 2 with grade 2 students also demonstrating growth in all domains with Number and Operations also being strong.
Third grade Reading
- A significant amount of growth in both ELA and Math
- Students performing mid or above grade level increased from 46% to 64% and students performing early on or one- three or more grade levels below decreased.
- 89% of students are proficient in Reading
- Significant growth made in vocabulary development
Third grade Math
- 70% of students are proficient in Math
- % of students performing mid or above grade level more than doubled from 17% to 38%
- Early on grade level increased from 21% to 32%
- One grade level below significantly decreased from 52% to 25%
- Algebra and algebraic thinking has increased significantly
Fourth Grade Reading
- Phonological Awareness is at 100% in grades 3-5
- Phonics need is a small group of students- these students will be pulled for small group targeted intervention work during the WIN period
- 65% of students are on or above grade level in reading
- Comprehension of Literature increased as well as Comprehension of Informational Text and Vocabulary
Fourth Grade Math
- Significant improvements in algebra and algebraic thinking (Almost 20% increase)
- Geometry is still an area that students struggle with- how can we embed this throughout the year since the unit is typically taught towards the end of the school year?
- 66% of students are proficient in math
- Increase of 17% proficiency from BOY to MOY
Fifth Grade Reading
- Increase from 53% proficiency to 62% proficiency
- All domains showed an increase in achievement form BOY to MOY
- 100% proficient in phonological awareness
- 94% on or above grade level in phonics
- Just about 100% of students performed mid or above grade level in High-Frequency Words
- Comprehension of Literature increased as well as Comprehension of Informational Text and Vocabulary
- Vocabulary: 52% to 58%
- Comprehension of Literature: 48% to 62%; Comprehension of Informational Text: 60% to 73%
Next Steps
We will provide more access to informational text for upper grade levels.
The MOY benchmark assessment window will close tomorrow February 11, 2022. The makeup window will be next week until Friday, February 18th.
A question was raised regarding looking at last year’s data compared to this year’s data however the fact that many of our students last year were remote makes it hard to use that data since we are not sure if there was support at home while students took the assessments. This year’s data has more integrity than last year’s data since all students take the assessments at school. This year’s data will be good to look at next year for trending data as we follow students from grade to grade. For example, we can track this year’s 3rd graders in fourth grade next year to analyze their growth and progress.
Some questions and ideas were shared to try and get students excited about reading and finding some ways to encourage more stamina in reading as well. This could be something we add to our action plan in the CEP.
School Budget
To continue to provide students with additional online support for use at home, IXL accounts will be renewed for ELA and Math for all students in PreK-Grade 5. We are considering purchasing IXL for science as well.
Two full class sets of ipads have been ordered to keep in school to use and share among lower grades, especially as they take the online iReady assessments. Two full class sets of Chromebooks were also ordered to help replenish the laptop carts since we gave school laptops to students to use during the pandemic.
We are currently looking into a STEM or coding in-house residency. We have reached out to Bricks 4 Kids. Any other ideas?
Other resources students can use at home- SORA App is available for all NYC students as long as they use their NYC DOE email. Epic is available for a limited time. We are working on making sure all students have a Raz Kids account with login information.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
The UFT Chapter Leader was unable to attend meeting.
PTA News and Updates
The Cradle of Aviation virtual assemblies were very successful. The PTA is looking forward to receiving feedback from teachers regarding the program and activity. Ms. LaPorte will share the link again with teachers to complete the feedback form.
The PTA funded KiwiCo STEM kits for students in grades K-5. The PTA is looking to purchase butterfly kits for Pre-K classes since they did not get the KiwiCo STEM kits. Students will engage with the STEM kits next week before the break.
Spring picture day will be held on Friday, March 4th for students in grades 3-5 and Monday, March 7th for grades PreK-2.
The PTA after-school activities will begin soon.
Principal Report
Updated Attendance Policy
Effective immediately remote learning/asynchronous work will only be available for students who test positive for Covid-19.
There are a lot of upcoming special events for the month of February: Black History Month, 100th day of school, Respect for All week.
Black History Month
We are celebrating Black History Month this month in many different ways. Teachers have been engaging students in reading and learning about different African Americans who have had a significant impact on our culture and history through read-alouds and having students do research projects. The focus is on learning about important African American inventors, scientists, authors, artists, sports players, etc. Mr. Ciprut, our music teacher is also focusing on different music artists who have had a significant impact on music such as Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong. During the week our morning announcers share some information about the artist and then we play a song by them. This music has been enjoyed by all.
Respect for All Week
Respect for All Week is celebrated across the city the week of February 14th. he family flyer was shared which outlines each day’s focus and planned activities.
- Monday, February 14, 2022 is Respect for Diversity day. Share our Similarities, Celebrate our Differences: Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their traditional clothing and/or bring something to school that represents their culture. Activity: Students will engage in classroom discussions about celebrating our differences and have an opportunity to share what they brought in to represent their culture.
- Tuesday, February 15th: Anti-Bullying/Cyberbullying: “P.S. 115Q Stands Together Against Bullying”. Wear your School T-Shirt or School Colors (Blue and Gold). Activity: Students will take the “Kids Against Bullying Pledge”. Together with their classmates they will create a pledge and sign it showing their commitment to creating a bully-free environment. Pledges will be displayed outside each classroom door.
