Academic and Grading Policy

This grading policy was revised and updated for the 2024-2025 school year.

Philosophy and Purpose of Grading

The P.S. 115Q Academic and Grading Policy Handbook is designed to explain how student learning is measured in our school community. As a school community, we are committed to providing relevant, comprehensive, quality instruction in order to educate, prepare, and inspire our students to be life-long learners.

Academic grades play an important role in the schooling process. When schools inform students and parents of how grades will be determined in a particular subject, they are defining the standards and instructional requirements for that subject. Report cards are sent to parents informing them of the degree to which student success in learning and in mastering the Next Generation Learning Standards have occurred. Report cards provide reinforcement for students and reflect progress and achievement of students’ work at the grade level they are assigned.

Grades serve the following purposes:

  • Reflect a students’ level of understanding and command of content, student progression through a subject, and student mastery of skills at a given point in time.
  • Give parents information about their child that will be useful in helping to promote and maintain desirable patterns of behavior and achievement.
  • Help identify areas of strength, improvement/growth, and areas still in need of support.
  • Inform teachers’ curricular, instructional, and organizational decisions

P.S. 115Q believes that grading has a purposeful and useful role in our school. It is the school’s desire to make the process both meaningful and helpful to teachers, students, and families. The P.S. 115Q grading policy follows New York City Department of Education policies and guidelines and reflects professional evaluation by teachers.

Grades, based on documentation, participation, performance, and work habits of each individual student, are given on the basis of sound measurement techniques. Students earn grades; teachers do not give grades. Parents are encouraged to talk to their children about schoolwork and grades and contact teachers (first) and administrators (second) whenever there is a question regarding grading.

Grading and Reporting Requirements


Assessed in the following areas:

Pre-K Standards

  • Domain 1: Approaches to Learning
  • Domain 2: Physical Development and Health
  • Domain 3: Social and Emotional Development
  • Domain 4: Communication, Language, and Literacy
  • Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the World; Including Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and The Arts

Report Cards

Pre-K students do not receive report cards.

The November and March Parent Teacher Conferences will afford parents the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their child’s progress towards meeting the Pre-K Standards.

Kindergarten through Grade 5

Assessed in the following areas:

  • English Language Arts: (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Language)
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Arts (Music, Visual Art, Drama/Theater)
  • Library/Media
  • Technology
  • English as a New Language (only for students receiving mandated ENL instruction)
  • Academic and Personal Behaviors
  • Social-Emotional Development

Report Cards

Report Cards will be available for families to view in your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) at the end of each marking period (December, March, June). Kindergarten students will receive grades for all subject areas as indicated to the left however grades for a few sub-components in math, science, and social studies will only be given in March and June due to the scope and sequence of our curriculum as well as the developmental readiness of students.

Students who have been newly admitted to our school will receive a grade if they have attended school for a minimum of 75% of the days within a marking period. If they have attended school for less than 75% of the days in the marking period, they will receive a mark of NL (Newly admitted) for that marking period. Students could also receive a mark of NL if there is insufficient information to determine whether a student has met standards.

Classroom performance is measured by a variety of indicators such as participation during whole group and small group lessons, classwork, tasks, assignments, projects, asynchronous work, one on one conferences, small group work, etc.

Students who missed assignments will have up to a week to make up any missed assignments from their original due date. If they are absent due to illness, they will have up to two weeks from the day they return to make up any missed assignments.

Please note that when you receive your child’s report card in June, there will be grades for marking period 3, as well as a final grade which will be an average of the overall grades from marking periods 1, 2, and 3.

Procedure for Changing a Student’s Report Card Grades, Changing Attendance, or Changing Number of Days Late

Once report cards have been distributed to families in your NYC Schools Account, (December, March, June) any changes to report card grades, attendance, or number of days late must be approved by the Principal or Assistant Principal.

  • Parents should report any discrepancies to classroom or cluster teachers within 2 days of the report card distribution date.
  • Classroom and cluster teachers will determine if grade, absences, number of days late should be changed. Teachers will discuss the change with the Principal or Assistant Principal.
  • All changes to report card final grades, final attendance, and final number of days late must be made prior to July 1 of that year. The school year ends on June 30, and the new school year begins on July 1.  Once the new school year begins, no changes can be made to grades from prior years.

Report Card Distribution

  • Marking Period 1 Report Card Distribution Date: December 13, 2024
  • Marking Period 2 Report Card Distribution Date: March 14, 2025
  • Marking Period 3 Report Card Distribution Date: June 26, 2025

Parent Teacher Conferences

  • Marking Period 1 Parent Teacher Conference Date: November 7, 2024
  • Marking Period 2 Parent Teacher Conference Date: March 6, 2025

Promotion and Retention of Students

Promotion and retention of students is determined based upon Chancellor’s Regulation A-501, which outlines promotion standards of students in grades K-12, as well as procedures for implementing the promotion policy.

