
December 2024

Reminders & Important Dates

  • December 16, 2024 – December 20, 2024: Winter Spirit Week (see the Announcements page for more details)
  • December 23, 2024 – January 1, 2025: Winter Recess (school resumes on January 2, 2025)


In reading this month, we will continue with Module 3 of HMH. The essential question for this module is “What Makes a Community?” Students will work on skills such as, listening comprehension, making and checking predictions, using picture and text clues, main idea and supporting details, and giving summaries. We will be reading informational texts, fables, realistic fiction, and poetry. You can support this at home by reading a variety of books to your child. Remember to ask them comprehension questions that foster a deeper thinking.

In writing, students will also be focused on informational pieces. They will learn what key features are of informational writing and different forms of informational writing such as lists, and letters. They will also continue to learn about adjectives in grammar.


In Fundations we are continuing with Unit 1. We will be on Weeks 10-12. Students are still mastering lowercase letters and initial sounds of those letters. By now we will have learned all our vowels and will continue to practice their sounds as well. In Word Play, students will also be working on understanding the difference between sentences that need a period and a question mark. In Story Time, students will work on retelling skills and rhyming.


This month in math we will begin Unit 3: Flat Shapes All Around Us! This unit introduces students to the foundational concepts of geometry, with a focus on familiar flat (two-dimensional) shapes. Students will explore differences in shapes and use informal language to describe, compare, and sort them. Later in the unit, students use pattern blocks to make larger shapes. They reinforce their counting and comparison skills as they count and compare the pattern blocks
used to create larger shapes. Students also use positional words (above, below, next to, beside) to describe the shapes they compose.

Social Studies and Science

We will be continuing with the units started in November in both Social Studies and Science. This month we will also be celebrating Computer Science for All Week! Students will engage in a variety of plugged and unplugged activities that we will connect with our current units of study.

Happy Winter Recess!

We would like to wish you all a VERY Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!
Enjoy this special time and winter recess with your families!