- Wednesday, February 16th: Celebrating Kindness/Be an Ally (100th Day of School). Activity: Students will write one way they can be kind to others on a heart cutout. These will be collected and used to create a display of a large heart titled, “100 Ways to be Kind” and another display that spells out the word KIND.
- Thursday, February 17th: “It Feels Good to be Yourself”. Wear your Favorite Pajamas. Read Aloud of the book I Am Enough by Grace Byers. Activity: Students will create a list of all the things they love about themselves.
- Friday, February 18th: National No One Eats Alone Day. Spread the Love – Say “Hello” to someone during Lunch.
- Activity: Lunchtime Read Aloud: The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig. Discuss ways to include others so no one feels invisible.
100th Day of School
100th day of school is on Wednesday, February 16th. This will be a day of fun-filled activities focused on the number 100.
Home Test Kits for Winter Recess
To support the “Stay Safe, Stay Open” plan, all students and staff will be sent home with two COVID home tests the Friday before the break. It is recommended that the first test is given on Saturday, February 26th and the second test on Sunday, February 27th. These tests are strongly encouraged but are not mandated for students to be able to return back to school on Monday, February 28th.
Parent- Teacher Conferences
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday, March 3rd. This will also be a half day. Parent Teacher Conference notices will be sent home on Monday 2/14/2022 and classroom teachers will send the doodle sign-up sheet for families to sign up for their individual appointment times. Report cards will be distributed in NYC Schools Accounts on March 24th.
Women’s History Month
We are planning for special virtual assemblies to be held on each Friday during the month of March beginning on Friday, March 11th. Ms. Tang will create a flyer with some soft criteria asking for moms in our school community who are interested in sharing their profession/story with students. Students will also have an opportunity to participate and ask questions. A google form will be created for anyone interested in participating. The parent can either share their screen or we can share it for them. For in class projects we were thinking of having students research women in their culture who have made a significant impact on history or who have influenced them.
Comments from the chat
- Question: “Hi! What happens if a kid says no?” (On the student survey) Response: “As the students go up reading levels, they may struggle a bit more with retell until they master that skill because the book styles change significantly.” “That is a great point, Mrs. Xavier.”
- Grade 6: 1= R or below (avg. O), 2= S/T/U (avg. S), 3= V/W (avg. V), 4= X or above
- “Stop. Drop. Read I do it at home!”
- Comment: “I think it might be nice for this to be shared with the family community as a whole as the information sent home for February did not include this aspect of the work being doing around Black history month.”
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Members in Attendance: Danielle LaPorte, Jessica Russo, Barbara Dean, Marc Ciprut, Kristina Silvagni, Samar Shamsi Rahman, Melissa-Ann Phillip, Denise Bucaoto, Balvinder Deonarine, Kimberly Xavier
Meeting Called to Order
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
The team reviewed and approved the meeting minutes from last month’s meeting on December 22nd, 2021.
Review of SLT Charter
The SLT Charter was read aloud to remind the team members of how we all want to feel during our meeting time together.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Access to iPlan Portal/ Questions/Reflections from SLT Training on January 11, 2022
All members and alternates were invited to participate in the yearly SLT training. Ms. LaPorte asked if any team members had any questions from the District SLT Training held on January 11, 2022. No questions were raised. Ms. LaPorte is working on making sure all core members have access to iPlan portal which is where the CEP document lives. We will continue to log into the iPlan portal to continue working on our CEP goals and action plan during each meeting.
Creating a Survey for Supportive Environment Goal for Progress Monitoring (Students/Families)
A discussion was held around the progress monitoring tool for the Supportive Environment Goal. It was agreed upon to make a school-created survey to help track our progress in meeting our June goal. At the last meeting we discussed a student and parent survey. Through discussions of what we really want to get out of the survey results which is to learn and gather data from students about whether they can identify at least one adult in the school building who they feel they trust and can go to if they need to speak with someone the team decided to just have students complete the survey. The goal is to make sure we know our students well and to build relationships with them. These relationships support learning and social emotional development.
A deeper conversation was then held around the survey itself by looking at a previous survey to make revisions based on the administration of the survey a few years ago and how students responded. Student Survey: K-1- Teachers would need to support students in completing the survey maybe one on one. Student Survey 2-5- Students can take the survey independently.
Feedback on revising the survey: Ideas of listing the different people in the school building- teachers, paraprofessionals, safety agent, school aides, guidance counselor, etc. should be added so students know the adults in the building. Ideas around using the mood meter- who do you go to when you are feeling in the different quadrants/colors of the mood meter as we also want students to know they can also go to these people for positive things. The words trust and support should be defined for students before they complete the survey. It would help if teachers discussed the survey and provided examples for students first before having students complete the survey.
The team also discussed whether families should complete the survey but members shared that families may not know who their child is comfortable going to so they would most likely ask their child which would then be a duplicate response. It was decided to send a copy of the child’s survey home to families with a letter attached explaining what it is and to encourage families to engage in conversations with their child. This will support families in understanding who their child is comfortable speaking with at school.
It was recommended to over communicate with families and to make sure we provide families with information on what this survey is for and the purpose of the survey.
Ms. LaPorte will draft a letter and share the draft with the core members of SLT. She is looking to send out the survey in the beginning to middle of February. Ms. LaPorte will mention the survey at the next PTA meeting.