Grading Policies


Course Mark: ME

  • Description: Exceeds standards (5-point competency scale)
  • Numeric Equivalent: 95
  • Pass/Fail Equivalent: P

Course Mark: MA

  • Description: Above standards (5-point competency scale)
  • Numeric Equivalent: 85
  • Pass/Fail Equivalent: P

Course Mark: MT

  • Description: Meets standards (5-point competency scale)
  • Numeric Equivalent: 75
  • Pass/Fail Equivalent: P

Course Mark: MP

  • Description: Approaching standards (5-point competency scale)
  • Numeric Equivalent: 65
  • Pass/Fail Equivalent: P

Course Mark: MB

  • Description: Below standards (5-point competency scale)
  • Numeric Equivalent: 55
  • Pass/Fail Equivalent: F

Kindergarten Grading Policy

Explanation of Grades

English Language Arts (ELA) Overall Grade/Teacher

ELA is composed of: the Average of Overall Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking and Language Components listed below.

Reading/Teacher Average of the following components:

  • Identifies letters by letter name and sound and uses letter sounds to read familiar and/or new words: 50% Formal Assessment, 50% Classroom Performance
  • Demonstrates understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds: 50% Informal Assessment, 50% Classroom Performance
  • Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print: 50% Informal Assessment, 50% Classroom Performance
  • Reads emergent-reader texts (fiction and nonfiction) with purpose and understanding: 50% Informal Assessments, 50% Classroom Performance

Writing/Teacher Average of the following components:

  • Uses a combination of writing, drawing, and/or dictating for a variety of purposes- 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessment
  • Uses knowledge of letters and sounds in writing: 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessment

Listening, Speaking, and Language/Teacher Average of the following components:

  • During collaborative discussions, expresses ideas with clarity and relevant, descriptive detail: Content Area – 70% Whole group; 30% Small group lesson discussions
  • Asks and answers questions with appropriate detail: 70% Whole Group Discussion, 30% Small Group Discussion

Mathematics (Overall Grade)/Teacher Average of the following components:

  • Demonstrates an understanding of mathematical concepts: 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments
  • Solves problems in multiple ways and explains solutions (marking periods 2 and 3 only): 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments

Science (Overall Grade)/Teacher Average of the following components:

  • Demonstrates an understanding of science content and concepts: 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments
  • Uses beginning reading, writing, and mathematics to gather, interpret, and use evidence in science content and concepts: 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments
  • Makes and tests predictions, seeks answers, and develops solutions (marking periods 2 and 3 only): 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments

Social Studies and History (Overall Grade)/Teacher Average of the following components:

  • Demonstrates an understanding of social studies content and concepts:70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments
  • Uses beginning reading and writing to gather, interpret, and use evidence in social studies content and concepts: 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments
  • Applies critical thinking to extend understanding of content and concepts (marking periods 2 and 3 only): 70% Classroom Performance, 30% Formal Assessments

Physical Education/Teacher:

  • 40% Mastery of Skills, 20% Participation/Effort, 20% Knowledge of concepts, principles, tactics, strategies, 20% Conduct- Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others

Arts: Visual Arts, Dance, and/or Music (Overall Grade)/Teacher

  • Art Cluster = 40% Creativity/Skill, 40% Effort, 20% Participation
  • Drama/Theater Cluster = 40% Classroom Performance, 30% Participation, 30% Effort
  • Music Cluster = 40% Participation, 40% Classroom Performance/Understanding Musical Concepts, 20% Effort

Library/Media Cluster

  • 40% Classroom Performance, 30% Participation, 30% Effort

Technology Cluster

  • Technology Cluster = 50% Classwork, 30% Effort, 20% Participation

English as a New Language ENL Teacher

  • 50% Classroom participation, 50% Classroom Performance: Uses English to understand and apply information for content area learning and personal use
  • Student progress in: 25% Reading, 25% Writing, 25% Listening, 25% Speaking

Academic and Personal Behaviors (Overall Grade)/Teacher Average of the following components:

  • Manages time and consistently demonstrates effort to independently achieve goals: 100% Classroom Performance
  • Works in an organized manner: 100% Classroom Performance
  • Persists through challenges to complete a task by trying different strategies: 100% Classroom Performance
  • Asks for help when needed: 100% Classroom Performance
  • Respects school rules and works well in the school community: 100% Classroom/School Performance
  • Social Emotional Development: 100% Classroom Performance