School Budget
Our school budget is healthy as schools have been held harmless for register loss this school year. There are certain lines of money in a school’s budget that are allocated for specific items/categories. For example, Title 3 funds can only be spent to support English Language Learners/services, NYSTL money must be spent on NYSTYL approved items, the ARPR funds are to go towards the academic recovery services program, interventions, etc. We have also received funding through APRA to support and supplement the arts. This money can go towards art supplies, professional development in the arts, an after-school program, or an in-house residency program. Due to the fact that students do not receive dance instruction this year, we have reached out about an in-house dance residency for all students in grades K-5. More information will be shared once this is confirmed. A question was raised about the possibility of hiring a cluster teacher for a STEAM program moving forward as in the past there was a science teacher. Ms. LaPorte explained how cluster programs are selected each year from a staff vote. The idea is that stem should be integrated throughout classroom instruction and teachers are now teaching science throughout the week using the Amplify curriculum.
The NY Hall of Science is looking to partner with us again this school year for after school programs connected to science topics. We will work out the logistics and determine whether it is best to hold in-person or remote sessions. With budget we have also set aside funds for school furniture to order new metal chairs as the wood ones in grade 3-5 classrooms seem to be breaking and we don’t want anyone getting hurt. Enough funds have also been set aside to cover teacher absences.
News and Updates Committee Reports
United Federation of Teachers (UFT) News and Updates
There are no updates from the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
The PTA has purchased the KiwiCo STEM kits for all students in K-5. Hoping that students engage with these kits the second week of February. Planning of virtual STEM assemblies are in progress. The PTA is working with Cradle of Aviation and NY Hall of Science. They are currently working through the financials. PTA spring enrichment programs are also in progress and in discussion. PTA is working with Varsity Tutors. There are currently some concerns from some families about sending their children to school during the rise in COVID cases. They are not sure if it is safe for students to be in school. Indoor recess alternatives and possibilities were brought up including educational programs, yoga etc.
Principal Report
Health & Safety
New DOE Health Screener/COVID Protocols/Test Kits/COVID-Related Links.
The “Health Screener” is the first tool to help identify if anyone is able to clear and enter the building.
It is important that everyone reads each question carefully. Any student who has a positive test result must isolate for 10 days and may return to school on the 11th day. Vaccination status does not matter if someone tests positive. There is a difference between an in school exposure and an out of school exposure with regards to procedures. Everyone must read the screener carefully. We encourage families to contact the school at any time to clarify any questions or concerns with regards to determining entry. is a public site that has each school’s COVID testing information and percentage results for each week. This information is public.
Middle of Year (MOY) Assessments- ELA and Math
The school is in the process of having students complete the Middle of the Year (MOY) benchmark assessments for Acadience (ELA for K-2) and iReady (ELA- Gr. 3-5 and Math- Gr. K-5). To ensure the integrity and the validity of these assessments, they are to be administered in school, in person. Students who are absent are not to take the assessments while at home. They will take the assessments when they return back to school. The window for the MOY closes in the middle of February. We are excited to share that all students in K-5 (K-5 Math; 3-5 ELA) now have access to different lessons in iready as an extra instructional tool for students. Once students complete the screener the tool will generate lessons and assignments based on how they performed and aligned to the skills they need to strengthen.
Kindergarten Applications
The Kindergarten application deadline has been extended to tomorrow, Jan. 21, 2022. All Pre-K students MUST complete these applications.
Middle School Applications
Middle school applications opened last week and will close in the beginning of March. The school held a middle school information session with Ms. LaPorte and Ms. Ria for families yesterday during the day and on Tuesday, January 25th another session will be held in the evening.
Promotion in Doubt
Each year in January schools are asked to identify students who are not meeting grade level standards and are in jeopardy of being promoted to the next grade in June. Discussions will take place with teachers and administrators prior to meeting with families to discuss student growth and areas in need of support as well as an action plan to ensure the child makes adequate progress by June. This doesn’t mean the child will be held over in June, it indicates that we need to develop a plan to support the child. There are many months left before the end of the school year for the students to demonstrate progress. The goal of the parent meeting is to open conversations and have supportive discussions on ways the child is being supported at school and what the family can do to support the child at home. Official letters will be sent home by Feb. 15th after meetings are held.
Remote Learning Information
At this time, there is NO remote learning option in the way it was in the 2020/2021 school year. This comes from the Mayor and Chancellor. Teachers have been posting asynchronous assignments on google classroom for students home due to quarantine or unable to pass the health screener. All work is asynchronous. Ms. Ruggiero will meet with students on a grade who are home one period each day to answer any questions students have about the assignments but not to teach the lessons. She is available more for office hours. Students who complete asynchronous work will be marked present for remote learning that day, but it may not reflect it in attendance until the following day.
Question: What happens if child is quarantined during administration of NYS test?
Response: Ms. Tang attends NYS test information sessions prior to testing so hopefully there will be guidance around that area of concern.
Comments/Questions from the chat
“If you give a specific list, many students will only pick from that list.”
“I would prefer my child to pick who he trust as a parent I don’t always know who he likes and makes happy but that’s for 5th grader.”
Meeting Adjourned
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2021 6:00 PM
Members in Attendance: Danielle LaPorte, Barbara Dean, Jessica Russo, Kristina Silvagni, Samar Shamsi-Rehman, Melissa-Ann Phillip, Denise Bucaoto, Balvinder Deonarine, Kimberly Xavier
Meeting Called to Order
Review minutes from last SLT meeting: The team reviewed and approved the minutes from last month; Nov. 18th meeting. Ms. LaPorte thanked the team for their flexibility in moving the SLT meeting from the originally scheduled date.
Review of SLT Charter: The SLT Charter was read aloud to remind the team members of how we all want to feel during our meeting time together.
Community/Team Building Activity: The team engaged in a team building activity: “Holiday ABC’s” where everyone had to think of holiday words that start with each letter of the alphabet A-Z and type them in the shared google sheet.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items: 2021-2022 CEP Feedback and Progress Monitoring. We received a great compliment from the District Team on our CEP: “Kudos to the team for a well written CEP.”
Creating a Survey for Supportive Environment Goal for Progress Monitoring: For our ELA and Math CEP goals we are using the Acadience or iReady assessments as our progress monitoring tools. Starting Jan. 11, 2022, students will be assessed on the mid-year benchmark in acadience for K-2 ELA and iready for grades 3-5 for ELA and grades K-5 for Math. The window closes in early February.
For the Supportive Environment goal, we need a school created survey to monitor the progress. The team worked to create a google form survey for families by thinking about some questions aligned to the NYC School Survey and aligned to the data we hope to gather around the children being able to identify an adult in the school building who they trust as well as opportunities for their children to build relationships with their teachers. The team also reviewed different scales to use for responses and identified which was best to collect the data for this survey. (ex: always, sometimes, rarely, other)
The team also began brainstorming opportunities for students to meet with our guidance counselor if they needed to speak with someone- possibly have certain periods designated for certain grades or maybe during lunch periods?
Ms. LaPorte shared a student survey that was used a few years ago which asked students if they had someone in the school building who they trusted and to identify who that person or people were. Lower grade students completed these with the support of the teacher and students in grades 2-5 completed these on their own. The responses provided us with a lot of information as we were able to track and see which students did not have someone who they could go to or trust and we reached out to them to build relationships. We can also use this to compare responses for families. The idea of collecting the student surveys was well received by the team as this would give us the information right from students instead of the family survey.
It was also noted that we should continue to over communicate and maybe providing families with a list of support staff available to speak with and support students would help families know who to reach out to if their child needs support with different areas.
Strengthening Vocabulary in Core Instruction: To support our ELA goal and to strengthen the vocabulary pillar of reading which was an area in which the school needed to focus based on our beginning of year assessments, the instructional leadership team/MTSS team has been working on creating a plan to incorporate vocabulary into daily core instruction. We decided to develop a structured 5-day shared reading experience where each week students will have an opportunity to engage with a complex text on their grade level and work on different skills/pillars. There is a structured plan for K-1 and a structured plan for grades 2-5. The shared reading plan was shared with the team and each of the days were explained. The instructional leadership team has also been working on gathering complex texts to provide access for all students to rich high level texts as some students may be reading below grade level and are only exposed to texts on their independent reading level. This supports the Advanced Literacies as well. We would also like to begin a Word of the Week where each week students will learn a new word through morning announcements and it will be highlighted in classrooms. We will also share the word of the week with families as part of our weekly email to bridge the home-school connection. To support vocabulary development, we will also make sure that we have print rich classroom environments and use higher level vocabulary words as we engage in discussions and lessons with students. We would like to begin Vocabulary Word of the Week approximately the second week in January 2022. See our Shared Reading Structure.
School Budget: Based on the conversation we had at our last SLT meeting around the school budget, the Iready instructional tool was purchased for students in grades 3-5 for ELA and for students in grades K-5 for Math to support instruction that will be tailored to meet individual students’ needs. Get Epic was looked into for a schoolwide subscription however they do not offer schoolwide/bulk subscriptions. For additional reading support right now students in grades 1-4 have their Raz Kids Accounts from last school year. All students have their IXL accounts for ELA and Math and can access this site at any time for extra practice. Computer Science read alouds were ordered for all classrooms to support Computer Science lessons. We are also looking into purchasing computer science/programming tools such as a robot mouse. As we have distributed many of our school laptops and some have come back broken, we are looking to restock our laptop carts with new laptops so that students can use them during the day if we need. Part of the school’s budget is allotted to cover all staff absences. This year we have received arts funding to supplement and support the arts and can be used to purchase art materials, provide arts residencies for students, or professional development. We are hoping to be able to continue our partnership with the NY Hall of Science. The Academic Recovery Services Program will begin in January 2022 for Kindergarten students with IEPs.
School Construction Authority Projects: Each year schools are asked to submit a list of potential school construction authority (SCA) projects based on a needs assessment completed with the custodial engineer. This year we have submitted the following project proposals: Expansion of our school cafeteria, repave the playground on the north side of the school, renew the outdoor garden area, handicap lift for the stage, installing an elevator.
The playground by the kindergarten area will be updated and will be under construction as part of a previous RESO A grant. * This project is already in progress*
News and Updates Committee Reports: UFT News and Updates- No News/Updates. PTA News and Updates: The PTA President thanked the school and staff for their hard work. The staff also thanked the PTA as well for the thoughtful treat for the holidays and Ms. LaPorte thanked PTA for recognizing all staff members in the school building as everyone plays an important role in the school community.
The PTA ordered STEM kits for the classrooms for students to engage in.
The PTA shared that they would like to plan some virtual assemblies for the students in the beginning of 2022.
Principal Report: Report Cards: Were sent out in each child’s NYC Schools Account. Grades for drama and physical education were not included as there have been different substitute coverages during the first marking period.
Questions/Concerns: No questions or concerns were raised.
Meeting Adjourned.
Thursday December 17th, 2020
Members in Attendance: Danielle LaPorte, Marc Ciprut, Alex DeCanio, Jessica Russo, Barbara Dean, Rachel Fritz, Kristina Silvagni, Shernette Walters, Suchi Behl, Denise Bucaoto, Sonia Mohan, Melissa- Ann Phillip, Samar Shamsi
Meeting Called to Order
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
Minutes from the November meeting were reviewed by the team and approved.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
Mr. Ciprut did not have any news to report on behalf of the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
There will be a PTA meeting at 8:30 AM on 12/23.
Principal Report
School Updates- Coffee and Conversations have been held by grade bands this month. The presentation is the same at each meeting, however, the questions and conversations were focused on specific grade information. In the event of inclement weather, school will shift to a remote learning day.
COVID Testing
COVID testing will be continuing on a weekly basis. All students attending in person learning need to have a completed consent form on file at the school. Families have been very supportive of these new protocols. Random COVID testing shifted from monthly testing to now weekly testing. Testing date is not shared ahead of time. Schools must meet a 20% threshold of students and staff to be tested on each testing day.
Review of Budget
Approximately $23,000 left for sub coverage. There was additional COVID money dropped into school budget as well to support the need for additional staff. We have budgeted money for an afterschool AIS (Academic Intervention Support) program for grades 3, 4, and 5. This is a per session after-school program that would require teachers to apply to teach the program after work hours. We do currently have an Title 3 ENL after school program being taught by Ms. Keller and Ms. Glash. Money was pulled from our budget due to our enrollment. After December 31st, some money may be put back depending on the number of special education students and ENL students enrolled. Some funding we receive is tied to certain limitations/restrictions. Our budget also has to align with our CEP goals and action plan.
DOE Ipads- status- DOE iPads have been shipped to the school and families who have requested these devices have been called and have started picking them up. **There have been some issues with DOE iPads as some of the apps won’t load. Some of the documents are hard to read due to the screen cutting the words off. Ms. LaPorte will look into this issue and try to get help from the help desk.**
Middle School Application Process- Welcome Letters
All grade 5 families should have received a welcome letter to set up their MySchools account. Families should set up their accounts first so they have them ready for when the application opens. Application is currently not opened. In January, Ms. Ria will hold a middle school application workshop for grade 5 families.
Kindergarten Application Window for the 2021-2022 school year
The Kindergarten application is open and closes on January 19th. Families apply through their MySchools account. All current Pre-K students in our school must apply for Kindergarten.
NYS ELA, Math, and Science Exams
All NYS Exams are still on schedule to be administered to students in grades 3, 4, and 5 in the spring. There have been some concerns from families. We are awaiting additional guidance regarding testing including logistics and hope this is shared at the next test coordinators meeting. If we need to bring back staff to support proctoring we can ask teachers who are working remotely as long as they are not on a health accommodation to support testing. As we know the January Regents have been cancelled. Once we receive more information regarding the exams, the school will notify families.
Deputy Superintendent Visit
Dr. Davidson, the Deputy Superintendent, visited our school virtually last week (week of 12/7). She visited google classrooms, joined live google meets to see instruction, shared best practices, etc. Some highlighted items; students engaged in tasks on jamboard, students demonstrating learning through the use of flipgrid, math number routines, and opportunities for feedback.
Follow up to Model 1A/1B Conversation
Shifting from an A/B/C model to an A/B model: Due to our current in-person numbers as well as the need for additional staff, we are unable to safely make the shift to all students in school 5 days a week at this time. We are however able to make the shift to an A/B model. This still increases the number of in person learning days from 1-2 days a week currently to students attending 2-3 days a week. This shift will happen in January. SLT engaged in conversation to discuss the two options for the A/B model schedule. There was a choice of model 1A and model 1B. After the SLT discussion, it was brought to our families and staff for feedback. There is a really big push to get our students in person for 5 days a week of learning. If we can’t get all students in right now there are a few subgroups to be prioritized: SWD, ENL students, as well as students in an ICT setting, and our youngest learners. Currently we are in need of 4 special education teachers. There has been new guidance around the ICT setting and teachers working in an ICT class. There is a possibility to have Pre-K and Kindergarten students to have them start 5 days a week.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Review of CEP action plan in Iplan Portal and feedback given to make revisions
Instead of reviewing the CEP action plan, concerns were raised from our school community (staff and parents) feeling overwhelmed due to the circumstances of the world. We are here to do our best to support each other’s well-being and the whole child which is extremely important. Some concerns raised were focused around supporting our students’ well-being and thinking about the whole child, the health and well-being of staff, covid testing, and aligning our work with the specific needs of our school community. Ms. LaPorte will create a google form for the team to share their concerns and possible solutions regarding the needs of our school community for both remote and blended learning. Concerns still also exist around the large remote class sizes. We will use the feedback to drive our next steps and plan of action for school improvement.
Question from the Chat: When do educators receive the COVID vaccine?
Meeting Adjourned
Remaining meeting dates:
- Jan. 21, 2021
- Feb. 25, 2021
- Mar. 18, 2021
- Apr. 15, 2021
- May 20, 2021
- June 17, 2021
*Schedule may need to be revised. Some dates conflict with CDEC meetings.*
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Meeting Called to Order
Review minutes from last SLT meeting
Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed by the team and approved.
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
Mr. Ciprut did not have any news to report on behalf of the UFT.
PTA News and Updates
Ms. Walters, PTA President reported that after-school enrichment programs have begun and are going well. Attendance has been great for these programs with about 98% of students showing up. Today was chess with two classes running at the same time. This past Tuesday we had our PTA Executive Board meeting and we opened it up to the school. About 28 parents logged on and many questions and concerns were addressed. It was a very productive meeting. Our next meeting will be November 25th before Thanksgiving.
Principal Report
School Updates- In-person and remote learning is going well and has been great. Students are engaged in routines and have gained a sense of some normalcy in their daily schedules and programs. Students are attending school on their correct day and families are very good about completing the daily health screenings.
Review of Budget
The current FY 2020-2021 school budget was reviewed. Budget is based off of student enrollment which is how we are funded per student. October 31st is usually when our enrollment numbers are captured however the date was pushed to November. As of now, we have about 700 registered students, that is NOT including Pre-K students since they get funded by the State. We have discharged many students who have switched to a private school or moved to Long Island. We are currently using most of our money from school budget for sub coverage to fill the gaps with blended remote teaching. We have received Title III funding from the state which can only be used for Title III programs to support our English Language learners. This money will be used for a virtual ENL after-school program which will be taught by two ENL certified teachers. Online supplemental subscriptions for BrainPop ENL, IXL (ELA, math, science, and social studies) and Starfall have also been purchased students attending the ENL program. A portion of these funds will also be used for two parent workshops for our ENL families focused on “Helping Your ELL Child Learn English” and “Improving Your Child’s Study Skills”. The final portion of funds will be used for a professional learning workshop for staff members to support ENL students in the mainstream classroom. Additional COVID funding was given to schools for additional sub coverages to fill open positions. To ensure teachers and students have access to digital curriculum we purchased the TC reading, writing, and phonics virtual units and video lessons. We will be looking to use some of the money to hire additional staff to support some of the larger remote class sizes.
Learning Preferences (Blended Learning Opt-In)
This window is currently opened and will close on Sunday, Nov. 15th. These students will begin in-person learning the week of Nov. 30th. Currently we have about 12 students who are requesting to switch to blended learning. Being that most of our students are remote we do have space to offer seats to all who are interested at this time.
iReady Diagnostic Screeners
We will be using iReady with all students in grades K-5 as a diagnostic screener to help us identify students’ strengths and areas in need of improvement. All students in K-5 will take the assessment online in Reading first then in Math beginning next week- the week of November 16th. All students will need to complete these assessments remotely and as independently as possible in order for us to get an accurate understanding of what students know and how we can help them. We want to see what the child knows. An example was given with regards to getting glasses and an eye exam. In order for students to get the right lenses they need to take an accurate assessment. This online assessment is an adaptive assessment which means that the questions change based on how students respond. If they get the questions correct they get progressively more difficult. These grades do not count or impact student report card grades in any way. They are simply diagnostic assessments to help teachers know where students need additional support and the small groups they can pull for targeted intervention. This will tell us if students are below, on, or above grade level. Mr. Burke sent an email to families with the information and teachers will receive training Monday afternoon regarding the administration of the assessment.
DOE iPad status
We were able to give as many laptops that we had to students. We have been reaching out to families who have requested iPads but have not yet received them to see if they still are in need of a device. The DOE will be shipping us more devices to supply those families in need.
PTC Feedback
Parents and teachers engaged in a nice dialogue on what is working best. Since report cards were not distributed prior, conversations were focused on how students are doing and how they can make progress. Some remote teachers have had to use additional time to meet with all families. A thought we had for next time was to have remote teachers post asynchronous work in the morning of the half day so they could use the additional time to schedule parent conferences. This way they would have more than 5 minutes with each parent.
Instructional Tools
Jamboard, Flipgrid, Padlet: Some instructional tools we have used as a school so far have been Jamboard and Flipgrid. Next we will incorporate Padlet and finally Pear Deck. The purpose of introducing these tools one at a time was to support students and families in becoming familiar with how to use the different tools. Our goal is to be able to have students select the tool they want to demonstrate learning for a given task. It is important to also know that even though Flipgrid is an approved instructional tool, some students/families are not comfortable having their children on video. Teachers should be mindful of this and allow students to use another method to demonstrate learning.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
2020-2021 Grading Policy
A draft of the revised grading policy was shared which included information from the academic policy guide. The reason why we give report cards was discussed as well as the fact that students earn grades. Report cards will be given in December, April, and June. Due to this new learning environment some changes have been made for the grading policy of the 2020-2021 school year. We will still continue to use our current grading scale of a 1-4 however grades of 1, 2, or 2+ will NOT be given to students as the document states that students will not receive “failing” grades if they have not yet met the learning outcomes for their courses. Instead, students will receive a mark of “N” for “Needs Improvement”. Students will still receive grades of 3, 3+, and 4. Students will receive a grade for marking period 3 and then the final grade will be a cumulative grade for all 3 marking periods. In terms of the final grades; families will be able to notify the school of their request either by email in writing or verbally in a documented conversation if they would like to have their child’s final grade only changed to “MT” “Meets Standards” instead of a passing grade. This can be for individual subject areas. More information will be shared with families as we get closer to that date. Students will receive an “NL” if they are newly admitted to the school and have not been present for at least 75% of the days in the marking period. They can also receive a mark of “NL” if there is not enough information to determine whether a student has met the standards. Students will ONLY receive cluster grades for the cluster programs that they have engaged with within a marking period. For example, for the December report cards students will receive grades from clusters from their specials they had in cycle 1 and cycle 2. Cycle 3 will start in January. Next we looked over the revisions grade level teams made as to the percentages for how grades would be given. The weight of formal assessments was discussed since these assessments may not be as accurate in this type of learning environment. We hope to share this revised grading policy with families on Monday, November 16th.
Review of CEP Goals in iPlan Portal
The first submission of CEP is due in iPlan portal by Monday, November 16th ; we will work to create our action plan for all CEP Goals and discuss progress monitoring tools.
SLT members worked on the Action Plan for the CEP goals using a padlet where members had previously jotted down their thoughts and ideas for each goal. We went through the ideas shared for the CEP goal on supportive environment to look for trends and patterns across ideas to then come up with a few action plan steps after a discussion was held around what is happening in some classrooms to support this goal. One action step we thought of was to have students complete a reflection at the end of each week indicating what was their best part of the week and what they would like the teacher to do next week to make it better. This would help incorporate student voice. A discussion was held around what this could look like in the lower grades where students could share this information out with the class. Another action plan step we agreed on was providing opportunities for students and families to express how they or their child was feeling. One way would be for parents to be able to contact the teacher via class dojo. Finally we discussed the idea of having a calm down corner or folders in Google Classroom with fun “Brain Break” activities, “Purposeful Play”, “Fun Friday” activities, etc. The next goal we discussed was chronic absenteeism for our English Language Learners. After reviewing some ideas we discussed having a point person for each grade to reach out to families to learn about why the child has been absent and provide support. We also discussed trying to have some of our staff members who speak the family’s native language call to develop a relationship with the family to offer help and provide support. This may help to make the family more comfortable in sharing.
The rest of the ideas will be reviewed and added into the action plan on iPlan portal for the team to review.
- Is there any plan or discussion to prepare for potentially going all remote in regards to NYC zones increasing in cases?
- The school is prepared and ready with all google classrooms set up in the event that we have school closures due to COVID. All curriculum is available digitally for staff and students as well. Cluster teachers have also created google classrooms for their in-person classes just in case.
- What would the effect be on preparing for state test prep (AIS)?
- Pending budget we would still be able to hold the AIS after-school program since it will be held virtually.
- Parent concerns with class size ratio to teacher- blended vs. remote. Once the opt-in window closes we will look at class sizes and possibly have a co-teacher to support.
Questions from the chat:
- Will after-school ELA and math prep be offered again? Answer: As long as we have the funds, we will be preparing to have an AIS ELA and Math program virtually.
Meeting Adjourned
Remaining Meeting Dates:
- Dec. 17, 2020
- Jan. 21, 2021
- Feb. 25, 2021
- Mar. 18, 2021
- Apr. 15, 2021
- May 20, 2021
- June 17, 2021
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Members in Attendance:
- Danielle LaPorte
- Alex DeCanio
- Kristina Silvagni
- Rachel Fritz
- Jessica Russo
- Marc Ciprut
- Shernette Walters
- Sonia Mohan
- Melissa- Ann Phillip
- Denise Bucaoto
- Concetta Ceriello
- Samar Shamsi
- Suchi Behl
Meeting Called to Order
Ms. LaPorte welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded all visitors of their role as observers during the meeting and if they had questions or concerns they could add them in the chat to be addressed at a future SLT meeting based on relevance.
New members as well as alternates were introduced to the team.
Review CR A-655 & the SLT requirements
Ms. LaPorte read through parts of the CR A-655 document to ensure all members had an understanding of the function, structure, roles and responsibilities, and focus/priority of the School Leadership Team.
Assign SLT Roles & Responsibilities
Roles of Chairperson and Secretary were assigned by the Team (Chairperson- Ms. LaPorte; Secretaries- Kristina Silvagni until January; Sonia Mohan January until TBD).
Review School Leadership Team Bylaws
Ms. LaPorte read through parts of the SLT Bylaws and the team focused on making sure the Bylaws were aligned to the CR A-655 policy. Parts discussed were the Mission Statement which includes the purpose of the School Leadership Team, the expectations of team members, the role of the general public, core responsibilities, as well as what does not get discussed at SLT meetings including the mentioning of specific students, staff or parent names.
Set SLT Meeting Dates for the Year
Dates were set for SLT Meetings for the Year
SLT Calendar for the 2020-2021 School Year:
- Nov. 12th, 2020
- Dec. 17th, 2020
- Jan. 21st, 2021
- Feb. 25th, 2021
- Mar. 18th, 2021
- Apr. 15th, 2021
- May 20th, 2021
- June 17th, 2021
News and Updates Committee Reports
UFT News and Updates
Mr. Ciprut indicated that there was no news/updates to be shared.
PTA News and Updates
PTA President Shernette Walters welcomed newly elected SLT Parent Representatives. The Scholastic Digital Libraries for the students were published and shared with students, staff, and families. Some concerns were raised around Savvas Math online assessments/program ** Ms.LaPorte will contact Savvas to check it out** (Note: Check Answer means to save the answer. Ms. LaPorte will also speak with staff to make them aware. PTA enrichment programs will begin in two weeks. (Beginning 11/9) The PTA is working on registering students for these programs. A question was asked around other teachers’ names in the google classrooms- Ms. LaPorte stated that teachers are collaborating with grade level teachers and sharing the workload for assignments and creating materials. This has been helping to maintain grade-level coherency and consistency especially in the event that students switch from blended to remote and vice versa. An idea was raised around providing grade 5 students with an opportunity to experience departmentalization- Ms. LaPorte and staff will revisit the idea of departmentalization as we get into the Spring.
Principal Report
Ms. LaPorte thanked the teachers and staff for the successful reopening of school. Many of the teachers and staff are doing double the work- teaching in-person students and managing and meeting with the blended remote students as well. To help provide support, the first and second grade teams now have a blended remote teacher to help support and service blended remote students. We are looking toward growing this for the rest of the grades. We currently have 1 ENL teacher in person- Ms. Keller. We now have hired a remote ENL teacher to help support and service ENL students. Ms. LaPorte thanked the students and families with all of their hard work both virtually and in person.
Random Covid Testing took place this past week. This will continue to take place once a month. We will send home a notice to make families aware that testing will take place the following week however the exact day is not given. This past testing day went very smoothly and the students did great.
Opt-In Window UPDATE: There will only be ONE opt- in the window from Nov. 2nd-Nov. 15th for families of students participating remotely to opt in for blended learning. This change was made by the DOE in hopes to build consistency for our children and families. This is guidance from the DOE, not the school. We will be keeping our program model and currently have many seats open for in-person learning.
Marking Period 1 will end on Dec. 7th and report cards will be sent home on Dec. 21st. Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Nov. 5th and will be a dialogue between families and teachers to share information about students. Families are encouraged to share how it is going at home.
Nov. 3rd is Election Day. All staff members will be working remotely this day and it will be a full instructional day for students.
Discussion of New Business Agenda Items
Cellphone Policy:
The Cellphone policy from the 2019-2020 school year was reviewed and a discussion was held around revising the section on bringing personal laptops/iPads, etc. to school to include this as part of the policy to support student’s working in the blended learning model. A revision was made to the policy to allow students to bring in personal laptops, iPads, kindles, etc. to work on school-related assignments only. These devices are to only be used during the instructional time of the school day and should be placed in backpacks when not is use.
Homework Policy:
A discussion was held around our homework policy as well as being flexible with due dates of assignments, activities, and tasks. A consensus was made around not giving homework assignments this year due to the fact that students already don’t have enough time to complete the work from the day and could use the time to work on trying to complete any work from the school day.
2020-2021 Grading Policy
Ms. LaPorte discussed the new grading policy guidelines and reviewed important parts from the Chancellor’s letter that was shared with families. Pre-K will not be given grades. Grades will still reflect the students’ understanding and growth in subject areas. Each school will select their own grading scale from several options such as 1-4 numerical scale, A-D, etc. Students will not receive failing grades this year if they have not yet met the learning outcomes for their courses. (Level 1 or 2). Instead students will receive a mark of N for “Needs Improvement” Families will have an option to request for passing grades to reflect Meets Standards (MT) rather than their score of 3, 3+, or 4 numerical grades on report cards ONLY for the Final grade in the final marking period. Parents will need to request this by writing a letter after final report cards have been distributed in June. This can be a request for MT in one subject area and doesn’t have to be in all content areas. Attendance will NOT be a factor in a student’s grades. However, grades will reflect participation, demonstration of all components of student learning, and engagement in their work. Grade of NL means there is not enough work to assess or provide a grade. It is also used for newly admitted students who have not attended school for at least 75% of the days in the marking period. The team will review and add these new components to our grading policy. Grade level teams will work to revise their grading policy based on the discussion of weight of formal assessments in this learning environment.
Review of CEP Goals in iPlan Portal
Ms. LaPorte reviewed the process the SLT went through to determine our goals for the 2020-2021 school year. The team reviewed NYS Data for ELA & Math, ESSA (School accountability reports). As part of CEP we need a goal for all students, a goal for English Language Learners, and a goal for Students with Disabilities. We need goals in ELA and Math and Chronic Absenteeism if we received a level 1 in this area which we did for our English Language Learners sub-group. Our goals have already been approved by the superintendent over the summer. The team is always reviewing and analyzing the action plan and the data to see if we are on track for meeting our June goals. We are always able to revise our action plan but NOT the goals. At our next meeting we will think about school data we can use to progress monitor whether we are on track for meeting our benchmarks and June goal since NYS state exam results don’t come in until the summer.
Walkthrough of iPlan Portal
We reviewed a power-point which discussed the action plan of a CEP and Progress Monitoring. As a next step prior to our November meeting the team will work on adding their thoughts and ideas to a Padlet to create an action plan for each goal.
Comments from the Chat:
- If a child is shy perhaps or if a child is uncomfortable with this new way of learning or if a child is embarrassed about the appearance of the home they are in those could be reasons for not turning video on. If family has TV blaring in the next room or talks loudly on the telephone or family members curse in the background that could be a reason why their screen is muted. This is a new way of learning that not all families are comfortable with and not all teachers are comfortable with.
- The teachers do not truly have a grasp on the students abilities so grading is going to be inaccurate as it was last year too. Please consider this thought for next meeting